001K15 Renews Canada topo map, 1:50,000 scale
001K15 Renews NRCAN topographic map.
Includes UTM and GPS geographic coordinates (latitude and longitude). This 50k scale map is suitable for hiking, camping, and exploring, or you could frame it as a wall map.
Printed on-demand using high resolution, on heavy weight and acid free paper, or as an upgrade on a variety of synthetic materials.
Topos available on paper, Waterproof, Poly, or Tyvek. Usually shipping rolled, unless combined with other folded maps in one order.
- Product Number: NRCAN-001K15
- Parent Topo: TOPO-001K
- Map ID also known as: 001K15, 01K15, 1K15
- Unfolded Size: Approximately 26" high by 36" wide
- Weight (paper map): ca. 55 grams
- Map Type: POD NRCAN Topographic Map
- Map Scale: 1:50,000
- Geographical region: Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada
Neighboring Maps:
All neighboring Canadian topo maps are available for sale online at 1:50,000 scale.
Purchase the smaller scale map covering this area: Topo-001K
Spatial coverage:
Topo map sheet 001K15 Renews covers the following places:
- Admiral's Cove - Anthonys Gully - Aquaforte Harbour - Bald Head Cove - Ballard Cove - Bathing Cove - Bear Cove - Bear Cove - Blackhead Cove - Blacksmith - Buckleys Gut - Burnt Cove - Calves Cove - Cape Ballard Cove - Cappahayden Cove - Chance Bay - Chance Cove - Church Cove - Clear Cove - Coal Harbour - Dinns Cove - Doctors Rock Cove - Drifters Cove - Fermeuse Harbour - Frenchmans Cove - Frenchman's Cove - Funny Cove - Gallie Cove - Gallis Cove - Kingman's Cove - Lance Cove - Lawler Bay - Little Seal Cove - Lumley Cove - Mattys Cove - Murphys Cove - Port Gulch - Quinlans Cove - Renews Harbour - Roaches Cove - Round Cove - Sandy Cove - Sculpin Bay - Seal Cove - Sheeps Head Cove - Shoe Cove - Sunker Rock Cove - The Bight - The Holes - Trixes Cove - Watering Cove - O'Flahertys Beach - Walshs Beach - Avalon Peninsula - Bald Head - Bear Cove Head - Bear Cove Point - Berry Head - Black Head - Black Head - Blow Me Down Head - Bluff Head - Bulls Head - Burnt Point - Cape Ballard - Chance Cove Head - Folly Point - Garrison Point - Horn Head - Morgans Point - North Point - Northern Head - Northern Head - Quinlans Head - Renews Head - Sculpin Point - Sheep's Head - Shoe Cove Head - Sleeper Point - Small Point - South Head - South Point - Steel Point - Traces Point - Devils Kitchen - Buttlands Gut - The Garrison - Gull Island - O'Tooles Island - Renews Island - Bear Cove Pond - Beaver Pond - Beaver Pond - Berths Pond - Black Duck Gully - Black Duck Pond - Brandy Pond - Broad Cove Pond - Broom Cove Pond - Burnt Wood Pond - Chance Bay Pond - Chance Pond - Clam Pond - Clancy Pond - Duck Pond - First Pond - Freshwater Pond - Grassey Pond - Grassy Pond - Gull Pond - Gull Pond - Gull Pond - Inside Freshwater Pond - Inside Pond - Island Pond - Long Pond - Long Pond - Ma Cummings Pond - Martins Pond - Merrymeeting Pond - Middle Pond - Passage Pond - River Head Pond - Riverhead Pond - Rocky Pond - Shoe Cove Pond - Third Pond - Thousand Acre Pond - Vender Pond - Willies Pond - Cape Ballard Hill - Coopers Hill - Coopers Hill - Devils Lookout - Graveyard Hill - High Mount - Joe Pillers Lookout - Midnight Hill - North Lookout - Old Womans Head - Old Womans Hill - Quinlans Hill - Southern Head Hill - The Bench - The Mount - White Hill - Chance Cove Provincial Park - Bear Cove River - Cappahayden Brook - Chance Pond River - Freshwater River - Gull Pond River - Kennedys River - Main River - Oates River - Old Woman's Brook - Renews River - Rossiters Brook - Shoe Cove River - Sweet River - Johns Rock - Northern Rock - Rendezvous Rock - Southern Rock - Anchor Rock - Aquafort Rocks - Aquaforte Rocks - Bantam Banks - Bar Shoal - Bear Cove Rocks - Black Horse Rock - Bullhead Bantam - Clear Cove Rock - Fermeuse Bantam - High Rocks - Kettlebottom Rock - Mad Rock - Renews Bantam - Renews Rocks - Sculpin Rock - Shag Rock - Sunker Rock - The Bells of Chance Cove - Whaleback Rock - White Horse Rock - Fermeuse - Port Kirwan - Port Kirwin - Renews-Cappahayden - Admiral's Cove - Cappahayden - Fermeuse - Freshwater - Gripes Nest - Kingman's - North Side - Path End - Renews - Riverhead - Beaver Pond Marsh - Cape Ballard Marshes - Gully Marsh - Lookout Marsh - Merrigan Meadow - Point Meadow - Shoe Cove Marshes - Thousand Acre Marsh