1974 Close-up USA, North Central States Theme
The North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri: Open Skies and Rolling Land travel poster is a companion to the map of the North Central States, published in March 1974. Part of the Close-up: U.S.A. series, this map hightlights the diverse landmarks and landscapes to be found in the region including agricultural settings, Indian reservations, frontier forts, national forests, and scenic lakes and rivers.
- Product Number: PODHNG_US_N_C_74_T
- Reference Product Number: 2321216M
- ISBN: - None -
- Date of Publication: 6/1/1974
- Unfolded (flat) Size: 35 inches high by 22.75 inches wide
- Map format: Wall
- Map type: Trade Maps - Wall Art
- Geographical region: United States