Blue Ridge Parkway Map - Southern Section
This recreational map of Blue Ridge Parkway from Outdoor Paths Publishing is designed to act as your guide as you travel the Parkway. Each map shows visitor centers, trailheads, campgrounds, overlooks, tunnels, access roads, major recreation areas, Forest Service campgrounds, and waterfalls. In addition, many back roads are shown in detail, making this map an invaluable guide to scenic drives in the area as well as a recreational resource for areas surrounding the Parkway.
- Product Number: OPP_BLUE_RIDGE_S_11
- Reference Product Number: 2294015M
- ISBN: 9780977091546
- Date of Publication: 6/1/2011
- Folded Size: 9 inches high by 4 inches wide
- Unfolded (flat) Size: 31.5 inches high by 27 inches wide
- Map format: Folded
- Map type: Trade Maps - Park
- Geographical region: United States
- Geographical subregion: North Carolina