The United States for Kids [Boxed] (National Geographic Reference Map)
National Geographics The United States for Kids wall map is an enticing and engaging United States map perfect for classroom, home or library. Recommended by geography educators for ages 7 – 12, this map features an optimized map design for readability and easy, intuitive learning. All 50 states and the District of Columbia are shown with their official, colorful flags, The flags are arranged in alphabetical order for ease-of-use. Expertly researched, The United States for Kids map is an essential reference tool for todays well informed student of geography.
- Product Number: NG_USA_KID_BOX_15
- Reference Product Number: 2214129M
- ISBN: 9781597756303
- Date of Publication: 6/1/2015
- Unfolded (flat) Size: 36 inches high by 24 inches wide
- Map format: Wall
- Map type: Trade Maps - Political
- Geographical region: United States