Camden Hiking & Biking Trail Map
One of Maine’s best kept secret hiking trails with ocean views just 3.5 hours from Boston! Camden Hills miles of coastal hiking trails should not be missed. Camden State Park trails and sunset from Mt. Battie, with its postcard view overlooking the town of Camden, complement the seaside fun of kayaking, sailing, and a lobster feast.
Map Features
Waterproof paper
Hiking trails with 20 day hikes
Bike routes with 5 day loops
Beaches and swimming
Points of interest
Index of trails, with difficulty ratings
Mileage between points
Areas Covered
Camden Hills State Park
Owls Head
Vinalhaven Island
- Product Number: MADV_CAMDEN_HILLS_18
- Reference Product Number: - None -
- ISBN: 9781890060336
- Date of Publication: 1/1/2018
- Folded Size: 9 inches high by 3.85 inches wide
- Unfolded (flat) Size: 19.5 inches high by 27 inches wide
- Map format: Folded
- Map type: Trade Maps - Hiking
- Geographical region: United States
- Geographical subregion: Maine