The Best Urban Hikes: Boulder
The city of Boulder is a Gold-level Walk Friendly Community, which makes it one of the best in the country for getting around by foot. Between the city and county open space systems, there are 265 miles of trails along the Front Range of Boulder County. The Best Urban Hikes: Boulder provides detailed information on 22 urban hikes that are easily accessible within Boulder, Lafayette, Longmont, Louisville, Niwot, and Superior. The focus is on pleasant walks in nature that offer wonderful views east of the foothills. Many of these hikes are stroller and wheelchair accessible, and quite a few can easily be reached by bike or bus. This book is for locals looking for convenient everyday hikes, as well as visitors searching for the best walks. Learn about how Boulders urban trail systems connect with each other and make it easy to escape the city, in the city.
- Product Number: CMC_C2546_
- Reference Product Number: - None -
- ISBN: 9781937052546
- Date of Publication: 4/1/2020
- Folded Size: 7 inches high by 4 inches wide
- Map format: - None -
- Map type: Books/Monographs - Hiking Guides
- Geographical region: United States
- Geographical subregion: Colorado