041H09 Pointe Au Baril Station Canada topo map, 1:50,000 scale
041H09 Pointe Au Baril Station NRCAN topographic map.
Includes UTM and GPS geographic coordinates (latitude and longitude). This 50k scale map is suitable for hiking, camping, and exploring, or you could frame it as a wall map.
Printed on-demand using high resolution, on heavy weight and acid free paper, or as an upgrade on a variety of synthetic materials.
Topos available on paper, Waterproof, Poly, or Tyvek. Usually shipping rolled, unless combined with other folded maps in one order.
- Product Number: NRCAN-041H09
- Parent Topo: TOPO-041H
- Map ID also known as: 041H09, 41H9, 41H09
- Unfolded Size: Approximately 26" high by 36" wide
- Weight (paper map): ca. 55 grams
- Map Type: POD NRCAN Topographic Map
- Map Scale: 1:50,000
- Geographical region: Ontario, Canada
Neighboring Maps:
All neighboring Canadian topo maps are available for sale online at 1:50,000 scale.
Purchase the smaller scale map covering this area: Topo-041H
Spatial coverage:
Topo map sheet 041H09 Pointe Au Baril Station covers the following places:
- Aldrich Cove - Baie Georgienne - Bayfield Harbour - Bayfield Inlet - Bayfield Inlet - Bennetts Bay - Big Bay - Big Deep Bay - Bolger Bay - Borrows Bay - Buchus Bay - Chutes Bay - Deep Bay - Driftwood Bay - Duck Bay - Georgian Bay - Greens Bay - Harrisons Bay - Haslam Bay - Haywards Bay - Hogsback Bay - Holts Bay - Hopewell Bay - Laura Bay - Lawson Bay - LeBlanc Bay - Long Arm - Magnetawan Bay - Moonlight Bay - Nares Inlet - Nares Inlet - Oberlin Bay - Paddys Bay - Parkers Bay - Pelham Cove - Pike Bay - Portage Bay - Robertsons Bay - Sandy Bay - Shabbots Bay - Shanty Bay - Shawanaga Inlet - Skerryvore Bay - Slip Bay - Sturgeon Bay - Summerville Bay - Taylor Bay - Toronto Bay - Tracy Bay - Truax Bay - Wajuwebo Bay - Whitestone Bay - Ketchums Beach - Mill Beach - Straubs Beach - Abbott Point - Blanche Point - Creswells Point - Eberles Point - Eureka Point - Gowland Point - Graves Point - Hagartys Point - Haggart Point - Harts Point - Hazel Point - Hemlock Point - Hogarth Point - Kelleys Point - Kelly Point - Kitsilano Point - Klokaloo Point - Lookout Point - MacRaes Point - Macys Point - Marjorie Point - Marks Point - Marshall Point - McGibbon Point - McLean Point - Millers Point - Mortons Point - Parwood Point - Pine Ridge Point - Point Comfort - Porcupine Point - Sedgewick Point - Selma Point - Skram Point - Straubs Point - Sunset Point - Toggle Point - Trails End Point - Truax Point - Violet Point - Walkerville Point - Back Channel - Bottrells Narrows - Brignall Banks Narrows - Deadmans Narrows - Hemlock Channel - Indian Narrows - Kitsilano Channel - Middle Channel - Parkers Narrows - Pointe au Baril Channel - S Turn Channel - Skerryvore Channel - Sneak Channel - Whitestone Chutes - Brown - Burpee - Burton - Carling - East Burpee - Ferguson - Hagerman - Harrison - McKenzie - Parry Sound - Shawanaga - Wallbridge - Magnetawan 1 - Magnetawan Indian Reserve 1 - Naiscoutaing 17A - Naiscoutaing Indian Reserve 17A - Réserve indienne Magnetawan 1 - Réserve indienne Naiscoutaing 17A - Réserve indienne Shawanaga 17 - Réserve indienne Shawanaga 17B - Shawanaga 17 - Shawanaga 17B - Shawanaga Indian Reserve 17 - Shawanaga Indian Reserve 17B - Abbott Island - Addoms Island - Amy Island - Arbor Vitae Island - Aristenesos Island - Armida Island - Barclay Island - Bedwell Island - Bellavista Island - Belle Island - Bien Venue Island - Bigwood Island - Birch Island - Birchard Island - Black Bass Island - Blue Chip Island - Blue Chips Island - Bobs Island - Bogart Island - Bonnie Island - Boys Island - Bruckland Island - Burnt Island - Burnt Island - Carfrae Island - Caroline Island - Carolyn Island - Castor Island - Champlain Monument Island - Chowne Island - Clare Island - Claytonwood Island - Deadmans Island - Dorets Island - Double Island - Dundurn Island - Eaglenest Island - Edna Island - Eldorado Island - Electric Island - Emerald Island - Empress Island - Fairwood Island - Four Winds Island - Gillanders Island - Good Island - Grave Island - Green Island - Griffins Island - Grindstone Island - Groundhog Island - H.A. Gray Island - Harris Island - Harrisons Island - Hearts Content Island - High Pine Island - Hopewell Island - Horseshoe Island - Huckleberry Island - Hydes Island - Isaacs Island - Jergens Island - Kaavis Island - Kaawis Island - Kathalan Island - Kenilworth Island - Ketchums Island - Kishkadena Island - Kyle Island - Lampey Island - Lauder Islands - Leonard Island - Little Otakesing Island - Lloyd Island - MacKenzie Island - Mackey Island - Macklin Island - Maryrose Island - Maskinonge Island - Mayne Island - McConkey Island - Meenahaga Island - Moffat Island - Mosley Island - Nadeau Island - Nepahwin Island - Ojibway Island - Oldfield Island - Olive Island - Oliver Island - Olver Island - Opechee Island - Orchard Island - Otakesing Island - Ozone Island - Passage Island - Pavis Island - Pentecost Island - Pittsburg Island - Pollard Island - Pollux Island - Poplar Island - Price Island - Puswawa Island - Raspberry Island - Rathlyn Island - Richards Island - Rogers Island - Ropers Island - Sandy Hook - Sasega Island - School House Island - Scroggies Island - Shawanaga Island - Sidney Island - Skunk Island - Squirecrest Island - Squires Island - Stairs Island - Telfer Island - Thallata Island - Thorburn Island - Tonches Island - Tracy Island - Trim Tree Island - Turkey Island - Turnbull Island - Turning Island - Underwood Island - Vernon Island - Victoria Island - Wanesching Island - Wedding Cake Island - White Island - Winona Island - Woodlands Island - Young Island - Zephyr Island - Zock Island - Apple Lake - Apple Lake - Argue Lake - Bat Lake - Bear Lake - Bear Lake - Bell Lake - Big Lake - Birch Lake - Bird Lake - Black Lake - Black Oak Lake - Blue Lake - Bolger Lake - Boundary Lake - Boyd Lake - Brewery Lake - Brophys Lake - Burnt Lake - Burnt Lake - Carson Lake - Cat Lake - Clear Lake - Cranberry Lake - De Bois Lake - De Volve Lake - Doctor Lake - Dogfish Lake - Evans Lake - Fox Lake - Fraud Lake - Giroux Lake - Gooseneck Lake - Gordon Lake - Grandma Lake - Grandpa Lake - Granite Lake - Granite Lake - Green Island Lake - Grouse Lake - Gull Lake - Harris Lake - Headquarters Lake - Hogan Lake - Horseshoe Lake - Island Lake - Kashegaba Lake - Kibeong Lake - Lac Huron - Lac La Vallée - Lake Huron - Little Carson Lake - Little Gooseneck Lake - Little Shawanaga Lake - Little Wilson Lake - Littles Back Lake - Littles Lake - Log Lake - Lone Tree Lake - Lonetree Lake - Long Lake - Long Moose Lake - Loon Lake - Lorimer Lake - Lost Tower Lake - Mallard Lake - Maple Lake - McCabes Lake - McCormicks Pond - Miner Lake - Miskokway Lake - Moose Lake - Mud Lake - Munsons Lake - Myrtle Lake - Naiscoot Lake - Nine Mile Lake - Nine-mile Lake - Northern Pike Lake - Owl Lake - Oxbow Lake - Paddy Gordon Lake - Partridge Lake - Pike Lake - Porcupine Lake - Rainy Lake - Raven Lake - Rock Island Lake - Round Lake - Round Lake - Scott Lake - Secret Lake - Seesee Lake - Shawanaga Lake - Silver Bass Lake - Six Mile Lake - Skunk Lake - Snakeskin Lake - Snowshoe Lake - Spectacle Lake - Sucker Lake - Sullivan Lake - Taylors Lake - Tea Lake - The Big Lake - The Top Lake - Timber Wolf Lake - Tower Lake - Trout Lake - Trout Lake - Truax Lake - Turtle Lake - Upper Marsh Lake - Wahwashkesh Lake - Wallace Lake - Wassagami Lake - West Taylors Lake - Whites Lake - Wilson Lake - Wiwassasegen Lake - Wolf Lake - The Hogsback - Carling - Georgian Bay North Archipelago - Georgian Bay South Archipelago - Hagerman - Magnetawan - McDougall - The Archipelago - Whitestone - Ferguson Township White Pine Forest Conservation Reserve - Island Lake Forest and Barrens Conservation Reserve - Naiscoot Forest Conservation Reserve - Oxbow Lake Forest Conservation Reserve - Point au Baril Forests and Wetlands Conservation Reserve - Round Lake Provincial Nature Reserve - Shawanaga Lake Conservation Reserve - Sturgeon Bay Provincial Park - Wahwashkesh-Naiscoot Conservation Reserve - Thirty Dollar Rapids - Three Snye Rapids - Blair Creek - Bolger Creek - Briar Creek - Dogfish River - Farm Creek - Fivemile River - Gooseneck Creek - Harris River - Loon Creek - Magnetawan River - Munsons Creek - Naiscoot River - Paddys Creek - Sauder Creek - Shawanaga River - Snakeskin Creek - South Branch - Sucker Creek - Sucker Creek - Whitestone River - Indian Portage - Bald Rock - Button Rocks - Carey Rocks - Clamshell Rock - Dans Rocks - Duke Rock - Gull Rock - Jane Rock - Jessies Rock - Johnny Rock - Josephine Rocks - Julia Reef - Little Pickerel Rock - Loaf Rock - MacRae Rock - Mary Rock - McGregor Rock - Millers Rocks - Moby Dick - North Pickerel Rock - O'Connor Rocks - Peak Stone Rock - Pickerel Rocks - Pirie Rocks - Pym Rock - Register Rock - Register Shoal - Rigg Rock - Ripple Rock - Robertsons Shoal - Squaw Rock - Sultan Rock - Torran Rocks - Turning Rocks - Turtleback Rock - Vivian Rocks - Whitsun Rock - Porcupine Spring - Ardbeg - Bayfield - Bayfield Inlet - Boakview - Bolger - Bolger Bridge - Burton - Harris Lake - Manbert - Naiscoot - Niweme - North Magnetawan - Ojibway Island - Pointe au Baril Station - Shawanaga - Shawanaga Landing - Skerryvore - South Mag - South Maganatawan - South Magnetawan - Wahwashkesh - Wahwashkesh Landing