031D09 Burleigh Falls Canada topo map, 1:50,000 scale
031D09 Burleigh Falls NRCAN topographic map.
Includes UTM and GPS geographic coordinates (latitude and longitude). This 50k scale map is suitable for hiking, camping, and exploring, or you could frame it as a wall map.
Printed on-demand using high resolution, on heavy weight and acid free paper, or as an upgrade on a variety of synthetic materials.
Topos available on paper, Waterproof, Poly, or Tyvek. Usually shipping rolled, unless combined with other folded maps in one order.
- Product Number: NRCAN-031D09
- Parent Topo: TOPO-031D
- Map ID also known as: 031D09, 31D9, 31D09
- Unfolded Size: Approximately 26" high by 36" wide
- Weight (paper map): ca. 55 grams
- Map Type: POD NRCAN Topographic Map
- Map Scale: 1:50,000
- Geographical region: Ontario, Canada
Neighboring Maps:
All neighboring Canadian topo maps are available for sale online at 1:50,000 scale.
Purchase the smaller scale map covering this area: Topo-031D
Spatial coverage:
Topo map sheet 031D09 Burleigh Falls covers the following places:
- Bicelow Bay - Black Duck Bay - Brooks Bay - Brysons Bay - Burleigh Bay - Butchers Bay - Callahan Bay - Cassidy Bay - Deer Bay - Gilchrist Bay - Grundys Bay - Hamilton Bay - Hull Bay - Long Bay - Lower Black Bay - Mackenzie Bay - McCoy Bay - Nicholas Cove - Northey Bay - Puffer Bay - Quarry Bay - Rathbun Bay - Redmond Bay - Sandy Creek Bay - Sandy Point Bay - Sharpe Bay - South Bay - Spencleys Bay - Sunrise Bay - Tait Bay - Tate's Bay - Upper Black Bay - Whetung Bay - Young Bay - Black Point - Brown Point - Craft Point - Davis Point - Fair Oaks Point - Fish House Point - Freeborn Point - Hall Point - Head Lands - Hurricane Point - Hurricane Point - Johnsons Point - Lancasters Point - Long Pine Point - McIllmoy Point - Millage Point - Monroe Point - Nicholls Point - North Point - Pearson Point - Pearsons Head - Sandy Point - Sandy Point - Scotchman Point - Scotsman Point - Snooky Point - South Birch Point - Stricker Point - Tait Point - Tanner Point - Tate's Point - Traynor Point - Wood Wharf Point - Young Point - Back Channel - Back Channel - Bald Lake Narrows - Big Bald Narrows - Boshing Narrows - Buckhorn Narrows - Catchacoma Narrows - Chemong Narrows - Chemung Narrows - Devils Elbow - Foul Narrows - Hells Gate - Hurricane Bend - Lost Lake Channel - Snaggy Channel - Burleigh Falls - High Falls - Anstruther - Burleigh - Cavendish - Chandos - Douro - Dummer - Galway - Harvey - Methuen - Peterborough - Smith - Islands in the Trent Waters Indian Reserve 36A - Réserve indienne Islands in the Trent Waters 36A - Ackerman Island - Acton Island - Al-Jo Island - Amy Island - Anchorage Island - Armstrong Island - Austin Island - Barries Island - Beaver Island - Berghaven Island - Big Island - Big Island - Big Otter Island - Blomfield Island - Bloomfield Island - Bohacker Island - Boyd Island - Bradburn Island - Bravenders Island - Breeze Island - Brock Island - Brown Island - Brownscombe Island - Bruces Islands - Brushy Island - Burnham Island - Butchers Island - Caldwell Island - Callender Island - Callinan Island - Canfields Island - Casement Island - Casement Island - Chicopee Island - Christian Island - Clark Island - Collins Island - Collins Island - Comstock Island - Cotton Island - Cox Island - Craig Island - Craigs Island - Cranberry Island - Cut Island - Davis Island - Dennes Island - Dinnertime Island - Dodsworth Island - Doe Island - Dr. Moirs Island - Duncombe Island - Dynamite Island - E.M.D. Halls Island - Eagle Mount Island - East Island - Eastland Island - Eddis Island - Elliot Island - Emerald Isle - Fairy Lake Island - Feathers Island - Fiji Island - Fish Island - Footes Island - Frasers Island - Gibson Island - Gladhalken Island - Gladman Island - Glassey Island - Goldsmith Island - Gould Island - Grassy Island - Grassy Island - Green Island - Greenwood Island - Grey Duck Island - Griffith Island - Griggs Island - Grubbe Island - Halls Island - Hardstone Island - Harston Island - Haywood Island - Hendrens Island - Heron Island - Higgins Island - Hilliard Island - Hitchins Island - Hopkins Island - Horseshoe Island - Howell Island - Hughes Island - Indian Island - Jacknife Island - Juniper Island - Kennedy Island - Kiluna Island - Knapmans Island - Lamoyne Island - Lech Island - Leming Island - Lindsays Island - Little Otter Island - Long Island - Long Pinepoint Island - Lundy Island - Majestic Island - Maniece Island - Marshall Island - McBains Island - McCallums Island - Meyers Island - Millage Island - Millers Island - Minnewawa Island - Mitchell Island - Moirs Island - Moore Island - Morrow Island - Morrows Island - Munroe Island - Neills Island - Nenabush Island - Oak Island - Peck Island - Pine Island - Pine Point Island - Piper Island - Pompadour Island - Porters Island - Porters Island - Quarry Island - R.R. Halls Island - Rackhams Island - Rebus Island - Red Rock Island - Richards Island - Robinsons Island - Rock Island - Roetzel Island - Rose Island - Roxborough Island - Ruba Island - Salmon Island - Sheehys Island - Sheriff Island - Sherin Island - Ship Island - Simpson Island - Sister Islands - Snake Island - South Robbins Island - Spook Island - Stock Island - Stubbs Island - Syndicate Island - Tanner Island - Tarbox Island - Taylor Island - Taylors Island - Three Islands - Three Sisters Islands - Tickmo Island - Toronto Island - Toronto Islets - W. G. Morrows Island - Watch Island - Webbs Island - Whale Island - Whistle Islands - Wilcox Island - Willoughby Island - Wolf Island - Woods Island - Worrell Island - Agate Lake - Anstruther Lake - Beaver Lake - Big Bald Lake - Big Cedar Lake - Big Duck Pond - Bolger Lake - Buckhorn Lake - Buzzard Lake - Catchacoma Lake - Cavendish Lake - Chemong Lake - Chemung Lake - Cherry Lake - Church Lake - Clear Lake - Cloudy Lake - Cold Lake - Compass Lake - Concession Lake - Coon Lake - Cox Lake - Crab Lake - Crane Lake - Crystal Lake - De Gaulle Lake - Duck Pond - Dummer Lake - Egg Lake - Elm Lake - Fair Lake - Fairy Lake - Galharv Lake - Golborne Lakes - Gold Lake - Hansa Lake - Hemlock Lake - Horseshoe Lake - Jack Lake - Julian Lake - Kawartha Lakes - Lavery Lake - Little Bald Lake - Little Jack Lake - Little Long Lake - Little Mountain Lake - Little Mud Lake - Little Spinster Lake - Long Lake - Long Lake - Loom Lake - Loon Call Lake - Loucks Lake - Lovesick Lake - Lower Buckhorn Lake - McGee Lake - McGinnis Lake - Minnow Lake - Mississagua Lake - Mountain Lake - Nogen Pond - Pigeon Lake - Pilot Lake - Poplar Lake - Red Lake - Sandy Lake - Shark Lake - Sparkler Lake - Spinster Lake - Stony Lake - Stoplog Lake - Tamarack Lake - Ties Lake - Triangle Lake - Turtle Lake - Udra Lake - Upper Chemong Lake - Upper Chemung Lake - Vixen Lake - Volturno Lake - White Lake - Wolf Lake - Peterborough - United Counties of Northumberland and Durham - Belmont and Methuen - Burleigh and Anstruther - Burleigh-Anstruther-Chandos - Chandos - Douro - Douro-Dummer - Douro-Dummer - Dummer - Ennismore - Galway and Cavendish - Galway-Cavendish and Harvey - Harvey - Havelock-Belmont-Methuen - North Kawartha - Smith - Smith-Ennismore - Smith-Ennismore-Lakefield - Kawartha Highlands Provincial Park - Kawartha Highlands Signature Site Park - Lieu historique national du Canada de la Voie-Navigable-Trent--Severn - Petroglyphs Provincial Park - Quackenbush Provincial Park - Sharpe Bay Fen Conservation Reserve - Trent--Severn Waterway National Historic Site of Canada - Wolf Island Provincial Park - Anstruther Creek - Apsley Creek - Bear Creek - Bottle Creek - Buzzard Creek - Camp Creek - Cloudy Creek - Crane Creek - Deer Bay Creek - Eels Creek - Eels Creek - Grassy Creek - Indian River - Jack Creek - Julia Creek - Lavery Creek - Loom Creek - Loon Call Creek - Miskwaa Ziibi - Mississagua Brook - Mississagua River - Nogies Creek - Perrys Creek - Redmond Creek - Sandy Creek - Squaw River - St. Croix Creek - Volturno Creek - Deer Bay Reach - Amburgs Reef - Boarding House Reef - Church Steeple Rock - Confusion Shoal - Cruiser Shoal - Dead Horse Shoal - Dropping Reef - Dry Rock - Elephant Rock - Falaasa Rock - Five Foot Shoal - Gordon Rock - Gordon Rocks - Grandfathers Rock - Gull Rock - Hannahs Rock - Hurricane Reef - July Reefs - Mouse Rock - Neills Shoal - North Goose Rock - Old Tar - Plum Pudding Rock - Plum Stone - Polly Cow Rock - Red Rock - Scow Rock - Sherin Shoal - Sockeye Rock - Sunken Rock - The Black Rock - The Spoiler - Tobico Rock - Vivians Shoal - Wash Rock - Dropping Springs - Alpine Village - Anstruther Lake - Big Cedar - Buckhorn - Burleigh Falls - Catchacoma - Clarina - Crowes Landing - Deer Bay - Flynns Turn - Gilchrist Bay - Hall Glen - Hall's Bridge - Haultain - Jack Lake - Juniper Island - Kawartha Park - Lakehurst - McCrackens Landing - McCracken's Landing - Mississagua Landing - Mount Julian - Nephton - Nogies Creek - Point Pleasant - Rockcroft - Stonyridge - Victoria Springs - Woodview