011F04 Country Harbour Canada topo map, 1:50,000 scale
011F04 Country Harbour NRCAN topographic map.
Includes UTM and GPS geographic coordinates (latitude and longitude). This 50k scale map is suitable for hiking, camping, and exploring, or you could frame it as a wall map.
Printed on-demand using high resolution, on heavy weight and acid free paper, or as an upgrade on a variety of synthetic materials.
Topos available on paper, Waterproof, Poly, or Tyvek. Usually shipping rolled, unless combined with other folded maps in one order.
- Product Number: NRCAN-011F04
- Parent Topo: TOPO-011F
- Map ID also known as: 011F04, 11F4, 11F04
- Unfolded Size: Approximately 26" high by 36" wide
- Weight (paper map): ca. 55 grams
- Map Type: POD NRCAN Topographic Map
- Map Scale: 1:50,000
- Geographical region: Nova Scotia, Canada
Neighboring Maps:
All neighboring Canadian topo maps are available for sale online at 1:50,000 scale.
Purchase the smaller scale map covering this area: Topo-011F
Spatial coverage:
Topo map sheet 011F04 Country Harbour covers the following places:
- Andys Cove - Armstrong Creek - Barachois Cove - Barachois Cove - Baraswa Cove - Bend of Goose Island - Bettys Cove - Bill Cooks Cove - Birds Cove - Black Duck Cove - Cameron Cove - Charity Cove - Clam Cove - Coddles Harbour - Coddle's Harbour - Cooks Cove - Country Harbour - Crook Cove - Crooks Cove - Deep Cove - Devils Cupboard - Drum Head Harbour - Dung Cove - Dung Cove - Elis Cove - Fishermans Harbour - Fisherman's Harbour - Freemans Cove - Gegogan Harbour - Gillen Cove - Grave Cove - Haulover Cove - Head of Bickerton - Holland Harbour - Indian Harbour - Isaacs Harbour - Isaac's Harbour - Ishmaels Cove - Island Harbour - Jacks Cove - Jacks Cove - Jimmys Cove - Johnsons Cove - Keizers Cove - Kelp Cove - Liscomb Harbour - Little Liscomb Harbour - Long Cove - Lower Mount Cove - MacDonald Cove - Manthornes Cove - McDiarmid Cove - Mill Cove - Millards Cove - Mouton Harbour - Neverfail Cove - Northeast Arm - Northwest Arm - Northwest Cove - Pond Cove - Port Bickerton - Red Bank Cove - Sand Cove - Sandy Cove - Seal Cove - Seal Harbour - Sleepy Cove - Smoke Point Cove - Southeast Cove - Southwest Cove - St. Marys Bay - St. Mary's Bay - Stewart Cove - Teddy Cove - The Basin - The Basin - Triford Cove - Upper Mount Cove - Walter Cove - Warringtons Cove - Watering Cove - Webb Cove - Webbs Cove - Wine Harbour - Wine Harbour Bay - Bezansons Beach - Haulover Beach - Little Long Breaker - Long Breaker - Lucas Beach - Morris Beach - Port Hilford Beach - Southwest Breaker - The Bar - The Big Sand - The Clam Flats - The Fiddler - The Gravel Bar - Adams Point - Andys Point - Barachois Head - Barachois Point - Beach Point - Bear Point - Bear Trap Head - Birch Head - Birch Point - Black Head - Brig Point - Burke Point - Burns Point - Byrne Head - Calf Point - Cape Gegogan - Cape Mocodome - Cape St. Mary - Cape St. Marys - Coddles Point - Coddle's Point - Coote Head - Country Harbour Head - Cranberry Point - Crook Point - Darby Point - Davidson Point - Davidsons Head - Drum Head - Drum Head - Eastern Red Head - Fiddlers Head - Fishermans Harbour Head - Fisherman's Harbour Head - Fleck Point - Flecks Point - Fly Point - Flying Point - Gaspereaux Point - Gibbs Head - Gravel Point - Green Point - Halletts Point - Harbour Point - Hemlock Point - Hinloch Point - Holland Head - Holly Point - Indian Point - Indian Point - Jimmys Point - Jims Point - Leggatt Point - Lighthouse Point - Liscomb Point - Long Point - Lucas Point - Luddington Point - Lynds Point - Millards Point - Moose Point - Neverfail Point - Normans Head - Pond Bar Point - Poole Point - Ragged Point - Red Head - Redman Head - Reids Point - Rocky Point - Rude Point - Rudolphs Point - Saladin Point - Seal Cove Head - Shag Point - Sheep Pen Point - Sheepskin Point - Shoal Point - Sinclairs Point - Smoke Point - Taylors Point - Teal Pond Point - The Head - The Nub - Triford Head - Turnip Point - West Brook Point - Wharf Point - Widow Point - Wine Head - Yellow Point - Little Folly Passage - The Narrows - The Sound - Bull Bank - Burns Bank - Cordwood Bank - Fleming Cliff - Georgie Mason Bank - Green Bank - Ox Cliff - Red Bank - Big Falls - Mad Falls - Guysborough - Andrews Island - Bar Island - Barachois Island - Bickerton Island - Big Island - Burying Island - Calf Island - Coddles Island - Coddle's Island - Country Island - Currant Island - Darkin Island - Darling Island - Darling Islet - Drum Head Island - Flat Island - Fox Island - Goose Island - Gooseberry Island - Harbour Island - Harbour Island - Hemloe Island - Hirschfields Island - Hog Island - Hog Island - Holland Harbour Island - Horton Island - Horton Islet - Hurricane Island - Jacks Island - Liscomb Island - Long Island - Lucas Island - Mink Island - Mink Island - Mitchell Island - Money Island - One Tree Island - Point Island - Rae Island - Ram Island - Reids Island - Stroples Island - The Doughboy - The Fidler - Thrumcap Island - Tobacco Island - Turnip Island - Vessel Island - Walter Island - Wedge Island - Wilsons Island - A.I.s Lake - Archibald Lake - Back Pond - Basin Lake - Beach Ponds - Bear Lake - Bettys Cove Pond - Bickerton Little Lake - Black Pond - Bull Ridge Lake - Cains Lake - Cape Lake - Cape Pond - Cargill Lake - Coalpile Hill Lake - Cooper Lake - Cooper Shop Lake - Cranberry Lake - Cranberry Lake - Crane Lake - Dam Lake - Deer Lake - Desert Lake - Devil Lake - Fifth Lake - Fifth Lake - Fisherman Lake - Fishermans Harbour Lake - Forks Lake - Fourth Lake - Fourth Lake - Fowlers Lake - Fowler's Lake - Frasers Lake - Fraser's Lake - Freshwater Pond - Gegogan Pond - Georges Little Lake - Gillen Lake - Glade Lake - Gold Brook Lake - Gores Lake - Granite Lake - Grassy Lake - Green Hill Lake - Gregg Lake - Gull Lake - Harding Lake - Hardings Lake - Hardings Pond - Hardwood Lake - Hay Lake - Hay Lake - Head Lake - Head Lakes - Holmes Lake - Hoop Pole Hill Lake - Indian Harbour Lake - Indian Man Lake - Island Lake - Jessies Lake - Jessie's Lake - Joes Pond - Lake on the Mountain - Larrys Lake - Leonard Lake - Lily Lake - Lily Lake - Lily Pond - Little Indian River Lake - Little Lake - Little Lake - Little Lake - Long Lake - Long Lake - Long Pond - Long Pond - Long Still Lake - Loon Lake - Lucas Beach Pond - Lucys Pond - McDonald Lake - Meadow Lake - Mills Lake - Mill's Lake - Mills Pond - Mink Lake - Mitchell Lake - Monument Lake - Mud Lake - Muskrat Lake - Nauffts Lake - Neverfail Pond - New Found Out Lake - Oak Hill Lake - Ocean Lake - Otter Lake - Owl Lake - Picketts Lake - Quince Lake - Quinces Long Lake - Quinces Seven Island Lake - Reids Pond - Robinson Lake - Rocky Lake - Rocky Lake - Rocky Lake - Rocky Lakes - Rush Lake - Saltwater Pond - Seal Harbour Big Lake - Seal Harbour Lake - Second Lake - Second Lake - Sheep Pen Pond - Sherbrooke Lake - Sister Lakes - Sixth Lake - Slatterys Pond - Southwest Cove Pond - Squinces Long Lake - Squinces Seven Island Lake - Stewart Lake - Stewart North Lake - Stewart South Lake - T Lake - Tates Lake - Teal Pond - Third Lake - Third Lake - Three Corner Lake - Three Cornered Lake - Twin Lakes - Upper Indian Harbour Lakes - Weeks Pond - Arm Hill - Backbone Hill - Bull Ridge - Cherry Hill - Cochrane Hill - Dickies Mountain - Dollivers Mountain - Eagle Hill - Fence Hill - Fifth Lake Mountain - Forks Hill - Hoop Pole Hill - Lake Hill - Lawsons Hill - Mount Misery - Plank Hill - Quinces Hill - Red Hill - Reids Timber Hill - Squinces Hill - Stewart Hill - Guysborough - St. Mary's - Salsman Provincial Park - Lower Eddy - Upper Eddy - Archibald Brook - Armstrong Creek - Armstrong Creek Brook - Barachois Brook - Basin Brook - Basin Lake Run - Bass Brook - Betty Brook - Bettys Cove Brook - Black Brook - Black Duck Run - Branch Brook - Canters Lake Run - Carding Mill Brook - Cooper Brook - Country Harbour River - Cross Brook - East Branch - East Branch Indian River - East Brook - Eastern Fork Stream - Eastern Forks Stream - Elis Cove Brook - Fentons Brook - Fenton's Brook - Fraser Brook - Gaspereau Brook - Gaspereaux Brook - Gegogan Brook - Gold Brook - Hallett Brook - Hardings Brook - Howlett Brook - Indian River - Indian River - Isaacs Harbour River - Isaac's Harbour River - John MacIntoshs Brook - Kissing Brook - Larrys Brook - Leonard Brook - Marsh Brook - Meadow Brook - New Harbour River - Northeast Arm Brook - Northeast Brook - Patterson Brook - Quince Brook - Quinces Brook - Roaring Brook - Rocky Brook - Scantlans Brook - Seal Harbour Run - Smell Brook - Smelt Brook - Smelt Brook - Smelt Brook - Southwest Brook - Squinces Brook - St. Mary River - St. Marys River - St. Mary's River - Stewart Mill Brook - Triford Brook - West Branch Indian River - West Brook - Bridge Pool - Castle Rock Pool - Eagle Hill Stillwater - Flat Rock Pool - Ford Pool - Forks Stillwater - Long Stillwater - Lower Long Stillwater - Northeast Arm Stillwater - Oak Tree Pool - Rocky Deadwaters - Round Stillwater - Triford Stillwater - Youngs Pool - Bill Giffin Shoal - Duck Shoal - Duck Shoal - Pride Shoal - Avondale Reef - Bald Rock - Bar Island Reef - Barachois Shoal - Bear Trap Ledge - Big Hawbolt Shoal - Big Ledge - Big Tobacco Rock - Bill Giffin Shoal - Bill Myer Shoal - Bingly Shoal - Black Head Shoal - Black Ledge - Black Rock - Black Rock - Bull Rock - Burke Shoal - Burns Rock - Byrne Rock - Cape Rock - Castor Rock - Castor Shoals - Channel Shoal - Channel Shoal - Cole Ledge - Coote Shoal - Crook Shoals - Crotch Ground - Davidsons Ledge - Dry Ledge - Duck Shoal - Duck Shoal - Dutch Shoal - Eastern Rock - Finchley Shoal - Flat Shoal - Fleck Shoal - Flecks Bank - Fripp Shoal - Frying Pan - Gibbs Shoal - Graham Shoal - Gravel Ledge - Gravel Shoal - Gull Ledge - Gull Nest - Gull Rock - Gunning Rock - Hail Rock - Hard Ledge - Hemisphere Rocks - Heron Rock - Holland Shoal - Hollins Shoal - Hollys Rocks - Horse Shoal - Indian Rock - Inside Annies Shoal - Inside Bull Shoal - Inside Sinker - Isaacs Shoals - Jacksons Rock - Jarvis Bank - Johns Shoal - Jumping Jack Bank - Kelp Shoal - Lawsons Shoal - Lewis Reef - Liscomb Shoal - Little Hawbolt Shoal - Little Ledge - Little Tobacco Rock - Little Tom Cod - Long Rock - Lower Bay Shoal - Lucas Ledge - MacDermid Shoal - MacDermids Rock - Mackerel Shoal - Meal Rocks - Middle Ground - Middle Ground - Middle Ledge - Middle Shoal - Nixonmate Reef - Nixonmate Shoal - Nixons Mate - Nixons Mate Shoal - Northeast Shoal - Northwestern Shoal - Old Notch - Otter Rocks - Outside Annies Shoal - Outside Sinker - Paddys Ledge - Pan Rock - Peter Shoal - Point of The Beach - Pollock Ground - Pollux Rock - Pollux Shoal - Pride Shoal - Pride Shoal - Ragged Ledge - Red Bank Shoal - Robar Rock - Rock of the Point - Rose Shoal - Rudder Place - Rude Shoal - Salmon Rocks - Seal Ledge - Seal Rock - Seal Rocks - Seal Rocks - Shag Ledge - Shag Reef - Shag Rock - Shoal Ground - Shoal Place - Sinclairs Ledge - Slate Rock - South Easter - Southeast Shoal - Southwest Cove Shoal - Squinces Ledge - Steering Reef - Stone Rock - Stopper Rock - Sunken Rock Reef - Taylor Shoal - Teal Pond Shoals - The Budget - The Budget - The Calf - The Chew - The Overfall - The Reef - The Sisters - The White Horse - Thrumcap Reef - Tobacco Ledge - Tobacco Reef - Tom Cod Rock - Tom Cod Shoals - Tom Pyes Bank - Uncle Charlies Shoal - Upper Bay Shoal - Walter Shoal - Weavers Ledge - Webb Reef - Webb Rock - Western Shoal - Wharf Rock - White Rock - White Shoal - Woozy Rock - Bickerton West - Coddles Harbour - Coddle's Harbour - Country Harbour Mines - Drum Head - Drumhead - Fishermans Harbour - Fisherman's Harbour - Goldboro - Harpellville - Holland Harbour - Indian Harbour Lake - Isaacs Harbour - Isaac's Harbour - Isaacs Harbour North - Isaac's Harbour North - Jordanville - Liscomb - Little Liscomb - Middle Country Harbour - Port Bickerton - Port Hilford - Port Hillford - Seal Harbour - Sherbrooke - Sonora - St. Marys River - St. Mary's River - Stillwater - Stormont - Upper New Harbour - Wine Harbour - Bakeapple Glade - Big Plains - Fowlers Lake Bog - Hemloes Marsh - Quinces Glades - Reids Marsh - Seal Harbour Marshes - Squinces Glades