001N06 Holyrood Canada topo map, 1:50,000 scale
001N06 Holyrood NRCAN topographic map.
Includes UTM and GPS geographic coordinates (latitude and longitude). This 50k scale map is suitable for hiking, camping, and exploring, or you could frame it as a wall map.
Printed on-demand using high resolution, on heavy weight and acid free paper, or as an upgrade on a variety of synthetic materials.
Topos available on paper, Waterproof, Poly, or Tyvek. Usually shipping rolled, unless combined with other folded maps in one order.
- Product Number: NRCAN-001N06
- Parent Topo: TOPO-001N
- Map ID also known as: 001N06, 01N6, 1N6, 01N06, 1N06
- Unfolded Size: Approximately 26" high by 36" wide
- Weight (paper map): ca. 55 grams
- Map Type: POD NRCAN Topographic Map
- Map Scale: 1:50,000
- Geographical region: Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada
Neighboring Maps:
All neighboring Canadian topo maps are available for sale online at 1:50,000 scale.
Purchase the smaller scale map covering this area: Topo-001N
Spatial coverage:
Topo map sheet 001N06 Holyrood covers the following places:
- Anthonys Cove - Back Cove - Bacon Cove - Blow Me Down Bight - Broad Cove - Broad Cove - Burkes Cove - Chapel Cove - Chapel Cove - Chicken Cove - Clam River Arm - Colliers Bay - Conception Bay - Conception Harbour - Corbetts Cove - Dock Cove - Dunphys Cove - Dutchmans Cove - English Cove - Ezekiels Cove - Faheys Cove - Flynns Cove North - Flynns Cove South - Foxtrap - Freshwater - Freshwater Cove - Gallows Cove - Gasters Bay - Georges Cove - Harbour Main - Harbour Main - Healeys Arm - Healeys Cove - Healys Cove - Hickeys Arm - Holyrood Bay - James Cove - John Devallés Cove - Lance Cove - Lannons Cove - Lower Cove - Lower Cove - Mansfields Gulch - Marks Cove - Masons Cove - Middle Arm - North Arm - North Arm - Parsons Bight - Pendergasts Cove - Pennys Cove - Piccadilly - Pikes Cove - Polly Morgans Hole - Ram Horn Bight - Red Rock Cove - Round Harbour - Salmon Cove - Salmon Cove South - Sculpin Island Cove - Ship Cove - Ship Cove - South Arm - South West Arm - The Broad - Turks Gut - Upper Cove - Wallys Island Cove - Woody Island Cove - Chapel Beach - Goat Shore - Hickeys Beach - Indian Pond Beach - Lance Cove Beach - Lewis Beach - Long Beach - Lucy Beach - Main Beach - Maloneys Beach - McGees Beach - Ambrose Head - Avalon Peninsula - Bacon Cove Head - Bacon Point - Ballyhack Point - Brigus Point - Chapel Cove Point - Chapels Cove Point - Crawleys Point - Dawes Head - Dowdens Point - English Cove Head - Farrells Point - Floods Point - Halfway Point - Harbour Main Point - Joys Point - Lance Cove Head - Laracys Point - MacKays Point - Middle Point - Moores Head - Mugfords Head - Myers Point - Pikes Cove Head - Ryans Head - Salmon Cove Point - Salmon Cove Point - Sculpin Island - Squid Gulch - The Thumb - Turtle Head - Yellow Point - Long Narrows - Small Narrows - Blow Me Down Bluff - Sandy Grounds - Metcalfe Falls - Father Duffys Well - Harbour Main Island - Angle Pond - Angle Pond - Avondale Pond South - Az Mundens Pond - Back River Pond - Bad Gully - Bad Pond - Bad Pond - Bar Pond - Bar Pond - Beach Pond - Beaver Gullies - Beaver Gullies - Beaver Moor Pond - Beaver Pond - Bedlam Gully - Bedlam Pond - Belbins Mill Pond - Bellmans Gully - Bermuda Lake - Bethlehem Pond - Big Duck Gully - Big Gull Pond - Big Gull Pond - Big Gully - Big Island Pond - Big Loon Pond - Big Otter Pond - Big Pond - Big Pond - Big Triangle Pond - Big Var Pond - Big Wolf Pond - Bishops Ponds - Black Duck Gully - Black Duck Pond - Black Duck Pond - Black Mountain Pond - Black Ridge Gullies - Blackduck Gullies - Blackmarsh Gully - Block Gully - Blue Hill Pond - Blue Pond - Blysons Gully - Boom Pond - Box Gully - Briens Gullies - Briens Pond - Bright Gully - Brook Gullies - Bull Pond - Burnt Pine Pond - Butlers Pond - Butter Pot Pond - Camp Five Gullies - Cat Hill Gullies - Chamber Pot Gully - Charleys Pond - Charlies Gullies - Clarks Pond - Cocoanut Waters - Colliers Big Pond - Collins Gully - Connells Pond - Conns Pond - Crooked Gully - Crooked Pond - Cross Pond - Cup Gully - Cupids Long Pond - Currens Pond - Daltons Pond - Dans Pond - Dans Pond - Dark Gully - Dick Foleys Pond - Donnys Pond - Double Pond - Doyles Gully - Doyles Pond - Doyles Pond - Dry Gully - Duck Gully - Duck Pond - Ducks Home - East Pond - Eastern Waters - Enchanted Pond - Enchanted Pond - Fairy Gully - Fairys Pond - Farin Gully - Father Sheas Pond - Fenelons Gullies - Fenelons Pond - Fifth Gully - Finnies Pond - Fir Bush Ponds - First Beaver Pond - First Learys - First Pond - First Pond - First Salmon Pond - Five Mile Pond East - Five Mile Pond West - Flynns Gully - Flynns Marsh Gully - Foal Gully - Four Mile Pond - Fourth Pond - Fourth Pond - Fox Pond - Fox Ponds - Gander Pond - Georges Gully - Georges Pond - Girl Guide Gully - Golden Eye Pond - Golden Gullies - Goose Gully - Goose Pond - Goose Pond - Goose Pond - Goose Steadies - Goulds Big Pond - Goulds Pond - Goulds Ponds - Graces Gully - Grand Pond - Grandmothers Gully - Grassy Gully - Grassy Gully - Grassy Gully - Gull Pond - Gull Pond - Gull Pond East - Gushues Gully - Gushues Pond - Haleys Pond - Halfway Pond - Halls Gullies - Halls Gullies - Hannas Pond - Harbour Main Pond - Hardings Gullies - Hardings Pond - Hardins Gully - Harry Pooles Gully - Hawco Pond - Hawcos Pond - Hawkes Hole - Healeys Pond - Healeys Pond - Henry Pond - Hickeys Pond - High Pond - Hodgewater Gullies - Hodgewater Pond - Holyrood Big Pond - Horse Shoe Pond - Hubleys Pond - Ice Gully - Indian Pond - Island Pond - Island Pond - Island Pond - Jack Reids Pond - Jackpot Pond - Jacks Gullies - Jacks Gully - Jacks Long Pond - Jacks Pond - Jacks Pond - Joe Pennys Pond - Johnny Battens Gully - Johnny Hickeys Hole - Johns Pond - Johns Pond - Kearneys Gullies - Kelly Pond - Kennedys Pond - Kennys Gullies - Kennys Pond - Keoughs Gully - Lance Cove Pond - Lannons Waters - Larrys Pond - Lawrence Pond - Leahy Pond - Learys Gullies - Learys Gully - Learys Ponds - Lees Gully - Lees Pond - Left Hand Pond - Lemons Gully - Lennons Waters - Leonards Pond - Leonards Round Pond - Leonards Waters - Level Pond - Lewis Gully - Lewis Pond - Lewis Pond - Lewis Pond - Little Duck Gully - Little Gull Pond - Little Indian Pond - Little North Pond - Little Otter Pond - Little Pond - Little Soldiers Pond - Little Triangle Pond - Little Var Pond - Little Wolf Pond - Lizers Gully - Lobster Gully - Lockyers Waters - Long Gullies - Long Gully - Long Gully - Long Gully - Long Pond - Loon Pond - Louis Pond - Lousy Gullies - Lousy Gully - Low Pond - Lower Gully Pond - Mahers Pond - Main Beach Pond - Makinsons Gully - Mansfield Pond - Marshalls Pond - Marshes Pond - Masons Pond - Masseys Gully - McGees Gully - McGrath Pond - McGraths Gully - McGraths Pond - Metcalfe Pond - Mick Hunts Gullies - Middle Gull Pond - Middle Pond - Ministers Hole - Mobile Big Pond - Moores Gully - Mosquito Gully - Motion Lake - Muddy Gully - Muddy Gully - Muddy Gully - Muddy Pond - Mundy Pond - Murphys Gullies - Murphys Pond - Neils Pond - Nevilles Pond - Nichols Pond - Nichols Pond Gullies - Nichols Pond Gully - Nine Island Pond - Nine Island Pond South - Ninth Pond - Nora Pond - Nord Pond - Noseworthys Gully - Number Two Pond - Ocean Pond - O'Deas Pond - Ohman's Pond - Oiltrousers Gully - Old Mans Gullies - Old Man's Pond - Old Quay Pond - Old Sea - Otter Gully - Otter Pond Waters - Oxleys Pond - Pad Doyles Gully - Pad Walls Pond - Pads Mash Pond - Passos Pond - Peak Pond - Peddles Waters - Pegs Pond - Pegwood Gully - Pegwood Pond - Pennys Pond - Pennys Pond - Peters Pond - Peytons Gullies - Peytons Gully - Phillips Pond - Pools Gullies - Pusseys Gully - Race Pond - Railroad Pond - Railway Pond - Rainbow - Red Island Pond - Right Hand Pond - Ripple Pond - Rocky Gully - Rocky Pond - Rocky Pond - Rocky Pond - Rocky Pond - Rocky Pond - Rocky Pond - Round Marsh Gullies - Round Pond - Round Pond West - Ryans Pond - Salmon Pond - Salmon Waters - Sandy Pond - Sceviours Gully - Seal Cove Pond - Seal Cove Rocky Pond - Seamus Pond - Second Beaver Pond - Second Junction Pond - Second Pond - Second Pond - Second Salmon Pond - Shell Pond - Sheppards Pond - Sixth Fox Pond - Sixth Gully - Slimy Gullies - Small Pond - Smiths Gully - Snows Pond - Snowshoe Pond - Soldiers Pond - Sopers Pond - Southern Peak Pond - Southwest Pond - Spar Gully - Sparkes Gully - Sparks Gully - Split Rock Pond - Squires Gully - Stanks Gully - Strayaway Pond - The Broad - Third Junction Pond - Third Pond - Third Pond - Three Corner Pond - Three Island Pond - Three Island Pond - Three Rivers Pond - Three Rivers Pond - Tickles Gullies - Tobins Pond - Tom Howes Gully - Tommy Meadus Pond - Tommy Pennys Pond - Trailer Pond - Triangular Pond - Trout Gully - Trout Pond - Tubretts Pond - Turfy Gully - Turks Gut Long Pond - Twin Gullies - Twin Gullies - Twin Gullies - Two Island Pond - Vee Gully - Velvet Heart Pond - Velvet Horn Pond - Walls Gullies - Walls Pond - Weavers Pond - West Pond - Wester Lake - Western Gull Pond - Whalens Pond - Whalens Pond - Whiskey Pond - White Hill Pond - Williams Pond - Witch Hazel Pond - Barrys Island - Bedlam Ridge - Big Hill - Birch Tolt - Black Hill - Black Mountain - Black Ridge - Black Ridge - Blue Hills - Bosun - Burwetts Mountain - Butter Pot - Campbell Hill - Cat Hill - Chapels Cove Ridge - Coles Monument - Colliers Pond Ridge - Conns Hill - Dock Ridge - Donnys Mountain - Duggans Mountain - Ezekiels Mountain - Fifth Hawke Hill - Fourth Hawke Hill - Fureys Hill - Gabes - Georges Cove Mountain - Georges Peak - Gull Pond Ridge - Hawke Hills - Heartbreak Hill - Hickeys Mountain - Holyrood Ridge - Inside Hawke Hill - Island Pond Ridge - Kellys Mountain - Kennedys Mountain - Kennedys Tolt - Lees Pond Mountain - Long Gully Ridge - Man of War Ridge - Market House Ridge - Marysvale Ridge - Masons Tolt - Moores Hill - Mount Misery - Nine Island Pond Ridge - Nut Hill - Old Mans Head - Outside Hawke Hill - Partridgeberry Hill - Pat Walls Hill - Phillips Hill - Pusseys Hill - Rocky Ridge - Second Hawke Hill - Slaters Hill - Snows Ridge - Snuff Box - Southside Hill - Sues Mountain - Terrys Hill - Terrys Mountain - The Peak - The Tolt - The Tolt - Third Hawke Hill - Timmins Mountain - Tooleys Mountain - Uncle Dan Caslows Mountain - Var Ridge - White Hill - Witch Hazel Peak - Witch Hazel Ridge - St. John's Metropolitan Area - Avalon Wilderness Reserve - Butter Pot Provincial Park - Father Duffy's Well Provincial Park - Gushue's Pond Provincial Park - Hawke Hill Ecological Reserve - Newfoundland T'Railway Provincial Park - Salmonier Nature Park - Southwest Pond Provincial Park - Marshalls Run - Avondale River - Back River - Bennetts Brook - Big Brook - Big Pond Brook - Billy Brook - Clam River - Colinet River - Colliers River - Daniels Brook - Daniels River - East River - Goulds Brook - Hodge River - Kelligrews River - Little Brook - Lower Gullies River - Mahers River - Mahers River - Makinsons Brook - Maloneys River - North Arm River - North River - Nut Brook - Perrys Brook - Pusseys Brook - Quarry Brook - Rocky River - Salmon River - Seal Cove River - Silver Spring - Silver Springs - South Brook - Souther Brook - Southern Barrens Brook - The Rattles - Tooleys Gully - Upper Gully River - Walls River - Wester Brook - Whalens Brook - Witch Hazel Brook - Black Rascal - Cat Rock - Harbour Rock - Madisons Rock - Mouse Rock - Runaway Rock - Avondale - Colliers - Conception Bay South - Conception Harbour - Harbour Main-Chapel Cove-Lakeview - Harbour Main-Chapel's Cove-Lakeview - Holyrood - Bacon Cove - Ballyhack - Briens - Brigus Junction - Burnt Stump - Chapel Cove - Chapels Cove - Chapel's Cove - Collier's Riverhead - Deer Park/Vineland Road - Duffs - Fox Marsh - Gallows Cove - Gasters - Goulds - Harbour Main - Hopewell - Indian Pond - Kitchuses - Lakeview - Lance Cove - Lawrence Pond - Mahers - Makinson - Makinsons - Marysvale - Middle Arm - Newtown - Ocean Pond - Riverdale - Roaches Line - Seal Cove - Skibbereen - Upper Gullies - Woodford's - Murphys Place - The Pinch - The Valley - Walshes Gulch - Billy Boys Marsh - Fox Marsh - Leada Marsh - Pads Mash - Rodneys Marsh - Strawberry Ground - Thousand Acre Marsh - Twelve Mile Bog - Yellow Marsh - Goulds Road - Maryvale