United States of America
The US, America, The States? However you want to call it, this country covers a mamouth amount of ground from the mid-west of Huckleburry Finn to the southern birthplace of rock & roll (although interestingly the name for the genre itself was coined in Cleveland, Ohio.) From the dusty Californian fields of Steinbeck to the glorious fall shades of New England, you can track it all on this beautiful and stylish map.
The land of opportunity, the land of Bugs bunny, Cowboys & rollercoaster’s.
Get lost in the almost fantastical mountain ranges that sweep the length and breadth of the country or pick out the tallest peaks which are named, along with their heights.
The levels of information on this map go well beyond the ordinary, with our signature layered metallic sea-levels. Swot up on the states and their capitals, major towns and even some of the minor ones too.
Its a glorious replacement for those fusty old maps of the schoolroom and might even encourage a
- Product Number: FMC_USAV1PA_
- Reference Product Number: 2325583M
- ISBN: - None -
- Folded Size: 28.74 inches high by 3.15 inches wide
- Map format: Wall
- Map type: Trade Maps - Wall Art
- Geographical region: United States