South America political, 1:8 000,000, wall map
The Freytag & Berndt map South America politically 1: 8,000,000 is a rolled map in a thick plastic role. Format approx.: 97 x 128 cm.
- Product Number: FB_S_AM_POL_WA_17
- Reference Product Number: - None -
- ISBN: 9783707906394
- Date of Publication: 5/5/2017
- Folded Size: 50.3 inches high by 38.12 inches wide
- Unfolded (flat) Size: 50.3 inches high by 38.12 inches wide
- Map format: Wall
- Map type: Trade Maps - Political
- Geographical region: Argentina,Bolivia,Brazil,Chile,Colombia,Ecuador,French Guiana,Guinea,Paraguay,Peru,Uruguay