Novato-north Marin trail map
1:24000 (1 inch=2000 feet) scale. Shaded relief topo map, complete UTM Grid, GPS compatible map for the use of hikers, backpacker, cyclists and other users of the local wilderness. Printed on waterproof and tear-resistant material. Rush Creek, Deer Island, Indian Tree, Little Mountain, Verissimo Hills, Stafford Lake County Park, Olompali State Historical Park, Petaluma Marsh, and Mt. Burdell.
- Product Number: TH_MRN_N_7
- Reference Product Number: 2034819M
- ISBN: 9781877689963
- Date of Publication: 6/1/2007
- Folded Size: 9.06 inches high by 3.94 inches wide
- Unfolded (flat) Size: 22.83 inches high by 17.32 inches wide
- Map format: Folded
- Map type: Trade Maps - Hiking
- Geographical region: United States
- Geographical subregion: California