World, Kids Cartoon Map of the by Maps International Ltd.
This is a fantastic fun Childrens Illustrated Map of the World perfect for Children aged 5 upwards. The detailed illustrations show people and local culture, animals and marine life, famous natural features and manmade landmarks plus a range of other fun illustrations. Find the Polar Bears playing catch or the Aborigines dancing to the didgeridoo, plus learn where the Victoria Falls or Mount Everest are in the world. The World Map itself shows the Continents, Sea and Ocean names and also shows hill and sea shading.
- Product Number: 2174251M
- Product Code: MI_WOR_CART_WA
- ISBN: 9781903030066
- Year of Publication: 2014
- Unfolded Size: 33.1 x 23.39 inches
- Map type: Wall Map
- Geographical region: World