India, Classic, Sleeved by National Geographic Maps
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As attractive as it is functional, National Geographics Classic style political map of India is one of the most detailed and comprehensive maps ever published for India and southern Asia. It includes India, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Tajikistan, and portions of China, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Myanmar. The India map is punctuated with thousands of place names, and embellished with shaded relief which highlights the regions dramatic topography in such places as the Tibetan Plateau and the Himalaya. Also shown are the countrys infrastructures, including airports, railroads, super highways, canals, major oil fields and pipelines, canals, and more.
- Product Number: 2165582M
- Product Code: NG_INDIA_WA_S
- Publisher Product ID: RE00620546
- ISBN: 9781597750622
- Year of Publication: 2014
- Unfolded Size: 27.56 x 20.47 inches
- Map type: Wall Map
- Geographical region: India