041I04 Whitefish Falls Canada topo map, 1:50,000 scale
041I04 Whitefish Falls NRCAN topographic map.
Includes UTM and GPS geographic coordinates (latitude and longitude). This 50k scale map is suitable for hiking, camping, and exploring, or you could frame it as a wall map.
Printed on-demand using high resolution, on heavy weight and acid free paper, or as an upgrade on a variety of synthetic materials.
Topos available on paper, Waterproof, Poly, or Tyvek. Usually shipping rolled, unless combined with other folded maps in one order.
- Product Number: NRCAN-041I04
- Parent Topo: TOPO-041I
- Map ID also known as: 041I04, 41I4, 41I04
- Unfolded Size: Approximately 26" high by 36" wide
- Weight (paper map): ca. 55 grams
- Map Type: POD NRCAN Topographic Map
- Map Scale: 1:50,000
- Geographical region: Ontario, Canada
Neighboring Maps:
All neighboring Canadian topo maps are available for sale online at 1:50,000 scale.
Purchase the smaller scale map covering this area: Topo-041I
Spatial coverage:
Topo map sheet 041I04 Whitefish Falls covers the following places:
- Baie Fine - Bay Finn - Bay of Islands - Bell Cove - Big Inlet - Boat Cove - Buckmiller Bay - Covered Portage Cove - Cranberry Bay - Frazer Bay - Freud Bay - Frood Bay - Grassy Bay - Grassy Bay - Haystack Harbour - Iroquois Bay - Jumbo Bay - Killarney Bay - Lunge Bay - McGregor Bay - Miller Bay - Mosquito Harbour - Narrow Bay - Nelly Bay - Oldwoman Harbour - Pathfinder Bay - Sawdust Bay - Shallow Bay - Squire's Bay - Storehouse Bay - Sturgeon Bay - Sturgeon Cove - Sunset Bay - Timkin Bay - Transfer Bay - West Bay - West Bay - Alert Point - Cloche Peninsula - Dreamers Peninsula - Flat Point - Frazer Point - Hunt Point - Indian Reserve Point - La Cloche Peninsula - Little McGregor Point - Long Point - McGregor Point - Moose Point - Northwest Point - Palliser Point - Picnic Point - Blasted Channel - Boat Passage - Cloche Channel - Dog Home Passage - East and West Channel - East Channel - La Cloche Channel - Little Waubuno Channel - North Channel - North Channel - Old Channel - Old Portage Channel - Sharks Jaw Channel - Splitrock Channel - Wabuno Channel - Waubuno Channel - Dreamers Rock - The Plunge Falls - Whitefish Falls - Curtin - Foster - Hallam - Harrow - Killarney - Manitoulin - May - McKinnon - Merritt - Mongowin - Roosevelt - Rutherford - Sudbury - Truman - Réserve indienne Whitefish River 4 - Whitefish River 4 - Whitefish River Indian Reserve 4 - Agawa Island - Andrew Island - Bateman Island - Battleship Island - Bear Island - Birch Island - Brush Island - Burnt Island - Burnt Island - Burnt Island - Carpmael Island - Chief Island - Childs Island - Cow Island - East Rous Island - East Sampson Island - Eastern Island - Five Islands - Flat Island - Garden Island - Great Cloche Island - Great La Cloche Island - Gull Rock - Halfway Islands - High Island - Hopper Island - Ireson Island - Iroquois Island - Jumbo Island - Kirkpatrick Island - Lane Island - Little Burnt Island - Little Cloche Island - Little La Cloche Island - Maltas Island - McGregor Island - Middle Sampson Island - Mink Island - Mosquito Island - Neptune Island - Pardsay Crag Island - Patten Island - Perley Island - Peru Island - Sampson Islands - Schreiber Island - Vim Island - Wardrope Island - Wells Island - West Sampson Island - Whitby Island - Alexander Lake - Anderson Lake - Andress Lake - Apsey Lake - Augusta Lake - Bass Lake - Bass Pond - Bear Lake - Beatrix Lake - Beaver Lake - Bertha Lake - Bodina Lake - Brady Lake - Brazil Lake - Canis Lake - Carmichael Lake - Casson Lake - Charlton Lake - Clear Lake - Cleveland Lake - Crater Lakes - Cross Lake - Cutler Lake - Deerhound Lake - East Fox Lake - Elbow Lake - Elizabeth Lake - Evangeline Lake - Florence Lake - Fox Lake - Frood Lake - George Lake - Grab Lake - Grace Lake - Griffin Lake - Hannah Lake - Hanwood Lake - Hardwood Lake - Hele Lake - Helen Lake - Horseshoe Lake - House Lake - Ishmael Lake - Jenkins Lake - Josephine Lake - Katrine Lake - La Cloche Lake - Lake Panache - Lang Lake - Leech Lake - Lewis Lake - Little Bear Lake - Little Hannah Lake - Little Leech Lake - Long Lake - Long Lake - Loon Lake - Low Lake - Major Lake - Maple Lake - Marjorie Lake - Marsh Lake - McAndress Lake - Moose Lake - Mud Lake - Murray Lake - Nellie Lake - North Potter Lake - North Silver Lake - Pleasant Lake - Plunge Lake - Porcupine Lake - Potter Lake - Raven Lake - Rivers Lake - Round Lake - Shawshashigin Lake - Silver Lake - Spark Lake - Spring Lake - Spruce Lake - St. Leonard Lake - Star Lake - Stratton Lake - Tempest Lake - The Three Lakes - Tulloch Lake - Twin Lakes - Van Winkle Lake - Walker Lake - West Brady Lake - West Quartzite Lake - White's Lake - Wilkinson's Lake - Wood Lake - Wright's Lake - Blue Ridge - Broad Hill - Casson Peak - Cloche Bluff - Cloche Mountains - East Knob - Frazer Bay Hill - Killarney Ridge - La Cloche Mountains - Mount Arabella - Mount Ararat - Mount Calvert - Quartz Rock - South La Cloche Mountains - South La Cloche Range - White Mountain - Hallam - Howland - Rutherford and George Island - Sables-Spanish Rivers - Salter, May and Harrow - The Spanish River - Victoria - Crater Lakes Wilderness Area - Killarney Provincial Park - La Cloche Provincial Park - La Cloche Ridge Conservation Reserve - Bass Creek - Birch Creek - Brazil Creek - Darkie Creek - Fox Creek - Frood Creek - Gough Creek - Howry Creek - Kirk Creek - La Cloche Creek - McKinnon Creek - Spanish River - St. Leonard Creek - The Notch - West River - Whitefish River - Caroline Rocks - Duncan City Rock - Gordon Rock - Halcyon Rock - Harrison Rock - Louisa Rocks - Luard Rock - Moberly Rock - Oliver Rock - Rous Bank - Espanola - Killarney - Northeastern Manitoulin and the Islands - Northeastern Manitoulin and the Islands - Anderson Lake - Anderson Lake - Anderson Lake Station - Birch Island - Carson - Fox Lake - Lawson Quarry - Lee Valley - McGregor Bay - Otter Rapids - West River - Whitefish Falls - Willisville