013H11 Cartwright Canadian topographic map, 1:50,000 scale

013H11 Cartwright Canada topo map, 1:50,000 scale

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013H11 Cartwright NRCAN topographic map.

Includes UTM and GPS geographic coordinates (latitude and longitude). This 50k scale map is suitable for hiking, camping, and exploring, or you could frame it as a wall map.

Printed on-demand using high resolution, on heavy weight and acid free paper, or as an upgrade on a variety of synthetic materials.

Topos available on paper, Waterproof, Poly, or Tyvek. Usually shipping rolled, unless combined with other folded maps in one order.

  • Product Number: NRCAN-013H11
  • Parent Topo: TOPO-013H
  • Map ID also known as: 013H11, 13H11
  • Unfolded Size: Approximately 26" high by 36" wide
  • Weight (paper map): ca. 55 grams
  • Map Type: POD NRCAN Topographic Map
  • Map Scale: 1:50,000
  • Geographical region: Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada

Neighboring Maps:

All neighboring Canadian topo maps are available for sale online at 1:50,000 scale.

Purchase the smaller scale map covering this area: Topo-013H

Spatial coverage:

Topo map sheet 013H11 Cartwright covers the following places:

- Big Charleys Cove - Birchy Cove - Burns Harbour - Callaways Cove - Cartwright Harbour - Charlies Cove - Coopers Cove - Duck Island Cove - Eagle River Harbour - East Arm - Elsons Cove - Groves Harbour - Hamels Cove - Kelloways Cove - Little Charleys Cove - Main Tickle Cove - Mary Brown Cove - Mickles Point Cove - Mountain Cove - Muddy Bay - Neck Path Cove - Red Island Cove - Sals Cove - Sandwich Bay - Savage Cove - Seal Cove - Shoal Cove - Southeast Arm - The Harbour - Wharf Point Cove - American Point - Berry Point - Black Head - Burn Point - Candys Point - Coopers Point - Crooked House Point - Crow Head - Curlew Point - Damsels Point - Deep Water Point - Diver Island Head - Dove Brook Point - Dove Point - Flagstaff Point - Fowlows Point - Fox Point - Georges Head - Grants Point - Harrys Point - Jack Coles Point - James Point - Jones Point - Little Wharf - Longstretch Point - Lower Charleys Cove Point - Main Tickle Point - Merlin Point - Mickles Point - Narrows Head - Narrows Point - Neck Path Cove Point - Perrys Head - Porters Point - Salomes Point - Separation Point - Shelmucks Point - Shermoks Point - Solomons Point - Southeast Point - Summer House Point - Upper Charleys Cove Point - Waterloo Point - Wharf Point - White Head - Winters Point - Diver Tickle - Favorite Tickle - Sandwich Tickle - The Narrows - The Cliffs - Bay Islands - Burned Island - Burnt Island - Cooper Island - Diver Island - Duck Island - Earl Island - Eider Island - Glumby Island - Glumby Island - Green Island - Lumpy Island - Morris Island - Red Island - Red Island - Rum Island - Saddle Island - Savage Cove Islands - WoodyIsland - Big Coombs Pond - Bill Learnings Pond - Birdets Brook Pond - Black Duck Pond - Burdettes Brook Pond - Coombs Steady - Duck Island Big Pond - Ellis Pond - Ice Pond - North Round Pond - Salt Pond - Salt Water Pond - Birchy Hill - Caribou Castle - Curlew Hill - Flagstaff Hill - Longstretch Hill - Mount McKay - Portage Hill - Savage Cove Hills - The Mountain - White Hill - Andrew Brook - Barrow Brook - Big Brook - Birdets Brook - Bob and Joyces Brook - Bob Menjoys Brook - Burdettes Brook - Burned Island Brook - Burnt Island Brook - Candys Brook - Churchills Brook - Coombs Brook - Coombs Brook - Dove Brook - Dykes River - Eagle River - Elsons Path - Fancys Brook - Goodenough Brook - Jackies Brook - Jacks Brook - Jackys Brook - John Coles Brook - Kettle Brook - Martins Brook - Middle Brook - Muddy Bay Brook - Nevershakes Brook - Red Island Brook - White Bear River - Woody Island Brook - Groves Rock - Gull Rock - Hatten Shoal - Main Tickle Rock - Swallow Bank - Woody Island Rock - Cartwright - Belfry - Dove Brook - Eagle River - Muddy Bay - Separation Point - Lindsays Marsh

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