011F11 Port Hawkesbury Canada topo map, 1:50,000 scale
011F11 Port Hawkesbury NRCAN topographic map.
Includes UTM and GPS geographic coordinates (latitude and longitude). This 50k scale map is suitable for hiking, camping, and exploring, or you could frame it as a wall map.
Printed on-demand using high resolution, on heavy weight and acid free paper, or as an upgrade on a variety of synthetic materials.
Topos available on paper, Waterproof, Poly, or Tyvek. Usually shipping rolled, unless combined with other folded maps in one order.
- Product Number: NRCAN-011F11
- Parent Topo: TOPO-011F
- Map ID also known as: 011F11, 11F11
- Unfolded Size: Approximately 26" high by 36" wide
- Weight (paper map): ca. 55 grams
- Map Type: POD NRCAN Topographic Map
- Map Scale: 1:50,000
- Geographical region: Nova Scotia, Canada
Neighboring Maps:
All neighboring Canadian topo maps are available for sale online at 1:50,000 scale.
Purchase the smaller scale map covering this area: Topo-011F
Spatial coverage:
Topo map sheet 011F11 Port Hawkesbury covers the following places:
- Anse à la Chaloupe - Arichat Harbour - Auld Cove - Aulds Cove - Babins Cove - Bear Cove - Bear Island Cove - Benoit Creek - Benoits Big Creek - Bonhomme Cove - Bras de Mury - Browns Cove - Byers Cove - Cape Auget Bay - Cape Auguet Bay - Caribacoo Bay - Caribacoo Cove - Caribacoo Cove - Caribou Cove - Carrigans Cove - Cass Cove - Chedabucto Bay - Couteau Inlet - Critchett Cove - Crokes Cove - Deep Cove - Deep Cove - Dunpheys Cove - Eddy Cove - False Bay - Forgerons Cove - George Bay - Georges Bay - Grande Anse - Haddock Harbour - Half Island Cove - Head Bay Cove - Head of Bay Cove - Head of West Bay Cove - Inhabitants Bay - Inhabitants Harbour - Janvrin Harbour - Le Blanc Harbour - Long Cove - MacDonalds Cove - MacDonalds Harbour - MacDougalls Cove - MacIntosh Cove - MacLeans Cove - MacLeod Creek - Macmillan Creek - MacNamaras Cove - MacNeils Cove - Madden Cove - Malcolm Cove - Martinique Cove - McCarthys Cove - McIntosh Cove - McMillan Creek - McNairs Cove - McNamara Cove - Melford Creek - Morrisons Cove - Murray Cove - Murray Cove - Northwest Arm of the River Inhabitants - Peter Smiths Cove - Pirate Harbour - Plaster Cove - Port Mulgrave - Port Royal Harbour - Poulamon Bay - Poulamon Harbour - Proctor Cove - Proctors East Cove - Proctors West Cove - Rae Cove - Rogers Cove - Ross Pond - Scalloping Cove - Scanlans Cove - Seacoal Bay - Seacoal Bay - Seacoal Cove - Seal Cove - Ship Harbour - St. Georges Bay - St. Marys Harbour - The Basin - The Big Basin - The Little Basin - The Sluice - Thorn Creek - Turbalton Bay - Upper MacNamaras Cove - Venus Cove - Walsh Road Cove - Walshs Creek - Walshs Deep Cove - Welsh Cove - West Arichat Harbour - West Bay - Whale Cove - Big Beach - Crichton Beach - Ghost Beach - MacDonalds Beach - Arichat Head - Babin Point - Balache Point - Ballam Head - Ballams Point - Beach Point - Bear Head - Birch Point - Bosdet Point - Brule Point - Brûlé Point - Burnt Point - Campbells Point - Cape Porcupine - Caribou Head - Carleton Head - Cloakes Point - Crichton Head - Crichton Point - Critchett Point - Delorier Island Point - Delorier Point - Doirons Point - Dorey Point - Doreys Creek Point - Doreys Point - Drinkwaters Head - Dunphey Head - Dunpheys Head - Eddy Point - Eddy Spit - Fergusons Point - Ferry Point - Fishermans Point - Flat Head - Flying Point - Glasgow Point - Grandique Point - Grant Point - Grant Point - Haddock Point - Hadley Point - Heffernan Point - Heron Point - Hureaus Point - Indian Point - Indian Point - Irish Point - Janvrin Point - Kavanagh Point - Keaton Point - Kuliks Point - Le Blanc Point - Levangies Cape - Long Point - Louis Point - Low Point - Low Point - MacDonalds Head - MacIntosh Point - MacKays Point - MacKenzies Point - MacKenzies Point - Macnair Point - MacRaes Point - Madden Point - McInnes Point - McIntosh Point - McKeen Point - McNairs Point - Melford Point - Moulin Point - Mussel Point - Mussel Point - Park Point - Peebles Point - Peninsula Point - Point Tupper - Poulamon Point - Rabbit Point - River Point - Robin Point - Rock Point - Roger Point - Sammys Point - Scanlans Point - Ship Point - Spruce Point - St. Andrews Point - Steep Head - Stone Building Head - Strawberry Point - Suffering Pond Head - Thomas Head - Tongue Point - Turbalton Head - Whale Point - Widow Point - Wright Point - Carry Passage - Cary Passage - Crid Passage - Gows Gap - La Mouclière - La Vanelle - Lennox Passage - Mousseliers Passage - Strait of Canso - The Haulover - Tickle Channel - Hartleys Falls - Antigonish - Guysborough - Inverness - Juste au Corps - Richmond - Sydney - Bear Island - Bee Island - Benoit Island - Berry Island - Birch Island - Birch Island - Boudreaus Island - Bumbo Island - Bumbo Islet - Burnt Island - Campbell Island - Cape Breton Island - Crammond Islands - Crichton Island - Crid Islands - Crow Island - Crow Island - Delorier Island - Delorier Island - Dog Island - Duncan Walkers Island - Eagle Island - Embrees Island - Evans Island - Freeman Island - Green Island - Half Island - Heron Island - Hog Island - Île du Cap-Breton - Île Sec - Indian Island - Isle Madame - Janvrin Island - Jerseyman Island - Knife Island - Lazares Island - Leonards Island - Little Spirits Islands - MacNamaras Island - MacRae Island - Magnus Island - Malcolms Island - McRae Island - Mussel Island - Parkers Island - Pirate Island - Poulamon Islet - Purcells Island - Rabbit Island - Round Island - Scanlans Island - Susies Island - The Blocks - Thorn Island - Walkers Island - Walshs Island - Wasting Island - Archie Pond - Auld Lake - Babins Lake - Back Pond - Ballams Pond - Beaver Dam Lake - Big Pond - Bras d'Or Lake - Buchanan Lake - Butlers Lake - Campbell Pond - Campbells Pond - Carters Lake - Chisholms Lake - Critchetts Lake - Dans Lake - Dead Raven Pond - Doolan Pond - Dore Lake - Doreys Lake - Doreys Lake - Duck Pond - Embree Pond - Embrees Pond - Emery Pond - Englands Lake - False Bay Lake - False Bay Lakes - First Lake - French Lake - Front Pond - Goose Harbour Lake - Goose Harbour Lakes - Grand Lake - Grant Lake - Hahasy Pond - Halfmoon Lake - Harveys Lake - Hawker Lake - Hector Lake - Heffernan Pond - Hill Lake - Hines Lake - Hopes Lake - Horton Lake - Hunsons Lake - Knight Lake - Lac à Jean - Lac Sec - Lake Elizabeth - Lake Murray - Landrie Lake - Lauchlin Lake - Leonards Pond - Little Dry Lake - Little River Reservoir - Long Lake - Long Pond - MacGregors Lake - MacIntyre Lake - MacMillan Lakes - MacMillans Lake - MacNeils Pond - MacPhersons Lake - Mary Lake - Matties Lake - McCarthys Lake - McIntyre Lake - McMillan Lakes - Middle Lake - Moosehorn Lake - Morrisons Lake - Mundell Pond - Mundells Lake - Mundells Pond - Neds Lake - Nicholas Lake - Noels Lake - Otter Burrow Lake - Peebles Pond - Pottie Lake - Potty Lake - Reeves Lake - Sampson Lake - Second Lake - Shannon Lake - Shaw Lake - Shoal Lake - Skinners Pond - Suffering Pond - Sugar Camp Lake - Summers Lake - Sundown Lake - Sunset Lake - The Pond - Theriaults Lake - Third Lake - Tracadieur Lake - Upper MacMillan Lake - Victoria Lake - Walshs Lake - Walshs Little Lake - West Lake - West Lakes - Wheatons Lake - White Lake - Whites Lake - Campbells Mountain - Craignish Hills - Creignish Hills - Creignish Mountain - MacDonald Mountain - McDonald Mountain - Mill Hill - Pleasant Hill - South Mountain - Sporting Mountain - Sporting Mountain - The Big Ridge - Antigonish - Guysborough - Inverness - Richmond - Lennox Passage Provincial Park - Angus Brook - Archies Brook - Barrys River - Ben Hughies Brook - Benoit Creek - Benoit Creek Brook - Black Brook - Black Brook - Black River - Brown Brook - Byers Brook - Cameron Brook - Clam Harbour River - Coal Brook - Critchell Brook - Daniels Brook - Deep Brook - Doreys Creek - Dowlings Brook - East Branch Tracadie River - East Brook - Embree Brook - Embrees Brook - Emery Brook - Fall Brook - False Bay Brook - Ferguson Brook - Glenora Brook - Goose Harbour River - Havre Bouché Brook - Havre Boucher Brook - Hayes Brook - Horton Brook - Horton Brook - Johnny MacInnes Brook - Kempt Brook - Kennys Brook - Kens Brook - Kuliks Brook - Lamey Brook - Little River - MacAskills Brook - MacDonalds Brook - MacLeod Brook - MacLeod Brook - MacMaster Brook - MacMasters Brook - MacPhees Brook - MacPherson Brook - MacRaes Brook - Malcolms Brook - McDonald Brook - McMaster Brook - McNairs Brook - McPherson Brook - Meadow Brook - Melford Brook - Mile Brook - Mill Brook - Mill Brook - Mill Creek - Morgans Brook - Morrisons Brook - Moulin River - Murray Brook - North Little River - North West Arm Brook - Northwest Arm Brook - Peters Brook - Peters Brook - Poulamon Creek - Proctors Brook - Queensville Brook - Rae Brook - Rae Creek - Red Brook - River Inhabitants - Rough Brook - Seacoal Brook - Shannon Brook - Smelt Brook - St. Francis Harbour River - St. Francis River - Steeles Brook - Steep Creek - Sugar Camp Brook - The Ruisseau - Thorn Creek - Thorn Creek Brook - Three Mile Brook - Two Mile Brook - Urquharts Brook - Venus Brook - Venus Brook - Walshs Creek Brook - West Brook - White Brook - White Brook - Wrights River - Campbells Shoal - Balache Rock - Ballam Shoal - Bear Reef - Bentinck Shoals - Birch Shoal - Black Rock - Cahil Rock - Campbells Shoal - Crichton Shoal - Dixon Rock - Dorey Ledge - Doreys Ledge - Ferry Reef - Fiddle Shoal - Fish Shoal - Janvrin Shoal - Laceys Rocks - Long Ledge - Macdonald Shoal - MacDonalds Shoal - MacRaes Shoal - Madagascar Rock - Martin Shoal - McInnes Shoals - Middle Ground - Peninsula Shoals - Picard Reef - Poule Reef - Premier Shoal - Ship Rock - Smith Shoal - Thomas Shoal - Wasting Rocks - Mulgrave - Port Hawkesbury - Arichat - Askilton - Auld Cove - Aulds Cove - Balmoral - Basin Road - Camerons Mountain - Cape Porcupine - Chapel Road - Cleveland - Crandall Road - Creignish - Creignish Rear - Dundee - East Havre Boucher - Evanston - Glenora - Grande Anse - Grandique Ferry - Grantville - Hawker - Hureauville - Janvrin Harbour - Kempt Road - Lennox - Lennox Passage - Lexington - Lochside - Louisdale - Low Point - Lower River Inhabitants - MacIntyre Lake - Mackdale - Martinique - McIntyre Lake - McPhersons Ferry - Middle Melford - Morrison - Morrison Siding - Newtown - Pirate Harbour - Pleasant Hill - Point Tupper - Port Hastings - Port Malcolm - Port Richmond - Port Royal - Poulamon - Queensville - Rear Black River - Riverside - Robins - Sand Point - St. George Channel - St. Georges Channel - St. Marys - St. Peters Junction - Steep Creek - Sugar Camp - Sunnyside - Troy - Tupper - Walkerville - West Arichat - West Bay - West Bay Centre - West Bay Road - Whiteside - Doyles Marsh - Macs Meadow - Northwest Arm Intervale - Proctors Meadow