011F06 Chedabucto Bay Canada topo map, 1:50,000 scale
011F06 Chedabucto Bay NRCAN topographic map.
Includes UTM and GPS geographic coordinates (latitude and longitude). This 50k scale map is suitable for hiking, camping, and exploring, or you could frame it as a wall map.
Printed on-demand using high resolution, on heavy weight and acid free paper, or as an upgrade on a variety of synthetic materials.
Topos available on paper, Waterproof, Poly, or Tyvek. Usually shipping rolled, unless combined with other folded maps in one order.
- Product Number: NRCAN-011F06
- Parent Topo: TOPO-011F
- Map ID also known as: 011F06, 11F6, 11F06
- Unfolded Size: Approximately 26" high by 36" wide
- Weight (paper map): ca. 55 grams
- Map Type: POD NRCAN Topographic Map
- Map Scale: 1:50,000
- Geographical region: Nova Scotia, Canada
Neighboring Maps:
All neighboring Canadian topo maps are available for sale online at 1:50,000 scale.
Purchase the smaller scale map covering this area: Topo-011F
Spatial coverage:
Topo map sheet 011F06 Chedabucto Bay covers the following places:
- American Cove - American Harbour - Anchoring Cove - Anse à Richard - Anse au Poulamon - Arichat Harbour - Big Cove - Blackduck Cove - Browns Cove - Cape Auget Bay - Cape Auguet Bay - Cashins Cove - Cashman Cove - Chedabucto Bay - Clam Harbour Bay - Clems Cove - Cole Harbour - Cooks Cove - Cooks Cove - Creamers Cove - Dover Basin - Dover Bay - Dover Harbour - English Cove - English Harbour - Forest Cove - Fox Bay - Grovers Cove - Guet Cove - Gun Cove - Guysborough Harbour - Guysborough Harbour - Hadley Cove - Hadleyville Harbour - Half Island Cove - Halfway Cove - Hortons Cove - Hunsons Cove - Indian Cove - Indian Cove - Lime Cove - Loon Cove - Louse Harbour - Lower Sand Cove - Mackerel Cove - Martin Pond - Mill Cove - Molasses Harbour - Moose Bay - Mud Cove - Mud Cove - Mussel Cove - Northeast Arm - Northwest Arm - Otter Cove - Philip Cove - Philips Harbour - Port Felix Harbour - Presquile Cove - Presqu'ile Cove - Queensport - Sandy Cove - Seal Cove - Spears Cove - St. Francis Harbour - Toby Cove - Tor Bay - Upper Sand Cove - Whitehaven Harbour - Whitehead Harbour - Carters Beach - Clam Harbour Beach - Fox Island Main Beach - Hadley Beach - Long Beach - The Sand Bar - West Beach - Bigby Head - Black Point - Bluff Point - Brodie Point - Cape Argos - Cape Argos - Cape Arichat - Cape Auguet - Cape Diamond - Cape Hogan - Creamers Point - Doughboy Point - Durell Point - Eagle Head - Eliza Point - Fogherty Head - Fort Point - French Point - Gaulman Point - Grady Point - Grovers Point - Gunning Point - Hardings Point - Huss Head - Katon Point - Keef Point - King Point - Lamb Point - Lazy Head - Lodge Point - Loon Point - Louse Head - Marache Point - Marshall Point - McCaul Point - Meades Point - Monroe Point - Moose Head - Moose Point - Moyac Point - Murdoch Head - Oyster Point - Parker Point - Peart Point - Philip Head - Philips Head - Pointe au Poulamon - Porper Point - Ragged Head - Red Head - Salmon Point - Simon Briands Point - Spears Head - Toby Point - Walsh Point - Basin Run - Little Dover Run - Tickle Channel - Crow Cliffs - East Cliff - Guysborough - Richmond - Bear Island - Big Island - Birch Island - Burnt Island - Burnt Island - Byron Island - Cage Island - Doverins Island - Durell Island - Durells Island - Flag Island - Fox Island - Grady Island - Grass Island - Gun Cove Island - Gurneys Island - Half Island - Ile aux Moutons - Isle Madame - Jamieson Island - Jerseyman Island - Larbord Island - Little Dover (White) Island - Little Island - Masons Island - McCaul Island - Millstone Island - Munroes Island - Poule Island - Poule Islet - Prices Island - Raspberry Island - Rook Island - Sheep Island - Sheep Island - Sheep Island - Sheep Island - Theodores Island - Tickle Island - Two Islands - White Island - Wreck Island - Allens Lake - Anchoring Cove Lakes - Andrews Lake - Angus Lakes - Base Lake - Basin Lake - Big Branch Lake - Big Lake - Bills Lake - Birchtown Lake - Black Pond - Blackberry Run Lakes - Blowdown Lake - Bonnet Lake - Brandy Pot Lake - Canter Lake - Canters Lake - Carey Lake - Carr Pond - Carter Pond - Cavanaugh Lake - Chain Lake - Charles Lake - Chisholm Lake - Chisholms Lake - Chisholms Long Lake - Clam Pond - Cliff Lake - Cole Harbour Round Lake - Collins Pond - Cooeycoff Lake - Cow Lake - Cow Run Pond - Cranberry Lake - Cranberry Lake - Currys Lake - Dans Lake - Dobson Lake - Dobsons Lake - Donahue Lake - Dorts Hollow Lake - Double Farm Lake - Double Lake - Dover Lake - Doyles Lake - Duff Lake - Duffs Lakes - Earls Lake - East Halfway Cove Lakes - East Halfway Cove Lakes - East Halfway Cove Lakes - Eastern Big Lake - Eastern Lake - Eastern Lookout Lake - Eastern Pond - Eelers Lake - Elbow Lake - Enchanted Valley Lakes - Finlay Lake - First Cow Lake - First Lake - Fogartys Lake - Fogartys Little Lake - Fogartys Pool - Fogherty Lake - Fougère Lake - Goose Pond - Gooseneck Lake - Grassy Lake - Greenwood Lake - Gull Lake - Hadleyville Pond - Half Moon Lake - Halfway Cove Lake - Halfway Run Lakes - Hart Lake - Hay Lake - Hay Marsh Lake - Hayden Lake - Haydens Lake - Hazel Hill Lake - Hazel Lake - Hendsbee Lake - Henlines Lake - Hoop Pole Hill Lake - Hopkins Lake - Hydes Lake - Ice Lake - Ice Lakes - Jamieson Back Lake - Jamieson Front Lake - Jamieson Lakes - Johns Lake - Juniper Lake - Juniper Run Lakes - Kavanaughs Lake - Lady Lake - Levi Harts Pond - Lily Lake - Little Barachois - Little Branch Lake - Little Dobsons Lake - Little Lake - Little Lake - Little Mud Lake - Little Round Lake - Long Lake - Long Lake - Long Pond - Lookout Hill Rocky Lake - Louis Boudreaus Lake - Lower Fall Lake - Lower Pond - Lukemans Lake - Lumsden Lake - Lumsdens Lake - MacPherson Lake - Magoin Lake - Maguire Lake - Mahons Lake - Manassette Lake - McPherson Lake - Middle Lake - Moose Lake - Mound Lake - Mud Lake - Muddy Lake - Murdoch Pond - Murphys Lake - Muskrat Lake - Myers Lake - Narrow Lake - Nerissa Round Lake - Northeast Arm Lake - Northeast Branch Lakes - Northern Lakes - Otter Run Lakes - Oyster Ponds - Panhandle Lake - Petitpas Lake - Pine Hill Lakes - Pine Lake - Porper Lake - Porper Pond - Ragged Head Pond - Ragged Pond - Red Head Lake - Rocky Lake - Rocky Lake - Rocky Lakes - Round Lake - Round Lake - Round Lake - Rudder Lake - Sand Lake - Sandy Cove Lakes - Second Cow Lake - Second Lake - Seven Island Lake - Simpson Lake - Simpsons Lake - Simpsons Pond - Smelt Lake - Snyders Lake - Softwood Hill Lake - Southeast Lake - Southwest Lake - Southwest Pond - Spear Lake - Spears Lake - Square Lake - Stevens Lake - Stewart Pond - Sugarloaf Lake - Swaines Lake - Third Lake - Third Lake - Three Mile Lake - Tom Lake - Tommys Lake - Trout Lake - Trout Lake - Trout Lake - Unknown Lake - Upper Fall Lake - Valentines Lake - Walsh Lake - Walshs Lake - Western Big Lake - Western Lookout Lake - Western Pond - Whistlehouse Lake - White Lake - Wilkins Lake - Young Lake - Flag Hill - Flagstaff Hill - Lookout Hill - Pine Hill - Sugar Loaf - Sugarloaf Hill - Tom Hill - Guysborough - Richmond - Blackberry Run - Canters Lake Run - Carey Brook - Clam Harbour River - Cole Harbour River - Currys Lake Brook - Delaney Brook - Duck Run - Duffs Brook - Gaspereaux Brook - Goose Harbour River - Halfway Cove Brook - Hyde Brook - Jamieson Brook - Juniper Brook - Juniper Run - King Creek - Kyak Brook - Larrys River - Larry's River - Little River - McKenzie Brook - Meadow Brook - Meaghers Brook - Milford Haven River - Northeast Branch - Northwest Branch - Otter Brook - Otter Run - Patterson Brook - Peas Brook - Porcupine Hill Brook - Rattrays Run - Reynolds Brook - Salmon River - Sandy Cove Brook - Smelt Brook - Smelt Brook - Southwest Pond Brook - St. Francis Harbour River - St. Francis River - Stewart Brook - Taylor Brook - Underground Brook - Walsh Brook - Wash Brook - Winter Creek - Wood Duck Run - Crooked Stillwaters - Deep Pond Stillwater - Long Stillwater - Mud Hole - The Stillwater - The Stillwaters - The Tittle - Cat Shoal - Hard Shoal - Learys Shoal - Long Rocks - Lower Carney Rock - Murdoch Ledge - Southwest Ground - Yellow Rocks - Argos Shoal - Big Shoal - Black Ledge - Brodie Rocks - Cage Shoal - Cat Shoal - Cerberus Rock - Corveau Rocks - Dans Ground - Doughboy Ledge - Eagle Head Rock - Eastern Shoals - Gull Rock - Hard Shoal - Hautfond Shoals - Henley Ledges - Horne Shoal - Hydra Shoal - Inner Fox - Inner Fox Rocks - Joes Rock - Ketch Shoal - King Creek Shoal - Learys Shoal - Long Rocks - Lower Carney Rock - Lumsden Shoal - Murdoch Ledge - Net Rocks - Outer Fox Rocks - Pilot Rock - Poule Reef - Rocky Ledge - Seal Ledges - Shallop Rocks - Southwest Ground - Stony Patch - The Sisters - The Tilly - Upper Carney Rock - Yellow Rocks - Canso - Birchtown - Cape Auget - Cape Augnet - Cape Auguet - Cole Harbour - Cooks Cove - Dorts Cove - Durells Island - Fox Island Main - Glenkeen - Guysborough - Hadleyville - Half Island Cove - Halfway Cove - Hazel Hill - MacPherson Lake - Manassette Lake - Manchester - Marshall Point - Middle Manchester - Nerissa - Peas Brook - Philips Harbour - Port Felix - Port Felix East - Port Shoreham - Queensport - South Manchester - St. Francis Harbour - Tittle Road - Trout Lake - Upper Fox Island - Upper Whitehead - Yellow Marsh - Le Pré - Dover - Little Dover