011D14 Musquodoboit Harbour Canada topo map, 1:50,000 scale
011D14 Musquodoboit Harbour NRCAN topographic map.
Includes UTM and GPS geographic coordinates (latitude and longitude). This 50k scale map is suitable for hiking, camping, and exploring, or you could frame it as a wall map.
Printed on-demand using high resolution, on heavy weight and acid free paper, or as an upgrade on a variety of synthetic materials.
Topos available on paper, Waterproof, Poly, or Tyvek. Usually shipping rolled, unless combined with other folded maps in one order.
- Product Number: NRCAN-011D14
- Parent Topo: TOPO-011D
- Map ID also known as: 011D14, 11D14
- Unfolded Size: Approximately 26" high by 36" wide
- Weight (paper map): ca. 55 grams
- Map Type: POD NRCAN Topographic Map
- Map Scale: 1:50,000
- Geographical region: Nova Scotia, Canada
Neighboring Maps:
All neighboring Canadian topo maps are available for sale online at 1:50,000 scale.
Purchase the smaller scale map covering this area: Topo-011D
Spatial coverage:
Topo map sheet 011D14 Musquodoboit Harbour covers the following places:
- Bear Cove - Eastern Arm - Grassy Cove - Head of Jeddore - Innis Cove - Jeddore Harbour - Jocks Cove - Mill Cove - Moose Cove - Musquodoboit Harbour - Navy Pool - Northwest Cove - Olivers Cove - Petpeswick Harbour - Petpeswick Inlet - Power Cove - Salmon Inlet - Sandy Cove - Western Arm - Cordwood Piles Point - Duck Head - English Point - Indian Point - Oyster Point - Shortens Point - Buttermilk Channel - Devils Bed - Blue Falls - Jam Falls - Little River Falls - Halifax - Hants - Anderson Islands - Big Island - Brown Islands - Byron Island - Chapel Island - Cliffs Island - Deadman Island - Ember Island - Firebrand Island - Grand Island - Hen Island - Mackerel Islands - Mouse Island - Pea Island - Prior Island - Rocky Islands - Shields Head - Spark Island - Admiral Lake - Ash Hill Lake - Ash Hill Lake - Back Duck Lake - Bakers Lake - Barren Lake - Bayer Lake - Bear Cove Lake - Bear Lake - Bear Lake - Beaver Lake - Beaver Lake - Beaver Pond - Beckwith Lake - Beckwood Lake - Bell Lake - Bell Lake - Bell Lake - Bens Lake - Big Duck Lake - Big Lake - Big Pilgrim Lake - Big Tom Lake - Billys Pond - Birch Lake - Blair Lake - Bottle Lake - Bridge End Lake - Brooks Lakes - Brown Pond - Browns Lake - Browns Pond - Bruce Lake - Buckley Lake - Burnt Lake - Byron Lake - Byron Lake - Camp Lake - Camp Lake - Camp Lakes - Campbells Pond - Camphill Lake - Canoe Lake - Caribou Lake - Catamaran Lake - Catamaran Lakes - Centre Lake - Chain Lakes - Chain of Lakes - Chezzetcook Lake - Christopher Lake - Church Lake - Church Lake - Clearwater Lake - Clearwater Lake - Clump Lake - Collins Lake - Commissary Meadow Lake - Conrod Lake - Cope Lake - Copes Hill Lake - Cousins Lake - Cove Lake - Cranberry Lake - Cranberry Lake - Cranberry Lake - Cranberry Lake - Cranberry Lake - Crawford Lake - Crazy Colls Slough Hole - Crocket Lake - Crooked Lake - Crow Lake - Crowbar Lake - Dam Lake - Dark Lake - Dark Pond - Deadman Lake - Decoy Lake - Dilman Lake - Dollar Lake - Donkin Lake - Dooks Lake - Dooks Pond - Drew Lake - Drews Trout Pond - Drummer Lake - Dry Lake - Duck Lake - Duck Lake - Duck Lake - Duck Lake - Duck Lakes - Duck Pond - Duck Pond - Dudley Lake - Eagle Lake - East Lake - East Lake - East Lake - East Lake - East Lake - Eastern Richardson Pond - Eastern Run Lake - Eel Pond - Elbow Lake - Elbow Pond - Ernst Lake - Eunice Lake - Eureka Lake - Farquhar Lake - Farquhars Lake - Faulkner Lake - Faulkner Lake - Fiddle Lake - Fish Lake - Fishing Lake - Five Island Lake - Flat Iron Lake - Flat Lake - Flat Lakes - Fox Lake - Fuller Lake - Fuller Lake - Gazette Lake - Gibraltar Lake - Gillespie Lake - Goose Lake - Graham Lake - Grand Lake - Granite Lake - Granite Lake - Granite Lake - Grant Lake - Grassy Lake - Grassy Lake - Grassy Lake - Grassy Lake - Grassy Lake - Griswold Lake - Gull Lake - Hackmatack Lake - Hard Scrabble Lake - Hartman Lake - Higgins Lake - Hilltop Lake - Horseshoe Lake - Horseshoe Lake - Howe Lake - Hurley Lake - Island Lake - Jack Weeks Lake - Jeddore Lake - Jim Grant Ponds - John Brayden Lake - Johnson Lake - Julien Pond - Kerr Lake - Knowlan Lake - Lac aux Pattes - Lake Brown - Lake Charlotte - Lake Eagle - Lake Egmont - Lake George - Lake Major - Lake No Good - Lake Williams - Lamprey Lake - Lantz Pond - Lawrence Lake - Lay Lake - Ledwidge Lake - Lewis Lake - Lewis Lake - Lily Pad Lake - Lily Pond - Little Browns Lake - Little Camp Lake - Little Duck Lake - Little Duck Lake - Little Eel Pond - Little Harbour Road Lake - Little Hartman Lake - Little Lake - Little Lake - Little Lake - Little Lake - Little Lake - Little Lake - Little Lake - Little Lake Brown - Little Lake No Good - Little Lily Pond - Little Moose Lake - Little River Lake - Little Rock Lake - Little Rocky Lake - Little Scotch Pond - Little Sixmile Lake - Little Tom Lake - Lively Lake - Logan Lake - Logging Lake - Logging Lake Pond - Long Bridge Lake - Long Duck Lake - Loon Lake - Loon Lake - Loon Lake - Lower Egmont Lake - Maple Hill Lake - Maple Hill Lake - Maskell Pond - McCaffrey Lake - McCaffrey Long Lake - McCullough Lake - McKay Lake - McKay Pond - McMullin Lake - Mill Pond - Milne Lake - Milnes Lake - Mitchell Lake - Mitchells Hill South Lake - Mitchells Hill West Lake - Mitt Lake - Moore Lake - Moose Cove Lake - Moose Cove Lakes - Moose Lake - Moose Lake - Moose Lake - Moose Pond - Mountain Lake - Mud Hole - Mud Lake - Mud Pond - Murphy Lake - Murphys Lake - Mystery Lake - Narrow Lake - New Found Lake - No Good Lake - North Lake - North Lakes - North West Lake - Oak Lake - O'Brien Lake - Officers Camp Lake - Old Harbour Road Lake - Otter Lake - Otter Lake - Otter Lake - Otter Lake - Otter Pond - Oyster Pond - Oyster Pond - Pace Lake - Paces Lake - Paint Lake - Pea Island Lake - Petpeswick Lake - Pilgrim Lakes - Pine Grove Lake - Pine Lake - Pine Lake - Pine Lake - Piney Lake - Poplar Lake - Porcupine Lake - Porcupine Lake - Porcupine Pond - Portapique Lake - Porter Lake - Porters Lake - Pot Lake - Pot Lake - Preston Long Lake - Quaver Lake - Rabbits Lake - Red Lake - Red Lake - Reid Lake - Richardson Lake - Richardson Pond - River Lake - Robert Lake - Roberts Little Lake - Robinson Lake - Robinsons Lake - Rockhead Lake - Rocky Lake - Rocky Lake - Rocky Lake - Rocky Lake - Rocky Lake - Rocky Lake - Rocky Lake - Rocky Lake - Rocky Lake - Rocky Lake - Rocky Lake - Rodgers Duck Lake - Round Lake - Round Lake - Round Pond - Round Pond - Round Pond - Roy Lake - Ruggs Lake - Saddleback Lake - Salmon River Lake - Salmon River Long Lake - Samson Carter Pond - Sandy Lake - Scotch Pond - Scots Lake - Scots Pond - Scott Lake - Scrabble Lake - Shaw Big Lake - Shaw Little Lake - Shea Lake - Sherriff Lake - Ship Harbour Lake - Ship Harbour Long Lake - Skull Lake - Skull Lake Pond - Sole Lake - Soles Lake - Solomons Pond - South Red Trout Lake - Sparks Lake - Sparrow Lake - Spider Lake - Spoon Lake - Square Lake - Squints Lake - Stillwater Lake - Sucker Lake - Sugar Camp Lake - Thief Lake - Thompson Lake - Three Mile Lake - Tittle Lake - Tomson Lake - Triplet Lake - Trout Lake - Trout Lake - Trout Lake - Trout Lake - Tully Lake - Turf Lake - Turtle Lake - Turtle Lake - U.M. Lake - Water Lily Lake - Webber Lake - West Lake - West Lake - Western Richardson Pond - White Horse Lake - White Lake - Wildcat Lake - Wisdom Mill Lake - Woody Lake - Y Lake - Yellow Lily Lake - Bear Hill - Blue Hill - Farquhars Mountain - Gibraltar Hill - Gibraltar Rock - Jerusalem Hill - Johnson Hill - Lookout Hill - Mount Tom - Nuttall Hill - Reid Hill - Soles Hill - East Hants - Halifax - Dollar Lake Provincial Park - Waverley Game Sanctuary - Waverley Salmon River Long Lake Wilderness Area - Abraham Brook - Abrahams Brook - Acadian Brook - Annand Brook - Baker Brook - Bakers Brook - Barney Brook - Barneys Brook - Bear Brook - Bear Meadow Brook - Beaver Brook - Black Brook - Camphill Brook - Caribou Brook - Chezzetcook River - Clattenburgh Brook - Cousins Meadow Brook - Cranberry Lake Brook - Curran Brook - Deadman Island Brook - Dollar Lake Brook - Doyles Brook - Drinking Brook - East Brook - East Brook - East Brook - Eastern Run - Far Brook - Fish Hawk Nest River - Grono Brook - Hardwood Brook - Hartman Brook - Hirtle Brook - Kaulback Brook - Keys Brook - Leech Brook - Little River - Little River - Lively Brook - MacDonald Brook - McDonald Brook - McDowell Brook - McMullin Meadow Brook - Meadow Brook - Meadow Brook - Meadow Brook - Mill Brook - Mill Brook - Mill Brook - Miller Brook - Milne Brook - Milnes Brook - Mosher Brook - Musquodoboit River - Nine Mile River - Ninemile River - North Run - Northeast Brook - Northwest Cove Brook - Nuttall Brook - Ogilvie Brook - Paddys Brook - Pond Brook - Quarry Brook - Robinsons Brook - Rocky Brook - Rodgers Brook - Rogers Brook - Ruggs Brook - Salmon River - Salmon River - Shea Lake Brook - Shubenacadie River - Smelt Brook - Smelt Brook - Softwood Brook - South Branch - South Branch Gays River - South Gay River - Spriggs Brook - Stevens Brook - Stillwater Brook - Stillwater Brook - Stingle Brook - Storey Brook - Sucker Brook - The Gullies - Three Bridges Brook - Trout Brook - West Brook - Alder Deadwater - Big Deadwater - Blue Falls Pool - Bridge Pool - Chain of Lakes Stillwaters - Eastern Run Deadwaters - First Deadwater - Flat Pool - Graveyard Pool - Long Deadwater - Long Stillwater - North Lake Deadwater - Railroad Bridge Pool - Second Deadwater - Silvers Pool - Soles Stillwater - Tom Vaughans Pool - Kempts Ledge - Antrim - Barney Brook - Barneys Brook - Conrod Settlement - Devon - Dutch Settlement - East Petpeswick - Elderbank - Gaetz Brook - Gibraltar - Goff - Goffs - Goff's - Greenough Settlement - Grono Road - Hartlin Settlement - Head of Jeddore - Jeddore Oyster Pond - Lake Egmont - Lantz - Lantz Siding - Lower Meagher Grant - Lower Meaghers Grant - Meagher - Meagher Grant - Meaghers Grant - Murchyville - Musquodoboit Harbour - Myers Point - New Road - North Preston - Oldham - Oyster Pond - Salmon River Bridge - Smith Settlement - Smiths Settlement - West Petpeswick - Wyse Corner - Wyses Corner - Musquodoboit Valley - Bear Meadow - Big Plain - Bruce Plain - Caribou Bog - Cope Plain - Curren Bog - Dicks Meadows - Doyle Meadows - Horne Meadows - Innis Meadow - Kaulback Bog - Kaulback Meadow - Kelly Meadow - Lindsay Meadows - McDowell Bog - McMullin Meadows - Millers Meadow - Parks Meadow - Porcupine Meadow - South Meadow