011D05 Sambro Canada topo map, 1:50,000 scale
011D05 Sambro NRCAN topographic map.
Includes UTM and GPS geographic coordinates (latitude and longitude). This 50k scale map is suitable for hiking, camping, and exploring, or you could frame it as a wall map.
Printed on-demand using high resolution, on heavy weight and acid free paper, or as an upgrade on a variety of synthetic materials.
Topos available on paper, Waterproof, Poly, or Tyvek. Usually shipping rolled, unless combined with other folded maps in one order.
- Product Number: NRCAN-011D05
- Parent Topo: TOPO-011D
- Map ID also known as: 011D05, 11D5, 11D05
- Unfolded Size: Approximately 26" high by 36" wide
- Weight (paper map): ca. 55 grams
- Map Type: POD NRCAN Topographic Map
- Map Scale: 1:50,000
- Geographical region: Nova Scotia, Canada
Neighboring Maps:
All neighboring Canadian topo maps are available for sale online at 1:50,000 scale.
Purchase the smaller scale map covering this area: Topo-011D
Spatial coverage:
Topo map sheet 011D05 Sambro covers the following places:
- Back Bay - Back Cove - Back of Blackburns Cove - Barbara Basin - Big Cairn Cove - Big Fish Cove - Big Hauling Cove - Big Sandy Cove - Bishops Cove - Blackberry Cove - Blind Bay - Blood Cove - Bowmans Cove - Broad Cove - Broad Cove - Broad Cove - Burns Cove - Butter Cove - Cheaters Cove - Clancys Cove - Codline Cove - Coote Cove - Coyle Cove - Cranberry Cove - Cub Basin - Dark Cove - D'Aubins Cove - Deep Cove - Deep Cove - Dogwood Cove - Dogwood Creek - Dover Harbour - Dover Soi - Duck Cove - Duncan Cove - Duncans Cove - Dutchman Cove - Eastern Cove - Faders Cove - Fawson Cove - Fink Cove - Fishers Nose Cove - Flinn Cove - Gallons Cove - Gill Cove - Grays Cove - Grover Cove - Halfway to the Point Cove - Halloran Cove - Hardeman Cove - Hardiman Cove - Hay Cove - Herring Hole - Holland Cove - Holland Cove - Indian Harbour - Island Rock Cove - Joan Cove - Joes Cove - Keatings Cove - Kelp Cove - Ketch Harbour - Kileys Cove - Laceys Cove - Laceys Cove - Leary Cove - Little Cairn Cove - Long Cove - Long Cove - Loon Cove - Lower Arm of the Roost - Lower Bar Harbour - Lower Duck Cove - Lower Prospect Cove - Mackerel Cove - Mackerel Cove - Mud Hole - Mullins Cove - Murphy Cove - Northeast Cove - Northwest Cove - Peggy Cove - Peggy Soi - Peggys Cove - Peggy's Cove - Peggys Cove Soi - Peggy's Soi - Pennant Bay - Pennant Cove - Pennant Harbour - Pennant Point Cove - Phantom Cove - Polly Cove - Pond Cove - Porcupine Cove - Port Dover - Prospect Bay - Rileys Cove - Rogues Roost - Round Hole - Salmon Cove - Sambro Basin - Sambro Creek - Sambro Harbour - Sand Cove - Sandy Cove - Sandy Cove - Sandy Cove - Seine Cove - Shad Bay - Shag Bay - Smiths Cove - Snows Cove - Southwest Cove - Stem Cove - Terence Bay - The Alley - The Basin - The Guzzle - Upper Arm of the Roost - Upper Bar Harbour - Upper Cove - Upper Duck Cove - Upper Schoolhouse Cove - Watering Cove - Watering Cove - Weasel Cove - Western Cove - Whale Cove - Whistlers Cove - Whitehorse Cove - Winterhouse Cove - Wreck Cove - Wreck Cove - Wreck Cove - Wreck Cove - Barren Shore - Bilbys Beach - Broad Breaker - Crystal Crescent Beach - Deadmans Beach - Flat Rock Beach - Georges Beach - Lobster Claw Beach - Long Beach - Martins Beach - Sallys Beach - Schnares Beach - Shad Bay Breakers - Shag Bay Breakers - Smiths Beach - Southwest Breaker - The Conch Beach - Wagners Beach - Archies Point - Bald Rock Head - Bear Point - Berry Point - Black Point - Black Point - Bluff Head - Brig Point - Bull Point - Bull Rock Point - Burns Point - Burying Head - Cape Sambro - Church Point - Church Point - Codline Point - Coles Head - Cook Head - Cook Point - Coyle Head - Cranberry Head - D'Aubins Point - Duck Cove Head - Duck Cove Head - Eastern Head - Eastern Point - Faders Point - Fawsons Point - Fishers Nose - Flying Point - Gill Cove Head - Hennesseys Head - Indian Point - Island Rock Head - John Noonans Head - Keatings Point - Kelly Point - Ketch Head - Kileys Head - Leary Point - Little Head - Long Cove Point - Lower Cheaters Head - Marrs Head - Mars Head - Martins Point - Micks Point - Money Point - Morris Point - Nelsons Point - Norris Head - Northern Head - Nowlans Point - O'Briens Point - Peggy Point - Peggys Point - Peggy's Point - Pennant Big Head - Pennant Point - Pete Point - Phantom Point - Ragged Head - Reef Head - Ryans Point - Ryans Point - Sailors Head - Sand Cove Head - Sandy Cove Point - Saul Point - Scott Point - Shad Bay Head - Shag Head - Sheepdog Point - Shipley Head - Shoal Point - Soi Point - Splitnose Point - Strawberry Point - Tennant Point - The Castle - The High Head - Tobins Head - Upper Cheaters Head - Watering Cove Head - Watering Cove Point - Western Head - Whitehorse Point - Brophys Run - Norris Gut - Privateer Passage - Purcells Narrows - Ryans Gut - Sambro Channel - The Narrows - The Run - Metahead Bank - Halifax - Arts Island - Baker Island - Bakers Island - Ball Rock - Bartlett Island - Betty Island - Big Island - Breakfast Island - Burnt Island - Callahan Island - Cat Island - Clarks Island - Coles Island - Corneys Island - Cracker Island - Dover Castle - Dover Island - Duck Island - Evans Island - Fleming Island - Flemming Island - Germans Island - Hearn Island - Hennesseys Island - High Island - Hopson Island - Indian Island - Inner Gull - Inner Gull Island - Inner Sambro Island - Isle of Man - Jeffreys Island - Keighans Island - Laceys Island - Little Castle - Little Island - Little Island - Little Woody Island - Long Island - Lower Woody Island - Mackerel Island - Marrs Island - Martin Island - Moore Island - Moores Island - Moosehead Island - Mosher Island - Myers Island - Norris Island - Norris Island - Otter Island - Outer Gull - Outer Gull Island - Pennant Island - Pig Island - Poor Island - Power Island - Power Island - Powers Island - Powers Island - Prettys Island - Privateer Island - Purcell Island - Purcells Island - Rat Island - Rat Island - Redmond Island - Roger Power Island - Roost Island - Ryan Island - Ryans Island - Saddle Island - Sambro Island - Saul Island - Seven Islands - Shannon Island - Sheas Island - Sheehans Island - Simmons Island - Southwest Island - Strawberry Island - Taylor Island - The Eastern End - The Little Islands - Thrumcap Island - White Island - Woody Island - Bar Harbour Lake - Barachois Lake - Barachois Pond - Black Duck Lake - Brophy Back Lake - Brophy Lake - Brophys Back Lake - Brophys Front Lake - Burnthill Lake - Canal Lake - Clam Pond - Daddy Lake - Dadies Lake - Duncan Lake - Duncans Cove Pond - First Pond - Fourth Pond - Goose Pond - Grand Lake - Gray Lake - Grey Lake - High Island Pond - Hospital Hill Lake - Keatings Roost - Lily Pond - Little Brophy Lake - Little Burnthill Lake - Little Lake - Little Pond - Little Trout Lake - Long Canal Lake - Long Lake - Long Pond - Loon Cove Lake - Nick Pond - Norris Back Lake - Norris Lake - Norris Pond - Pork Hole - Quarry Lake - Ragged Lake - Reardons Hole - Roost Pond - Round Pond - Seligs Pond - Sheehan Lake - Shellbird Lake - The Barachois - Third Pond - Whale Cove Lake - Big Mountain - Crows Nest - Dover Hill - Green Hill - Hospital Hill - Reach Hill - The High Barrens - Yellow Hill - Halifax - Crystal Crescent Provincial Park - William E. DeGarthe Memorial Provincial Park - Sheehans Run - Boatswain Run - Gaspereaux Run - Grand Lake Run - Long Cove Brook - Pennant River - Smelt Brook - Terence Bay River - The Long Lane - Terence Basin - The Hospital - Bald Rock - Bald Rock - Bald Rock - Ball Rock - Barrington Rock - Barse Ground - Barse Rock - Basin Rock - Bell Rock - Big Head Rock - Bigfish Shoal - Black Point Ledge - Black Reef - Black Rock - Black Rock - Black Rock - Black Rock - Black Shoal - Blackburns Rock - Blind Sister - Blind Tom - Bobby Ledge - Bobbys Ledge - Broad Rock - Broad Shoal - Brow Rock - Bull Rock - Bull Rock - Cabbage Garden Shoals - Cat Ledge - Chubb Rock - Coles Island Rock - Coles Rock - Colt Shoal - Connor Reef - Corney Rock - Cory Rock - Cowley Rock - Croak Rock - Cronie Reef - Devereux Shoal - Devils Seat - Dogfish Ground - Dollar Rock - Duck Island Rock - Duck Reef - Duncan Reef - East Shoal - Eastern Frying Pans - Ede Rock - Eldad Ledge - Fairweather Rock - Fawson Rock - Flatroof Shoal - Fleming Ledge - Flemming Ledge - Frying Pan Rock - Green Shoal - Gull Rock - Gull Shoal - Gun Rock - Halibut Rock - Head Rock - Hennessey Bank - Hennesy Bank - Hens and Chickens - Horse Shoal - Horseshoe Ledge - Island Rock - Kelly Ledge - Kellys Ledge - Kitiwiti Shoal - Laceys Cove Chuckle - Little Pollock - Lobster Claw - Lynch Rocks - Mad Rock - Mad Rock - Mare Shoal - Merlin Rock - Middle Ground - Middle Ground - Middle Ground - Morris Point Shoal - Nick Shoal - Norris Bald Rock - Norris Rock - Outer Bank - Paddle Rock - Peddlar Rock - Pennel Shoal - Phillips Shoal - Pollock Shoal - Polly Cove Rock - Polly Cove Rock - Puffer Shoal - Round Rock - Sambro Ledges - Sand Cove Head Shoal - Sand Head Shoal - Sand Shoal - Seal Rock - Shag Rock - Shannons Flat Rock - Shark Rock - Shoal Ground - Smithson Rock - South Rock - Southeast Shoal - Southwest Shoal - Stapleton Rock - Stapleton Rock - Terence Bay Rock - The Clump - The Cow and Calf - The Grampus - The Puffer - The Sisters - Thrumcap Rock - Torpey Ledge - Western Frying Pans - Whale Cove Chuckle - Whaleback Rock - White Rocks - Whitehorse Rock - Wippy Rock - Wreck Cove Rock - Bald Rock - Dover West - Duncan Cove - Duncans Cove - East Dover - East Pennant - Ketch Harbour - Lower Prospect - Peggy Cove - Peggys Cove - Peggy's Cove - Pennant - Prospect - Sambro - Sambro Creek - Sambro Head - Sandy Cove - Terence Bay - Terence Bay River - West Dover - West Pennant - Williamswood - Isaacs Marsh