011D16 Ecum Secum Canada topo map, 1:50,000 scale
011D16 Ecum Secum NRCAN topographic map.
Includes UTM and GPS geographic coordinates (latitude and longitude). This 50k scale map is suitable for hiking, camping, and exploring, or you could frame it as a wall map.
Printed on-demand using high resolution, on heavy weight and acid free paper, or as an upgrade on a variety of synthetic materials.
Topos available on paper, Waterproof, Poly, or Tyvek. Usually shipping rolled, unless combined with other folded maps in one order.
- Product Number: NRCAN-011D16
- Parent Topo: TOPO-011D
- Map ID also known as: 011D16, 11D16
- Unfolded Size: Approximately 26" high by 36" wide
- Weight (paper map): ca. 55 grams
- Map Type: POD NRCAN Topographic Map
- Map Scale: 1:50,000
- Geographical region: Nova Scotia, Canada
Neighboring Maps:
All neighboring Canadian topo maps are available for sale online at 1:50,000 scale.
Purchase the smaller scale map covering this area: Topo-011D
Spatial coverage:
Topo map sheet 011D16 Ecum Secum covers the following places:
- Alex Cove - Andersons Cove - Back Bay - Back Cove - Back Cove - Baker Cove - Bay of Islands - Beaver Harbour - Betts Cove - Big Barren Cove - Black Cove - Black Duck Cove - Boat Cove - Bulls Cove - Camp Cove - Carrying Cove - Coomb Cove - Coombs Bay - Cropleys Cove - Deadmans Point - Deep Cove - Eastern Cove - Ecum Secum Harbour - Ecum Secum Inlet - Englehutts Cove - Factory Cove - Felker Cove - Frenchmans Harbour - Gammons Creek - Geddes Cove - Harrigan Cove - Hartlings Creek - Hatch Cove - Hawbolt Cove - Hawbolts Cove - Hugh John Cove - Hurd Cove - Jewer Cove - Jewers Bay - Jewers Cove - Jewers Cove - Johnnys Cove - Langilles Cove - Liscomb Harbour - MacDonalds Cove - Macleod Cove - Marie Joseph Harbour - Marsh Cove - McLeod Cove - Mitchell Bay - Moosehead Cove - Mosers Cove - Mozier Cove - Murphy Cove - Necum Teuch Bay - Necum Teuch Harbour - Paces Cove - Pond Cove - Quoddy Harbour - Quoddy Inlet - Richardsons Cove - Salmon Cove - Sam Miseners Cove - Sand Cove - Sellars Cove - Sheet Harbour - Smith Cove - Smith Cove - Smoke Point Cove - Snows Cove - Voglers Cove - Whale Cove - White Island Bay - Andersons Back Shore - Back Beach - Back Shore - Big Head Breakers - Bird Islands Breakers - Gerrys Beach - Half Hour Breaker - Halibut Islands Breaker - Hawbolt Beach - Little Breaker - Morris Beach - Pond Beach - Quoddy Big Breaker - Schoolhouse Beach - Ship Breaker - Southwest Breaker - Southwest Breaker - Southwest Breakers - Southwest Tuffin Breaker - Success Breaker - The Flats - Western Shagroost Breakers - Atkins Point - Barney Point - Beachgrass Head - Beaver Point - Beeswangers Point - Big Head - Blackbill Point - Blind Point - Bluff Head - Breading Point - Brimstone Head - Cameron Point - Careys Point - Church Point - Coomb Point - Coombs Point - Crooks Flying Point - Davidson Point - Dogfish Head - Eastern Red Head - Eastern Red Head - Epe Point - Factory Point - Fancys Point - Fathers Head - Fishery Point - Forges Point - Hapes Point - Hawbolt Point - Hemloes Point - Indian Point - Jake Mosers Point - Lawsons Point - Liscomb Point - Lobster Point - Long Point - Macdonald Point - MacDonalds Point - Macleod Point - Markie Point - Masons Point - McLeod Point - Middle Point - Middle Point - Mitchel Point - Mitchell Point - Moose Head - Necum Point - Net Point - Nolan Head - Nowlan Head - Olding Point - Owens Point - Oxford Point - Paces Point - Perry Point - Pot Point - Quoddy Head - Salmoneaux Point - Sand Point - Sauls Point - Seal Point - Shiers Point - Slab Point - Slab Point - Smileys Point - Smith Point - Smiths Point - Smiths Red Heads - Smoke Point - Talbots Point - The Bend - Turner Point - Turners Point - Ward Point - Watt Point - Western Head - Western Point - Western Red Head - Yellow Point - Ball Gut - Bulls Gut - Camp Island Gulch - False Passage - Goose Gutter - Horseshoe Run - Salmoneaux Passage - Sheet Harbour Passage - The Passage - Torpey Passage - Red Bank - Slate Cliff - Torpey Bluff - Englehutts Falls - Hartlings Falls - Kirkers Falls - Guysborough - Halifax - Marshall Dam - Amos Island - Anns Island - Balcom Island - Bald Harbour Islands - Ball Gut Island - Baptiste Island - Bar Island - Barren Island - Battery Island - Beaver Island - Berrigans Island - Big Halibut Island - Big Harbour Island - Big Island - Big Island - Big Rocky Island - Bird Islands - Black Duck Island - Black Duck Island - Boson Island - Brokenback Island - Brother Islands - Calf Island - Calf Island - Camerons Island - Camp Island - Campbell Island - Cat Cove Island - Cat Island - Charles Island - Crooks Island - Crow Island - Danbury Island - Deadman Island - Deepwater Island - East Hog Island - East Sheep Island - Eastern Shagroost - Fish Island - Fishery Island - Flag Island - Frying Pan Island - Gold Island - Goose Island - Goose Island - Goose Island - Halibut Islands - Harbour Islands - Hardwood Island - Hardwood Island - Hardwood Island - Hartlings Island - Hawbolt Island - Hawbolts Islands - Hen Island - High Island - High Island - Hog Island - Horse Island - Indian Island - Inside Eastern Harbour Island - Jacks Island - John Warrens Camp Island - Kenney Islands - Lang Island - Little Goose Island - Little Halibut Island - Little Hog Island - Little Island - Little Island - Little Island - Little Islands - Little Puncheon Island - Little Rocky Island - Little Ship Island - Little Tuffin Island - Little White Island - Lobster Island - Long Island - Long Island - Macdonald Island - Macleod Island - Marsh Island - Mary Island - Middle Halibut Island - Mink Island - Mink Island - Mink Island - Mink Island - Mink Island - Mink Island - Orkney Island - Orkney Islands - Outside Eastern Harbour Island - Pauls Island - Peter Island - Philip Island - Pig Island - Pumpkin Island - Rack Island - Rack Island - Ragged Islands - Ram Island - Rams Island - Rocky Island - Rocky Island - Round Island - Round Island - Round Island - Salmon Island - Sandy Island - Sheep Island - Sheep Island - Sheep Island - Ship Island - Slate Island - Smiths Island - Snow Island - Sober Island - Softwood Island - Speck Island - Spider Island - Stem Island - Stewarts Island - Sutherland Island - Table Island - The Finger - The Pancake - The Turnip Patch - Thrumcap Island - Tidmarsh Island - Tomahawk Island - Torpey Island - Tuffin Island - Turner Island - Turner Island - Turners Island - Voglers Island - Western Shagroost - Westhavers Island - White Islands - Wreck Island - Beaver Harbour Big Lake - Blackberry Pond - Bull Frog Lake - Bulls Pond - Cat Hill Lake - Chocolate Lake - Eagle Hunt Lake - Eagle Lake - East Lake - East River Sheet Harbour (Reservoir) - Englehutt Lake - Fancys Pond - First Lake - Fourth Lake - Gammons Pond - Goose Pond - Grassy Lake - Green Lake - Halfway Brook Lake - Hartling Lake - Hartlings Pond - Hooper Lake - Island Lake - Kirkers Pond - Lang Pond - Langs Pond - Lewiston Lake - Lily Lake - Lily Lakes - Lily Pond - Lily Pond - Little Beaver Lake - Long Marsh Lake - Louse Lake - Malay Falls Flowage - Marsh Lake - Marshall Flowage - Mill Lake - Moosehead Lake - Moser Pond - Mud Lake - Munroes Lake - Murphys Lake - Muskrat Lake - Muskrat Lake - North West Lake - Nowlin Lake - Paul Morris Lake - Pug Hole - Pye Lake - Ruth Falls Flowage - Salmon River Big Lake - Salmon River Lake - Saltwater Pond - Second Lake - Second Lake - Shiers Pond - Smith Lake - Sober Island Pond - Spar Lake - Storeys Lake - The Barachois - The Gullies - Third Lake - Toms Pond - Upper Beaver Harbour Lake - West Lake - West Lake - Blackberry Hill - Moose Hill - Quoddy Hill - Halifax - St. Mary's - Eastern Shore Islands Wildlife Management Area - Marie Joseph Provincial Park - Bear Brook - East River Sheet Harbour - East River Sheet Harbour - Ecum Secum River - Eel Brook - Grant River - Halfway Brook - Kirby River - Mill Brook - Moosehead Brook - Moser River - Northeast Brook - Pye Brook - Quoddy River - Rocky Brook - Salmon River - Salmon River - Smelt Brook - Smith Brook - West Branch Salmon River - West Brook - Alder Island Stillwater - Branch Basin - Bridge Pool - Clarkes Dam Pool - Clay Bank Pool - East Brook Pool - Footbridge Pool - Granite Rock Pool - Hartlings Falls Pool - Lower Falls Pool - Nauglers Stillwater - Salmon Hole - Slaughterhouse Pool - The Bridges Pool - Upper Falls Pool - Upper Salmon Hole - West Brook Pool - Babin Shoal - Bad Luck Shoal - Balcom Shoal - Ballast Shoal - Barney Ledge - Bassoon Reefs - Beachgrass Head Rock - Beacon Ledges - Beaver Tail - Big Shoal - Big Shoal - Big Shoal - Big Shoal - Bird Shoals - Black Bull - Black Ledge - Black Peg - Black Peg Shoal - Black Rock - Bobs Rock - Bowen Ledge - Bowens Ledge - Bowens Rock - Bull Rock - Bushy Ledge - Byrne Rock - Calf Island Shoal - Calf Shoal - Camp Island Ledge - Chapel Shoal - Coral Shoal - Crab Rock - Crackerbone - Crazy Kate - Crooks Rock - Daves Rock - David Shoal - Dogfish Ledge - Dry Ledge - Dry Ledge - Dry Shoal - Duck Rock - Duck Rock - Duck Shoals - East Black Ledge - Epe Rock - Frenchman Rock - Frenchmans Rock - Gander Rock - Geddes Shoal - Georges Mark - Goose Island Ledges - Grassy Ledge - Gravelly Ledge - Gull Ledge - Gull Ledge - Gull Rock - Gull Rock - Gunning Rock - Gunning Rocks - Halibut Islands Ledge - Hapes Rock - Harbour Islands Ledges - Harbour Rock - Harbour Rock - Harbour Rock - Hard Shoal - Hardwood Island Reef - Hardwood Island Shoal - Harvey Shoal - Hatch Cove Shoal - Hawes Shoal - Hen and Chickens - Herring Hole - High Island Ledges - High Ledges - Horse Island Ledge - Horse Island Rock - Horse Shoal - Horseshoe Shoal - Horseshoe Shoal - Howes Marsh Shoal - Hubbub Rock - Inside Middle Grounds - John Spot - Kitts Reef - Langs Ledges - Ledge Rocks - Little Bull - Lockwood Rock - Logan Rock - MacCarthys Clam Bank - MacDonald Rock - Macdonald Rock - Macdonald Shoals - MacDonalds Rock - MacDonalds Shoals - Mad Moll Rock - Marmot Rock - Middle Ground - Middle Ground - Middle Ground - Middle Ground - Middle Grounds - Middle Shoal - Middle Shoal - Middle Shoal - Mitchell Ledge - Monroe Rock - Moser Rock - Nags Head - Net Rock - Nightcap Ledge - Nowlans Shoal - Nowlans Shoal - O'Learys Rock - Outside Middle Grounds - Pan Shoal - Pancake Shoal - Perry Shoal - Point Spot - Pollock Shoal - Pollock Shoal - Pumpkin Island Ledges - Pumpkin Rock - Quoddy Shoals - Roaring Cow - Rocky Point - Round Island Ledge - Salamander Rock - Sam Ground - Sammys Shoal - Sams Ground - Sand Shoal - Sand Shoal - Sandy Island Shoal - Seal Ledge - Seal Ledges - Seal Rocks - Seal Rocks - Seal Rocks - Shag Ledge - Shag Rock - Sheet Rock - Sheet Rock - Siteman Rock - Slab Shoal - Smith Rock - Snapper Shoal - Speck Ledge - Steering Ledge - Sugarloaf - Sunken Rock - Table Island Reefs - The Bar - The Bassoon - The Blazes - The Brothers - The Frenchman - The Frenchman - The Gardens - The Hubbub - The Ledge - The Ledges - The Moll - The Nightcap - The Whalesback - Thorne Shoal - Thrumcap Shoal - Tuffin Ledges - Tuffin Shoal - Turner Shoal - Turner Shoal - Turners Shoal - West Black Ledge - West Rock - Western Middle Grounds - Western Pumpkin Reef - Western Rocks - Whale Rock - White Cliffs - White Rock - White Shoal - White Shoal - Whitman Ledge - William Shoal - Williams Reef - Worths Rock - Yankee Jack - Barkhouse Settlement - Beaver Harbour - Dufferin Mines - East Quoddy - Ecum Secum - Ecum Secum Bridge - Ecum Secum West - Fleet Settlement - Harrigan Cove - Hartling - Malay Falls - Marie Joseph - Mitchell Bay - Moosehead - Moser River - Mosers River - Nauglers Settlement - Necum Teuch - Pace Settlement - Port Dufferin - Port Dufferin West - Sheet Harbour Passage - Smith Cove - Sober Island - Watt Section - Watt Section Sheet Harbour - West Liscomb - West Newdy Quoddy - West Quoddy - Floating Bog - Howes Marsh - Muir Pond Bog