011D15 Tangier Canada topo map, 1:50,000 scale
011D15 Tangier NRCAN topographic map.
Includes UTM and GPS geographic coordinates (latitude and longitude). This 50k scale map is suitable for hiking, camping, and exploring, or you could frame it as a wall map.
Printed on-demand using high resolution, on heavy weight and acid free paper, or as an upgrade on a variety of synthetic materials.
Topos available on paper, Waterproof, Poly, or Tyvek. Usually shipping rolled, unless combined with other folded maps in one order.
- Product Number: NRCAN-011D15
- Parent Topo: TOPO-011D
- Map ID also known as: 011D15, 11D15
- Unfolded Size: Approximately 26" high by 36" wide
- Weight (paper map): ca. 55 grams
- Map Type: POD NRCAN Topographic Map
- Map Scale: 1:50,000
- Geographical region: Nova Scotia, Canada
Neighboring Maps:
All neighboring Canadian topo maps are available for sale online at 1:50,000 scale.
Purchase the smaller scale map covering this area: Topo-011D
Spatial coverage:
Topo map sheet 011D15 Tangier covers the following places:
- Ansteads Cove - Back Cove - Baltee Back Cove - Baltee Western Cove - Big Cove - Big Whale Cove - Black Duck Cove - Black Duck Cove - Carryover Cove - Carter Cove - Carters Cove - Day Cove - DeBaies Cove - Deep Cove - Dipper Cove - Eastern Sandy Cove - Flat Island Cove - Glawsons Cove - Goose Marsh - Green Cove - Half Island Cove - Hilchies Cove - Hog Island Cove - Hubleys Cove - James Cove - Lawrence Cove - Little Harbour - Little Harbour - Little Harbour - Loon Pond Cove - Malagash Cove - Marks Cove - Mason Cove - Moose Cove - Murphy Cove - Murphys Cove - Mushaboom Harbour - North Mud Hole - Northeast Arm - Northwest Arm - Northwest Cove - Owls Head Bay - Owl's Head Bay - Phoenix Cove - Phoenix Cove - Pine Cove - Pope Harbour - Popes Harbour - Portobello Cove - Power Cove - Powers Cove - Psyche Cove - Pyches Cove - Sand Cove - Sandy Cove - Seal Cove - Sheet Harbour - Shellnut Cove - Shelter Cove - Ship Harbour - Shoal Bay - Sitemans Cove - South Mud Hole - Southeast Cove - Southwest Cove - Spinneys Cove - Spry Bay - Spry Harbour - Tangier Harbour - Taylor Bay - Taylors Head Bay - The Bawleen - The Marsh - The Tittle - Tomlee Bay - Tuckers Cove - Watering Cove - Webbers Cove - Webbs Cove - West Cove - West Cove - Bull Beach - Steering Beaches - Ass Point - Baltee Head - Baltee Point - Beach Point - Black Point - Black Point - Bollong Point - Camerons Point - Carters Point - Church Point - Clear Head - Coopers Point - Day Point - DeBaies Point - Dipper Cove Head - Dipper Point - Dogfish Point - Dutchtown Point - Eastern Sandy Cove Head - Eisan Point - Eisans Point - Fish Point - Fishermans Point - Fox Point - Gerard Head - Glawsons Point - Green Point - Grum Point - Gut Point - Hall Point - Halls Point - Hog Island Point - Indian Point - Indian Point - Jeans Field Point - Kennedy Point - Lapstone Point - Lawler Point - Lawler Point - Mason Point - Mitchell Point - Monk Point - Moose Hill Point - Mooseback Point - Mouseback Point - Net Mooring Point - Net Point - Net Rock Point - Outer Black Point - Owen Point - Patricks Head - Pope Head - Popes Head - Porcupine Point - Redman Head - Romkeys Point - Salmon Point - Sandy Cove Point - Stumpy Point - Taylor Head - Taylors Head - The Carrying Place - Tomlee Head - Tucker Point - Tuckers Head - Webbs Point - Welsh Point - Willies Head - Winging Point - Winging Point - Winters Point - Bulls Gut - False Passage - Glawsons Gut - Goose Passage - Guilford Passage - Inside Ironbound - Macphee Passage - Tangier Island Passage - The Gates - The Gut - The Passage - The Run - The Tickles - Andersons Bluff - Bald Cliff - Beaver Bluff - Bob Bluff - Bobs Bluff - Borgle Bluff - Borgles Bluff - Little Bobs Bluff - Milam Bluff - Ranger Bluff - First Falls - Mason Falls - Ruth Falls - Second Falls - Third Falls - Halifax - Sheet Harbour 36 - Bald Island - Baltee Island - Beaver Island - Big Island - Big Island - Blackmans Island - Borgles Island - Botelier Island - Boutilier Island - Bulls Gut Island - Burnt Island - Cap Island - Caroline Island - Carroll Island - Castaway Island - Charles Island - Clam Island - Currant Island - Downie Island - Downies Island - East Gibbs Island - Flat Island - Flat Island - Garret Island - Gerard Island - Gibbs Island - Gooseberry Island - Gravel Island - Green Island - Green Island - Guilford Island - Gull Island - Half Island - Half Island - Harbour Island - Harbour Islands - Hardings Island - Hardwood Island - Hen Island - Hen Island - Hen Island - Hog Island - Hog Island - Horse Island - Hubleys Island - Inner Baltee Island - Ironbound Island - Lawrence Islet - Laybolts Island - Leslie Island - Little Gates Island - Little Guilford Islands - Little Hen Island - Little Ironbound Island - Little Island - Little Long Island - Little Potato Island - Little Stoney Island - Long Island - Long Island - Loon Island - Malagash Island - Marsh Island - Mary Island - McGraths Island - Melvin Island - Middle Island - Mink Island - Mink Island - Mink Island - Mink Islands - Monahan Island - Moose Island - Mussel Island - Outer Island - Outer Islands - Passage Island - Passage Islands - Pauls Island - Phoenix Island - Pig Island - Power Island - Psyche Island - Pyches Island - Quillan Island - Ragged Islands - Roach Island - Round Island - Salisbury Island - Ship Island - Stage Island - Stoney Island - Stony Island - Tangier Island - The Cutdown - Tickle Islands - Tuff Island - Wendells Island - West Gibbs Island - Western Island - Western Islands - Whale Island - Abbiecombec Lake - Abraham Lake - Abraham Lake - Abrahams Lake - Acadia Lake - Andersons Trout Lake - Arnold Lake - Atlanta Lake - Back Chain Lake - Back Rocky Lake - Bait Lake - Bare Rock Lake - Battle Dam Flowage - Bear Lake - Bear Lake - Bear Lake - Bear Lakes - Bear Lakes - Big Ass Lake - Big Bear Lake - Big Brook Lake - Big Eastern Lake - Big Kearney Lake - Big Pinegrove Lake - Big Pond - Big Pond - Birch Hill Lake - Black Duck Lake - Black Duck Lake - Black Lake - Blackie Lake - Blakeney Lake - Blakey Lake - Blind Pond - Blue Woods Lake - Bluff Lake - Boat Lake - Boot Lake - Boot Lake - Boutiliers Lake - Brandy Lake - Brandy Lake - Bridge Lake - Brydges Lake - Bull Lake - Bullrush Lake - Burnt Camp Lake - Butler Lake - Camp Lake - Camp Lake - Camp Lake - Cape Lake - Caps Lake - Caps Lake - Caribou Lake - Caribou Lake - Chain Lake - Christmas Pond - Cliff Lake - Connors Lakes - Coon Lake - Cope Lake - Copper Lake - Cowan Mill Pond - Cranberry Lake - Cranberry Lake - Cranberry Lake - Crane Hill Lake - Crooked Lake - Crooked Lakes - Curry Lake - Dam Lake - Davidson Lake - Davis Lake - Davison Lake - Deacon Lake - Devil Lake - Devils Lake - Devils Lakes - Diamond Table Lake - Dillman Lake - Doctors Lake - Dog Lake - Dreadnought Lake - Duck Lake - Duck Lake - Eagle Lake - East Bunker Hill Lake - East Bunker Hill Lake - East Lake - East Little Paul Lake - East Mushaboom Lake - East Taylor Bay Lake - Eastern Long Hill Lake - Egg Lake - Eisan Lake - Eisans Lake - Elbow Lake - Falls Hill Lake - Falls West Hill Lake - Faulkner Lake - Ferry Lake - Fifth Lake - First Lake - First Lake - First Lake - First Lake - First Rocky Lake - Fish Lake - Fourth Lake - Fox Ponds - Fraser Lake - Frenchmans Lake - Garfield Lakes - Gaspereaux Lake - George Lake - German Lake - Glawson Lake - Glawsons Little Lake - Glawsons Long Lake - Gold Lake - Good Wood Hill Lake - Gossard Lake - Grand Lake - Grand Lake Flowage - Grand Lake Pond - Granite Lake - Granite Lake - Grants Lake - Grass Lake - Grassy Lake - Grassy Lake - Grassy Lake - Grassy Lake - Grassy Lakes - Green Lake - Green Lake - Hamilton Lake - Hatchet Lake - Hatchet Lake Pughole - Hemlock Lake - Henley Lake - Henleys Lake - Hens Pond - Hilchie Lake - Hilchie Lakes - Hilchie Lakes - Hook Lake - Horse Pond - Horse Pond - Horseshoe Lake - Horseshoe Lake - Hurley Lake - Indian Hole - Indian Lake - Island Lake - Island Lake - Jack Lowe Lake - Jacket Lake - Jackson Lake - Jacksons Lake - Jakes Lake - Johns Pond - Jonas Lake - Jones Lake - Keefe Lake - Kidney Lake - Kidney Lake - Lake Alma - Lake Atlanta - Lake Charlotte - Lake Dam - Lake of the Barrens - Lake of the Woods - Lawrence Lake - Leslie Lake - Level Spot Lake - Lily Pond - Lily Pond Lake - Lindsay Lake - Little Bear Lake - Little Cranberry Lake - Little Kearney Lake - Little Lake - Little Lake - Little Lake - Little Mud Lake - Little Pine Lake - Little Pinegrove Lake - Little River Lake - Little Rocky Lake - Logans Lake - Long Lake - Long Lake - Long Lake - Long Lake - Long Lake - Long Pine Lake - Long Pond - Long Stillwater Lake - Loon Pond - Lost Lake - Lower Kidney Lake - McKiels Lake - Meadow Lake - Meadow Lake - Melville Lake - Melvin Dam Flowage - Melvin Lake - Mikes Flowage - Mill Lake - Mill Lake - Miller Lake - Mink Lake - Mitchells Hill Lake - Moccasin Lake - Moccasin Lake - Moose Hill Lake - Moose Lake - Moose Lake - Moose Lake - Moose Pond - Mountain Lake - Mud Lake - Mud Lake - Mud Lake - Mud Lake - Muddy Pond - Murphy Lake - Murphys Black Duck Lake - Mushaboom Lake - Muskrat Lake - Muskrat Lake - Muskrat Lake - Muskrat Pond - Narrow Lakes - Narrows Lake - Nest Lake - New Dam Flowage - Newcombe Lake - Newcombes Lake - Newman Pond - Niagara Lake - Niagara Lake - North Twin Lake - Northeast Lake - Northwest Trout Lake - Nowlan Lake - Oak Hill Lake - Oak Hill Lake - Oak Hill Lake - O'Brien Lake - Otter Dam Flowage - Otter Lake - Otter Lake - Otter Lake - Otter Lakes - Otter Ponds - Otter Trap Lake - Owl Lake - Pats Camp Lake - Paul Lake - Pearl Lake - Philip Lake - Phillips Boot Lake - Picket Hill Lake - Pine Lake - Pine Lake - Pinemarsh Lake - Porcupine Lake - Porcupine Lake - Porcupine Lake - Powers Pond - Prest Lake - Prest Lake - Priest Lake - Pug Hole Lake - Quartz Lake - Rabbit Hill Lake - Rabbit Lake - Rainy Lake - Rat Lake - Rat Pond - Readon Lake - Reardons Lake - Rider Lakes - Rider Lakes Pughole - River Lake - Rocky Brook Lake - Rocky Lake - Rocky Lake - Rocky Lake - Rocky Lake - Rocky Lake - Rocky Lake - Rum Lake - Rush Lake - Ruth Falls Flowage - Sal Pond - Saltwater Pond - Sam Grassy Lake - Sam Lake - Sam Northeast Lake - Sam Northwest Lake - Sandy Lake - Sandy Pond - Scraggy Lake - Seal Cove Lake - Second Crooked Lake - Second Hill Lake - Second Lake - Second Lake - Second Lake - Second Lake - Second Lake - Second Rocky Lake - Shea Lake - Sheet Harbour Lake - Shellbird Lake - Shellnut Lake - Shingle Lake - Sixth Lake - Slipper Lake - Slouchs Lakes - Sluice Lake - Snowshoe Lake - South Twin Lake - South West Lake - Southeast Cove Lake - Southwest Hill Lake - Southwest Lake - Spectacle Lake - Spectacle Lakes - Spider Lake - Square Lake - Squirrel Lake - Stave Hill Lake - Sucker Lake - Sucker Ponds - Sullivans Lake - Tangier Grand Lake - Tangier Island Pond - Tangier Lake - Taylor Bay Grand Lake - Taylor Bay Lake - Taylor Bay Long Lake - Taylor Bay Rocky Lake - The Pughole - Third Lake - Third Lake - Three River Lake - Tiger Lake - Timber Lake - Tom Hall Lakes - Tommys Lost Lake - Trout Lake - Trout Lake - Trout Lake - Trout Lake - Turple Pond - Twin Lakes - Twin Lakes - Twin Lakes - Two Bar Lake - Union Dam Flowage - Union Dam Lake - Upper Falls Hill Lake - Upper Kidney Lake - Upper Twin Lake - Weeks Lake - Weeks Lake - West Bunker Hill Lake - West Bunker Hill Lake - West Lake - West Lake - West Little Paul Lake - West Twin Lakes - Wildcat Lake - Blue Mountain - Bunker Hill - Days Hill - Glawson Hill - Glawsons Hill - Hawes Hill - Long Hill - Mitchells Hill - Moose Hill - Picket Hill - Popes Hill - Porcupine Hill - Quoin Hill - Reid Hill - Strawberry Hill - Halifax - Moose River Gold Mines Provincial Park - Taylor Head Provincial Park - Cartwheel Eddy - Abraham Brook - Abrahams Brook - Big Brook - Black Brook - Black Brook - Black Brook - Black Brook - Black Brook - Clattenburg Brook - Conrad Brook - Cowan Brook - Crooked Brook - Crooked Lakes Brook - Duck Lake Brook - East Brook - East River Sheet Harbour - East Taylor Bay Brook - Fish River - Gold Lake Brook - Grant River - Green Brook - Hartman Brook - Hilchies Brook - Indian Guzzle - Jack Lowe Brook - Killag River - Little River - Little River - Little West River - Lums Brook - Mary River - Marys River - Middle Brook - Moose River - Morgan River - Newcombe Brook - Northeast Branch - Northeast Brook - Northeast Brook - Northwest Cove Brook - Otter Lake Brook - Rider Brook - Rider Lakes Brook - Rocky Brook - Rocky Lake Brook - Rocky Lake Brook - Shea Lake Brook - Ship Harbour River - Smelt Brook - Smelt Brook - Smelt Brook - Stillwater Brook - Stillwater Brook - Stoney Brook - Struggle Brook - Tangier River - West River Sheet Harbour - West Taylor Bay Brook - West Taylor Brook - Western Brook - Big Stillwater - Dreadnought Stillwater - Eel Weir Pool - Falls Pool - Gold Lake Stillwater - Hardscrabble Stillwater - Hawbolts Farm Pool - Head of the Lake Pool - Iron Bridge Pool - Lake Pool - Little Falls Pool - Lower Branch Basin - Myers Deadwater - New Dam Stillwater - O'Brien Dam Pool - Rocky Lake Brook Pool - The Tittle - Bald Rock - Bald Rock - Baltee Shoal - Barrier Reef - Big Ledge - Black Duck Cove Ledges - Black Ledge - Black Rock - Black Rock - Blowmedown - Bluff Shoal - Bob Shoal - Bobs Shoal - Borgle Shoal - Borgles Shoal - Brandy Ground - Brian Reef - Brig Rock - Calf Marsh Shoal - Cap Island Shoal - Currant Island Shoal - Downies Reef - Drunken Dick - Dry Ledge - Dry Rock - Dry Rocks - Eve Ledge - Eve Ledges - Garret Ledge - Guilford Rock - Gull Rock - Harbour Ledge - Herring Shoal - Horse Rock - Indian Ledge - Ironbound Ledge - Jackie Shoal - Kennedys Ledge - Little Black Ledge - Little Ship Rock - Long Island Shoal - Long Ledge - MacDonald Rock - Mad Moll Reef - Mad Moll Reef - Maloney Rock - Maloney Shoal - Mark Shoal - Mercury Rock - Middle Ground - Middle Ground - Murphys Ledge - Mushaboom Shoal - Mussel Bed - Net Shoal - Neverfail Shoal - O'Brien Reef - Old Sweat - Passage Rock - Phoenix Shoal - Pope Shoals - Popes Rock - Popes Shoals - Pork Barrel Rock - Psyche Shoal - Pyches Rock - Pyches Shoals - Ram Rock - Redman Shoal - Salisbury Ledge - Sandy Cove Shoal - Schooner Rock - Seal Rock - Seal Rock - Seal Rocks - Seal Rocks - Seal Rocks - Shag Ledge - Shag Ledges - Shag Rock - Sheas Rock - Shellnut Shoal - Ship Reef - Ship Rock - Ship Rock - Silver Shoal - Soup Rock - Stoney Island Ledge - Sugarloaf - Sunken Ledge - Sunken Rock - Taylor Goose - Taylors Goose - The Bights - The Chimney - The Whalesback - Tomlee Rock - Tuckers Ledge - Uncle Matts Ledge - Warrens Ground - Webbs Shoal - Whaleback - White Rock - White Rocks - Winging Point Shoal - Yellow Rock - Beech Hill - DeBaies Cove - DeBay Cove - East River Sheet Harbour - East Ship Harbour - Fern Hill - James Settlement - Lake Charlotte - Lower Ship Harbour - Lower Ship Harbour East - Marinette - Moose River Gold Mines - Mooseland - Murphy Cove - Murphys Cove - Mushaboom - Pleasant Harbour - Popes Harbour - Sheet Harbour - Ship Harbour - Spry Bay - Spry Harbour - Tangier - Taylors Head - Taylor's Head - Upper Lakeville - West East River - West Sheet Harbour - Blackies Meadow - Dukes Bog - Parker Meadows - Prest Bog - Redden Meadows - Taylor Meadows - The Moors