Jesusweg und Jerusalem = The Way of Jesus
Hiking on the Jesus path is an unforgettable experience for every Christian person: Nazareth, Kana, the lake Genezareth, the mountain of beatitudes and kafarnaum are stations on this pilgrimage path. Her hike in the Holy Land, so you hear from many pilgrims, has changed her life. The feeling of happiness after this spiritual journey is difficult to put into words.
- Product Number: FB_JESUS_12
- Reference Product Number: - None -
- ISBN: 9783707913811
- Date of Publication: 5/21/2012
- Folded Size: 8.06 inches high by 5.31 inches wide
- Unfolded (flat) Size: 8.06 inches high by 5.31 inches wide
- Map format: - None -
- Map type: Books/Monographs - Hiking Guides
- Geographical region: Israel,Palestine