Budapest - FROM SUNRISE TO SUNSET (hardback, Engl.)
The book goes beyond a photo album. The author not only guides the visitor through the sights of Budapest from sunrise to sunset with his pictures, but also shares with the reader interesting information about the buildings that are less known even to Budapest residents. We can find out, among other things: - why the castle was not built on the higher Gellért hill, from which the surroundings would be better visible in case of defense tasks; - how is the name Fishermans Bastion linked to IV. to King Béla; - the construction site of the Basilica was chosen in memory of what and why the size of the dome had to be reduced by 7 meters compared to the original plans at the request of the Vatican. The book also presents a series of other interesting facts in a short, concise description, leaving the dominance of artistic images, the author creating an appropriate balance in the proportion of images and text.
- Product Number: C_BUD_SUN_17
- Reference Product Number: - None -
- ISBN: 9789631292961
- Date of Publication: 6/1/2017
- Map format: - None -
- Map type: Books/Monographs - Photo Books
- Geographical region: Hungary