Maui, Hawaii, Diving, Surfing , Hiking and Tourist Folded Map by Frankos Maps Ltd.
Recreational map for scuba divers, snorkelers, kayakers, hikers, bicyclists, boaters, surfers, tourists, and others who love Maui. Printed on waterproof, tear-resistant, permanently folded paper. Side 1 shows a map of Maui, with all the main dive/snorkel and surf spots. Legend includes highways, main roads, dirt roads, trails, points of interest. Side 2 shows an overview of Maui county, with all the main dive/snorkel and surf spots.
- Product Number: 2034467M
- Product Code: FM_MAUI
- ISBN: 9781601901255
- Year of Publication: 2009
- Folded Size: 7.09 x 4.33 inches
- Unfolded Size: 13.39 x 20.47 inches
- Map type: Folded Map
- Geographical region: Hawaii