Deutschland süd : Strassenkarte, 1:500,000 = Germany south : road map, 1:500,000 = Allemagne du Sud : carte routière, 1:500,000 = Germania du Sud : carta stradale, 1:500,000
The perfect map for the international traveler to Southern Gremany! Hallwag is known for their extensive transportation detail, multiple language information (English, German, Italian, and French), and complete multiple language indexes. These maps also include inset maps for major population centers, and are created with a very stylized relief look to express a countrys physical makeup.
- Product Number: H_D_S_17
- Reference Product Number: 2269342M
- ISBN: 9783828308916
- Date of Publication: 6/1/2017
- Folded Size: 20.47 inches high by 5.12 inches wide
- Unfolded (flat) Size: 51.57 inches high by 38.58 inches wide
- Map format: Folded
- Map type: Trade Maps - Travel
- Geographical region: Germany