Germany Road Map
Folded road map in color. Scale 1:800,000. Distinguishes 6 types of roads, ranging from motorways to secondairy roads. Legend shows tunnels, roads under construction, railways, mountain railways/funiculars, passes, rail/car ferries, national boundaries, border crossings, international airports, airfields. Legend in 4 languages, including English. Index on back of map.
- Product Number: C_D_17
- Reference Product Number: 2030043M
- ISBN: 9789633524770
- Date of Publication: 6/1/2017
- Folded Size: 9.45 inches high by 4.33 inches wide
- Unfolded (flat) Size: 38.58 inches high by 26.77 inches wide
- Map format: Folded
- Map type: Trade Maps - Road
- Geographical region: Germany