Tschechien : 1:350 000 = Czech Republic : 1:350 000 = République Tchèque : 1:350 000 = República Checa : 1:350 000
Road map of Czech Republic with legend and place names index. Waterproof and tear-resistant. This map appears in the map series entitled World Mapping Project for Reise Know-How. This map includes high quality, clear and modern cartography.
Further details included in this map are:
Contour lines with elevation data
Colored Height layers
Classified road network with distances
Detailed Location Index
The maps of the world mapping project are printed on polyart, a virtually indestructible, absolutely waterproof synthetic paper. It can be any bend and fold without cracking. Furthermore, it is writeable as normal paper, non-toxic and recyclable.
This map is in four languages, including English.
- Product Number: RKH_CZE_18
- Reference Product Number: 2303077M
- ISBN: 9783831774111
- Date of Publication: 6/1/2018
- Folded Size: 10.24 inches high by 4.72 inches wide
- Unfolded (flat) Size: 27.56 inches high by 39.37 inches wide
- Map format: Folded
- Map type: Trade Maps - Road
- Geographical region: Czechia