Mapa Turístico : Chiletur Copec 2023/2024 : Maule y Bio Bio : 1:400 000
Maule and Bio Bio regions of Chile at 1:400,000 in a series of nine indexed and GPS compatible regional maps from Compass Editorial, printed on light, waterproof and tear-resistant synthetic paper. The maps provide an excellent representation of the topography and show many more locations than general maps of the whole country.
Coverage in this title extends from just above 34°30’ (Pichilemu - Rengo)) to just beyond 39° south (Gorbea), and includes Talca, Concepción and Temuco.
Each map in the Compass Editorial series is double-sided, with a small overlap between the sides and the adjoining titles. The maps provide an exceptionally vivid picture of the terrain, using satellite imagery as a base, with shading and altitude colouring, plus plenty of names of mountain ranges, peaks, passes, salt flats, etc. National parks and other protected areas are prominently highlighted.
Classification of the road network indicates dirt roads and tracks, as well as hard and sof
- Product Number: COP_5_MAULE_23
- Reference Product Number: - None -
- ISBN: 9789569248702
- Date of Publication: 1/1/2023
- Folded Size: 9.45 inches high by 3.94 inches wide
- Unfolded (flat) Size: 38.58 inches high by 27.17 inches wide
- Map format: Folded
- Map type: Trade Maps - Outdoor Recreation Maps
- Geographical region: Chile