Buy map Appalachian Trail : Hanover to Mount Carlo : topographic map guide

Appalachian Trail : Hanover to Mount Carlo : topographic map guide

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This waterproof, tear-resistant, topographic map guide for Hanover to Mount Carlo Topographic Map Guide makes a perfect traveling companion when traversing the New Hampshire section of the Appalachian Trail (A.T.). The A.T. through New Hampshire is considered one of the more challenging sections of the trail, with long stretches above tree line and the possibility for rapid temperature change and snow any month of the year. But despite its difficulty, the trail offers some of the most spectacular scenery in New England as it leaves the Connecticut River valley to traverse the beautifully rugged White Mountains, a highlight of the A.T.Each A.T. Topographic Map Guide includes detailed topographic maps at a detail of 1 inch = 1 mile. Each page is centered on the A.T. and overlaps with the adjacent pages so there is little chance of getting lost. Along the bottom of each page is a trail profile that shows the distance between shelters, camping areas, and trail access points. The map and tr

  • Product Number: NG_AT_1511_15
  • Reference Product Number: 2209008B
  • ISBN: 9781597756488
  • Date of Publication: 6/1/2015
  • Unfolded (flat) Size: 4.33 inches high by 9.45 inches wide
  • Map format: - None -
  • Map type: Books/Monographs - Hiking Guides
  • Geographical region: United States
  • Geographical subregion: New Hampshire

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