Steyr Touristenplan = Steyr tourist map
Freytag & Berndt city plans are available for many international capitals as well as numerous cities and places at home and abroad. With the handy folding plans and practical book plans, you find your way around well everywhere thanks to the exact standards and the clear map of the map. The city plans offer numerous additional information such as subway plans, inner city plans, public transport and sights. You will also find every address in the extensive index. Of course, all content is updated regularly. Sightseeing features; Road directory; hiking map
- Product Number: FB_STEYR_7
- Reference Product Number: - None -
- ISBN: 9783707909159
- Date of Publication: 7/20/2007
- Folded Size: 8.25 inches high by 3.93 inches wide
- Unfolded (flat) Size: 8.25 inches high by 3.93 inches wide
- Map format: Folded
- Map type: Trade Maps - Travel
- Geographical region: Austria