Naher Osten = Oriente Proximo = Midden Oosten = Middle East = Medio Oriente = Moyen Orient
Middle East at 1:2,000,000 from Freytag & Berndt, with a separate index booklet also providing street plans of central districts of Amman, Cairo, Damascus, Nicosia and Tehran. City names are in their local versions, with English equivalents shows where necessary (Dimashs/Damascus, Bur Said/Port Said, Halab/Aleppo, Al Mawsul/Mosul, etc.).
Topography is shown by relief shading with additional colouring/graphics for salt flats, rock or sand deserts, etc. National boundaries are prominently marked and within most countries internal administrative borders are also shown (without names of the provinces). Road network includes selected local and desert tracks, Driving distances are shown on main routes and border crossings are clearly marked. The map also shows principal railway lines, ferry routes and local airports. Also marked are oil fields and pipelines.
Latitude and longitude lines are drawn at 1° intervals. The index, in a separate booklet attached to the map cover, lis
- Product Number: FB_MIDDLE_17
- Reference Product Number: 2049009M
- ISBN: 9783707912814
- Date of Publication: 6/1/2017
- Folded Size: 10.24 inches high by 5.12 inches wide
- Unfolded (flat) Size: 45.28 inches high by 33.46 inches wide
- Map format: Folded
- Map type: Trade Maps - Travel
- Geographical region: Iraq,Israel,Jordan,Syria