Laguna Nimez & Bahia Redonda (Birds) by 49southphoto
High-quality pictures for field identification of many of the species presents in South Patagonia: birds, mammals and vascular plants. All of them are illustrated with their habitats and natural sizes, scientific (Latin) name, as well as Spanish and English common names. High-quality pictures for field identification of many of the species presents in South Patagonia: birds, mammals and vascular plants. All of them are illustrated with their habitats and natural sizes, scientific (Latin) name, as well as Spanish and English common names.
- Product Number: 2260216M
- Product Code: 49S_LAGUNA_NIMEZ
- ISBN: 9789872625542
- Year of Publication: 2012
- Unfolded Size: 8.27 x 3.54 inches
- Map type: Other
- Geographical region: