New York City Subway CitySmart by VanDam
VanDams best selling NYC CitySmart Transit map is the essential map for navigating NYC. Includes a large map of the entire NYC Subway system and a highly detailed Downtown Manhattan map with 3D building illustrations.
This paper city map refolds easily to 4 x 9 (24 x 18 open) and snuggly fits into your pocket. Buy this map now to become an instant CitySmart New Yorker.
- Product Number: 2185854M
- Product Code: VD_CS_TRAN
- ISBN: 9781932527803
- Year of Publication: 2013
- Folded Size: 9.06 x 4.33 inches
- Unfolded Size: 23.62 x 15.94 inches
- Map type: Folded Map
- Geographical region: New York