Buy map Pyhrn-Priel-Eisenwurzen, Grunau and Almtal, WK 81 by Freytag-Berndt und Artaria

Pyhrn-Priel-Eisenwurzen, Grunau and Almtal, WK 81 by Freytag-Berndt und Artaria

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Folded hiking map covering Vorchdorf to Gossl, Ebensee to Ternberg. Also shows Steyrtal, National Park Limestone Alps and Bad Aussee. Includes guide booklet in German. Map legend in French, English, and German. WK 81.

  • Product Number: 2161667M
  • Product Code: FB_WK_50_81
  • ISBN: 9783850847773
  • Year of Publication: 2014
  • Folded Size: 8.27 x 3.94 inches
  • Unfolded Size: 33.46 x 37.8 inches
  • Map type: Folded Map
  • Geographical region: Austria

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