California Map, Monterey Bay Guide and Dive, laminated, 2011 by Frankos Maps Ltd.
Recreational map for divers, kayakers, bicyclists, explorers, tourists and others who love Monterey, California. Map of greater Monterey Bay area with a detailed portrait of the coast from Sand City to Gibson Beach on the reverse. Provides depths, conditions, flora & fauna information for many diving sites. Locates popular scuba diving sites, good snorkeling spots, favorite surfing places, common kayaking zones, and mountain bike trails on land. Includes color illustrations of many kelp forest creatures. Insets of Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary, Moss Landing & Elkhorn Slough, Santa Cruz small craft harbor, & Monterey Harbor.
*Cover shows folded map. This is a flat, laminated map.*
- Product Number: 2042483M
- Product Code: FM_MON_PEN_LAM
- ISBN: 9781931494106
- Year of Publication: 2011
- Unfolded Size: 13.39 x 20.47 inches
- Map type: Flat Map
- Geographical region: California