Hawaii Map, Kauai Dive Map, folded, 2012 by Frankos Maps Ltd.
Recreational map for scuba divers, snorkelers, kayakers, hikers, bicyclists, boaters, surfers, tourists, and others who love Kauai. Printed on waterproof, tear-resistant, permanently folded paper. Side one shows a map of Kauai. Legend includes principal/secondary roads, dirt roads, trails, points of interest, scuba sites, snorkel sites, kayaking spots. Side two shows a detail of the north shore, south shore, east shore and Lehua.
- Product Number: 2032638M
- Product Code: FM_KAUAI_DIVE
- ISBN: 9781601901118
- Year of Publication: 2012
- Folded Size: 7.09 x 4.33 inches
- Unfolded Size: 13.39 x 20.47 inches
- Map type: Folded Map
- Geographical region: Hawaii