Perth to Broome, Australia by Hema Maps
Hemas Perth to Broome map covers the major routes between the two destinations, namely the North West Coastal and Great Northern highways. In addition to the main map, there are detailed inset maps for the Millstream Chichester, Karijini, Cape Range, Kalbarri and Francois Peron national parks.
The map also includes:
Maps for Perth & Broome
Distance Grids, with Approximate Travelling Times
Tourist Points of Interest
Roadside Rest Areas
Camping Areas
24 Hour Fuel Locations
National Parks Facilities
Contact Details for Accredited Information Centres
As well as points of interest being highlighted on the map, theres plenty of helpful information on all the things to see and do while youre travelling.
- Product Number: 2032463M
- Product Code: HEMA_PERT_BRO
- ISBN: 9781865003863
- Year of Publication: 2011
- Folded Size: 9.84 x 5.51 inches
- Unfolded Size: 38.39 x 26.57 inches
- Map type: Folded Map
- Geographical region: Australia