Earth at Night, Tubed by National Geographic Maps
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This intriguing map reveals in stunning detail the pulsating lights of the Earth at night. See where populations are most and least concentrated. The rare view is a composite image made by three satellites on cloud-free nights over a one-year period. In addition to showing lighted areas of the Earth, this map also features where fires rage and natural gas burn-off and night fishing locations.
The map is packaged in a 2-diameter clear plastic tube. The tube has a decorative label showing a thumbnail of the map with dimensions and other pertinent information.
- Product Number: 2034206M
- Product Code: NG_EARTH_NIGH
- Publisher Product ID: RE0620306T
- ISBN: 9780792297321
- Year of Publication: 2004
- Unfolded Size: 22.05 x 35.04 inches
- Map type: Wall Map
- Geographical region: World