Scratch-Off Wainwrights
Map Detail: Scratch off the Wainwrights as you climb them. Keep your running total too. Happy climbing!
Scratch Off Wainwright Hill-bagging Print is part of our Collect and Scratch collection and shows all 214 Wainwright fells including their heights, covered by a scratch-off latex. This allows you to document each one you have Bagged by scratching off the foil to reveal some colour underneath. Also featured on the map is a tally that you can update with a dry wipe pen as you go along so you can see how many more you need to Bag. Map Uses: This map is a great gift for a walking/climbing enthusiast whether they have never climbed a Wainwright or they know the Lake District like the back of their hands. This is an inspiring map designed with an avid walker in mind, aiming to fuel their enthusiasm encouraging them to climb as many as they can! This Scratch Off Wainwright Hill-bagging Print on silk art paper is a superior colour reproduction finish and provides high photo qualit
- Product Number: MI_UK01616
- Reference Product Number: 2264510M
- ISBN: 9781910378205
- Date of Publication: 6/1/2017
- Unfolded (flat) Size: 23.39 inches high by 16.54 inches wide
- Map format: Wall
- Map type: Trade Maps - Specialty
- Geographical region: United Kingdom
- Geographical subregion: England,Northern Ireland,Scotland,Wales