Russian: a language map
RUSSIAN a language map® is packed with the most essential words and phrases youll need, and brilliantly organized so you can find what you want at a glance. You can shop for souvenirs, buy tickets to the Kremlin and order meals, entirely in Russian! Please (pah-zhahl-oos-tah) and thank you (spah-see-bah) will become second nature as you make your way around Russia—from The Hermitage in Saint Petersburg to the Bolshoi Ballet in Moscow to Lake Baikal and a ride on the Trans-Siberian Railway. Now with a new section, Phone, Mail and Internet, youll have the words for laptop, tablet, SIM card and more. You wont miss a beat sharing your stories online with friends and family. Finding an internet cafe, free wifi, or an adapter for your mobile devices will be so much easier. Make RUSSIAN a language map® your travel companion—take it everywhere you go and all your language needs are covered!
- Product Number: BBKS_RUSS_15
- Reference Product Number: 2323058M
- ISBN: 9781931873826
- Date of Publication: 6/1/2015
- Folded Size: 10.63 inches high by 3.94 inches wide
- Unfolded (flat) Size: 20.47 inches high by 10.63 inches wide
- Map format: Folded
- Map type: Trade Maps - Specialty
- Geographical region: Russia