ap It! Jr., Waterways : A Geography Primer
In this book, curious toddlers will travel from the west to the east, exploring the relative location of waterways and other bodies of water within the United States. Beginning with a simple map, each page follows a gentle progression of discovery through colorful illustrations and playful text featuring the coastlines, mighty rivers, great and salty lakes, small ponds, and wetlands.
Map It! Jr., A Geography Primer Series is created for children 2-4 and includes Landforms, Waterways, and Roads and Trails. This geography primer series invites readers to explore simple maps of the United States to discover the relative location of waterways, landforms, roads, and trails. Parents and toddlers will enjoy the colorful illustrations and delightful narratives that encourage discovery and guide each journey.
- Product Number: RM_JUNIOR_MAPIT_WATER_18
- Reference Product Number: - None -
- ISBN: 9780528020346
- Date of Publication: 6/1/2018
- Unfolded (flat) Size: 8 inches high by 8 inches wide
- Map format: - None -
- Map type: Books/Monographs - Activity Books
- Geographical region: United States