YellowMaps NaturePics Southern Utah - Northern Arizona

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This is a collection of 1930 royalty-free nature photographs of southern Utah and northern Arizona on Data-DVD.

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NaturePics DVD Features:
* 1930 photographic nature images
* Format: JPG
* Each image comes in 2 resolutions
* High resolution: 2022 x 1516 pixels
* Low resolution (for web): 648 x 486 pixels
* Royalty-free license

Royalty-free license:
Under the royalty free license these images may be used for private, professional, and commercial applications. For example, the image may be used to illustrate a website or print ad. The license also allows the photo to be used for commercial purposes. The image can be placed on a product intended for sale. Thus the illustration of postcards, posters, or templates intended for sale is authorized under this license.

The use of images has no limits on time, no limits on the number of copies, and no limits on geographical location.

The royalty free license allows the End-User to use the images in the following:

Professional applications, including:
* Publicity
* Press
* Illustration Website or Blog
* Illustration of company brochure
* Multimedia presentation, printed presentation, or report
* Decoration

Personal applications, including:
* Decoration
* Illustration of a personal website or blog
* Screen saver
* Report/school presentation

Commercial applications:
* including Postcards
* including Posters
* including Templates
* including Books
* NOT including reselling as stock photography

System Requirements:
* PC or Mac
* DVD drive
* 500 MHz processor or better
* 512 MB RAM (Recommended: 1 GB)
* 256 color display or better
* Mouse or other pointing device

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