World Atlas : Know Geography : Grades 1-3
This colorful, engaging atlas is ideal for students in first through third grades and was developed from the award-winning Classroom Atlas, just simplified for younger students.
-Completely redesigned with a new layout, eye-catching pictures, informative graphics, and fully updated map content.
-Teaches map and globe skills to younger students.
-Features photos, graphs, interesting facts, and thought-provoking questions that reinforce map concepts.
-Includes 15 physical, political, and thematic maps.
-Includes Handbook of Map Skills that helps students understand how to use maps and globes.
-Contains glossary that defines terms in the atlas.
- Product Number: RM_KIDS_GRADE_1-3_AT_20
- Reference Product Number: - None -
- ISBN: 9780528018930
- Date of Publication: 1/1/2020
- Map format: - None -
- Map type: Atlases - School/Education/Children's