Atlas of true names : etymological map : Europe
The Atlas of True Names reveals the etymological roots, or original meanings, of the familiar terms on todays maps of the World and Europe.
For instance, where you would normally expect to see the Sahara indicated, the Atlas gives you Sea of Sand, derived from Arab. es-sahra desert, sea of sand. The True Names of 2300 cities, countries, rivers, oceans and mountain ranges are displayed on these three fascinating maps, each of which includes a comprehensive index of derivations. Etymology, (OGr. etymon “true sense” and logos “speech, oration, discourse, word”) is the study of the origin and history of words. For the first time, the Atlas of True Names uses etymology to give us an unusual insight into familiar geographical names – with intriguing results...
- Product Number: KAL_ATN_EUR_8
- Reference Product Number: 2212536M
- ISBN: 9780755830008
- Date of Publication: 6/1/2008
- Folded Size: 7.87 inches high by 2.76 inches wide
- Unfolded (flat) Size: 22.05 inches high by 15.75 inches wide
- Map format: Folded
- Map type: Thematic - Historical