Smithsonian DC StreetSmart by VanDam
VanDams newest Smithsonian Washington DC MallSmart maps the Washington National Malls museums, memorials, federal buildings and transit at an immensely legible super-scale with 3D buildings. Includes detailed guide to all the Smithsonian Museums.
This laminated city map package refolds easily to 4 x 9 (24 x 9 open) and snuggly fits into your pocket. Buy this map to gain instant Smithsonian StreetSmarts.
- Product Number: 2185923M
- Product Code: VD_SS_SMITH
- ISBN: 9781934395240
- Year of Publication: 2014
- Folded Size: 9.06 x 3.94 inches
- Unfolded Size: 7.68 x 19.69 inches
- Map type: Folded Map
- Geographical region: District of Columbia