Australia, Classic, Tubed by National Geographic Maps
National Geographics wall map of Australia is one of the most authoritative maps of the Land Down Under. The Classic style map uses a bright color palette featuring blue oceans and stunning shaded relief that has been a signature of National Geographic wall maps for over 75 years. This map features thousands of place names, including primary and secondary towns, accurate boundaries, parks and protected areas, aboriginal lands, and transportation infrastructure such as airports and highways. Australias famous coastal reefs including the extraordinary Great Barrier Reef are shown as well. Coverage also includes Tasmania and the Coral Sea Islands.
The map is packaged in a 2-diameter clear plastic tube. The tube has a decorative label showing a thumbnail of the map with dimensions and other pertinent information.
- Product Number: 2030804M
- Product Code: NG_AUS_WA
- Publisher Product ID: RE0620002T
- ISBN: 9780792280996
- Year of Publication: 2010
- Unfolded Size: 26.77 x 23.23 inches
- Map type: Wall Map
- Geographical region: Australia