001N12 Dildo Canada topo map, 1:50,000 scale
001N12 Dildo NRCAN topographic map.
Includes UTM and GPS geographic coordinates (latitude and longitude). This 50k scale map is suitable for hiking, camping, and exploring, or you could frame it as a wall map.
Printed on-demand using high resolution, on heavy weight and acid free paper, or as an upgrade on a variety of synthetic materials.
Topos available on paper, Waterproof, Poly, or Tyvek. Usually shipping rolled, unless combined with other folded maps in one order.
- Product Number: NRCAN-001N12
- Parent Topo: TOPO-001N
- Map ID also known as: 001N12, 01N12, 1N12
- Unfolded Size: Approximately 26" high by 36" wide
- Weight (paper map): ca. 55 grams
- Map Type: POD NRCAN Topographic Map
- Map Scale: 1:50,000
- Geographical region: Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada
Neighboring Maps:
All neighboring Canadian topo maps are available for sale online at 1:50,000 scale.
Purchase the smaller scale map covering this area: Topo-001N
Spatial coverage:
Topo map sheet 001N12 Dildo covers the following places:
- Back Cove - Back Cove - Back Head Cove - Backside Cove - Barasway - Beachy Cove - Bests Cove - Big Chance Cove - Big Cove - Big Cove - Big Freshwater - Big Garden Cove - Birds Path - Black Bottom - Bob Haynes Cove - Brennans Cove - Brigades Cove - Broad Cove - Broad Cove - Bull Arm - Butter Cove - Caplin Cove - Cat Cove - Cavendish Bay - Chance - Chapel Arm - Chisel Cove - Collier Bay - Collier Bay Bottom - Colliers Arm - Crockers Cove - Deep Cove - Dildo Arm - Dildo Cove - Droke Cove - Fair Haven - Fire Cove - First Cove - Fox Cove - Freshwater - Georges Cove - Goat Cove - Great Pinchgut - Great Southern Harbour - Green Island Cove - Green Point Cove - Greens Harbour - Harbour Cove - Harbour Place - Herring Cove - Hollis Cove - Hopeall Bay - Horse Cove - Island Cove - Island Cove - Jigging Cove - Joseph Roff Cove - Knife Cove - La Manche Bay - Landing Cove - Lannon Cove - Little Chance Cove - Little Gut - Little Harbour - Little Harbour - Little Pinchgut - Little Southern Harbour - Little Southern Harbour - Long Beach Cove - Long Cove - Lower Barasway - Lower Little Ridge Cove - Lynchs Garden - Martys Cove - Mine Head Cove - Moores Hole Cove - Murphy Cove - Murphys Cove - Neds Cove - New Harbour - Normans Cove - Northeast Arm - Northwest Arm - Northwestern Arm - Old Rub Cove - Old Tilt Cove - Otter Gulch - Outside Cove - Passengers Cove - Paulas Cove - Placentia Bay - Point Cove - Pond in the Gulch - Pumbly Cove - Pumbly Cove - Ram Head Cove - Rantem Cove - Rantem Harbour - Red Cove - Red Cove - Red Point Cove - Rocky Cove - Safe Cove - Sailing Point Cove - Salmon Hole - Sand Cove - Sandy Weir Cove - Shanty Cove - Shellbird Cove - Sleepy Cove - Smiths Cove - Smiths Cove - Sooleys Cove - Sooleys Cove - Southern Arm - Southern Cove - Southern Point Cove - Southern Spread Eagle - Southwest Arm - Spread Eagle Bay - Sunker Cove - The Bottom - The Broad - The Gut - Tickle Bay - Tickles - Tom Ryans Cove - Tom Sawyers Cove - Trinity Bay - Trippers Cove - Uncle Johns Cove - Upper Barasway - Upper Little Ridge Cove - Western Cove - Western Spread Eagle - Whale Point Cove - Wharf Cove - Whiffens Cove - White Point Cove - White Point Cove - Whiteway Bay - Whiteway Harbour - Wild Cove - Williams Cove - Back Beach - Backside - Backside Beach - Backside Beach - Big Freshwater Beach - Big Marsh Beach - Blue Beach - Caines Beach - Chance Cove Beach - Fox Cove Beach - Greens Harbour Beach - Highland Shore - Little Freshwater Beach - Long Beds Beach - Murphys Beach - Old Shop Beach - Point of the Harbour Beach - South Spread Eagle Beach - The Neck - Avalon Peninsula - Bellevue Peninsula - Big Cove Point - Black Point - Black Point - Black Point - Brennan Point - Burn Point - Burnt Head - Chance Cove Point - Chapel Head - Collier Bay Point - Collier Point - Colliers Arm Wester Point - Connellys Point - Coopers Point - Fair Haven Point - Georges Cove Point - Goose Point - Grebes Nest - Green Head - Green Point - Greens Harbour Point - Gull Head - Hogans Wharf - Hollis Point - Hopeall Head - Hopeall Peninsula - La Manche Head - Lannon Cove Point - Little Harbour Head - Little Pinchgut Point - Long Cove Point - Long Point - Long Point - Lunger Point - Lynchs Point - Martys Cove Point - Masters Head - McLeod Point - New Harbour Point - Newhooks Point - Northwest Point - Old Dock - Old Shop Point - Otter Rub - Peters Point - Pigeon Point - Pinchgut Point - Pottles Point - Red Cove Head - Red Cove Point - Red Point - Red Point - Red Point - Sailing Point - Salmon Point - Salmon Point - Salmon Point - Sandy Point - Sandy Weir Point - Shoal Harbour Point - Silver Point - Smiths Point - Sooleys Head - Souther Point - Southern Point - Swile Point - Swile Rocks - Tickle Harbour Point - Tickle Point - Tomahawk Point - Tommy Thornes Point - Trippers Head - Watern Point - Wester Point - Western Cove Point - Western Head - White Point - White Point - Whiteway Head - The Gut - High Cliff - The Cliffs - Overfall - Bellevue Island - Bird Island - Boulton Island - Dildo Island - Dildo Islands - Duck Island - Fair Haven Island - Goose Island - Grassy Island - Grassy Island - Grassy Island - Green Island - Hopeall Island - Little Harbour Island - Lower Island - New Harbour Island - Rosses Island - Salls Island - Seal Island - Seal Islet - Shag Roost - Spread Eagle Island - Tinker Island - Tinker Islet - Trinny Cove Islands - Upper Island - Woody Island - Angle Pond - Back Pond - Backside Pond - Bakeapple Pond - Bakeapple Ponds - Barachois Outside Pond - Barachois Pond - Barasway Pond - Beaver Pond - Beaver Pond - Beaver Pond - Big Cable Pond - Big Gull Pond - Big Hill Pond - Big Pinchgut Pond - Big Pond - Big Pond - Black Duck Pond - Black Duck Pond - Black Duck Ponds - Blue Beach Pond - Blue Gull Pond - Blue Gull Pond - Bob Georges Pond - Boot Pond - Bottom Pond - Brennans Pond - Brigades Pond - Broad Cove Pond - Broad Lake - Bruces Pond - Bungays Pond - Burnt Head Pond - Caines Beach Big Pond - Caines Beach Pond - Chance Cove Pond - Charlies Mixing Pan - Clam Pond - Clapboard Pond - Collier Bay Brook Pond - Collier Bay Gull Pond - Cooper Pond - Corner Gull Pond - Cross Ponds - Crossing Pond - Cummingers Pond - Dam Ponds - Deep Cove Pond - Dildo Pond - Doe Hills Pond - Double Culvert Pond - Duck Pond - Eastern Pond - Fish Hawk Pond - Freshwater Pond - Freshwater Ponds - Goose Point Gully - Grassy Point Pond - Greens Harbour Pond - Gull Pond - Halfway Pond - Harbours Pond - Harolds Pond - High Pond - Hollis Cove Pond - Horse Path Pond - Inside Island Ponds - Inside Island Ponds (3) - Inside Pond - Island Pond - Island Pond - Jim Hollis Pond - John Coopers Pond - John Newhooks Pond - Johnny Brantons Pond - Juniper Drook Pond - Kite Hill Pond - La Manche Gull Pond - Lannon Cove Pond - Lassie Pond - Lead Ponds - Lily Pond - Lily Pond - Little Clam Pond - Little Coopers Pond - Little Gull Pond - Little Gully - Little Harbour Gull Pond - Little Pinchgut Pond - Little Pond - Little Pond - Long Cable Pond - Long Cove Pond - Long Gulch Pond - Long Hills Pond - Long Marsh Gullies - Long Pond - Long Pond - Long Pond - Long Pond - Long Pond - Long Pond - Loo Pond - Lookout Pond - MacLeods Pond - Martys Cove Pond - McCarthys Pond - Middle Head Pond - Middle Pond - Mine Head Pond - Mountain Pond - Murphy Cove Gullies - Muskrat Ponds - New Harbour Pond - Newhooks Pond - Normans Cove Pond - North Pond - Northeast Arm Pond - Northwest Pond - Northwest Pond - Nuddicks Island Pond - Nuddicks Ponds - Old Mans Back Pond - Old Mans Pond - Old Road Pond - Old Shop Pond - Otter Brook Pond - Passenger Cove Pond - Petipas Ponds - Pinnacle Pond - Plains Long Pond - Plains Pond - Plains Small Pond - Pond with the Island - Poor Als Pond - Pumbly Cove Pond - Ram Head Cove Big Pond - Ram Head Cove Pond - Rantem Pond - Rattling Brook Pond - Rattling Brook Pond - Rattling Brook Steadies - Reids Pond - Rocky Gullies - Rocky Pond - Rocky Pond Gullies - Rooms Pond - Round Pond - Round Pond - Round Pond - Ryans Pond - Saltwater Pond - Saltwater Pond - Saltwater Pond - Sam Warrens Pond - Samsons Pond - Scotch Pond - Slaughter Pond - Smiling Pond - Southern Pond - Southern Spread Eagle Pond - Southwest Arm Pond - Sparrows Pond - Spread Eagle Pond - Squinch Pond - Station Pond - Stowes Pond - Stowes Pond - Tappers Hill Pond - Thornlea Pond - Tickle Ponds - Tom Smiths Pond - Trinny Cove Gull Pond - Trinny Cove Pond - Trippers Cove Ponds - Trout Pond - Trout Pond - Trout Pond - Warrens Pond - Western Cove Pond - Woody Hill Pond - Barasway Hill - Big Hill - Big Pond Tolt - Birchen Hill - Black Point Hill - Bobs Nuddicks - Brazils Hill - Butler Head - Caines Beach Hill - Chapel Head - Collier Bay Hill - Coopers Hill - Devils Lookout - Dildo Head - Doe Hills - Flagstaff - Flat Hill - Grebes Nest - Greens Harbour Head - Gull Pond Ridge - Hares Raise - High Country - High Head - Hopeall Ridge - Inside Pond Hill - Island Cove Head - Jack Hilliers Hill - Jacks Ridges - John Newhooks Hill - Kite Hill - Little Ridge Lookout - Long Cove Lookout - Long Hills - Long Hills - Long Point Hill - Lower Overfall Hill - Moores Hill - Naked Man - Neds Hill - Normans Cove Hill - Normans Cove Lookout - Normans Cove Tolt - Old Shop Lookout - Passenger Cove Hill - Ram Head - Rantem Hill - Round Hill - Seal Rock Hill - Searys Peak - Serrated Hill - Spread Eagle Hill - Tappers Hill - The Dory - The Lookout - The Lookout - The Monument - The Mountain - The Ridge - Tom Alfreds Hill - Upper Overfall Hill - White Hills - Wild Hill - Woody Hill - Backside Pond Provincial Park - Bellevue Beach Provincial Park - Jack's Pond Provincial Park - Newfoundland T'Railway Provincial Park - Backside Brook - Beaver Pond Brook - Big Gut Brook - Black Brook - Blue Beach River - Brigades Brook - Broad Cove Brook - Chance Cove Brook - Collier Bay Brook - Cummingers Brook - Freshwater Brook - Gullies Brook - Gully Brook - Haddocks Brook - Hollis Cove Brook - Hopeall Brook - Island Cove Brook - Jacks Pond Brook - Lannon Cove Brook - Little Freshwater Brook - Little Gut Brook - Little Trout Brook - Middle Pond Brook - Moores Hole River - Murphys Cove Brook - Muskrat Brook - Neds Brook - New Harbour Brook - Normans Cove River - Northeast River - Northwest Brook - Old Shop Brook - Pumbly Cove Brook - Ram Head Cove Brook - Rantem Brook - Rattling Brook - Sandy Point Brook - South Dildo Brook - Southern Cove Brook - Spread Eagle River - Stowes Brook - The Brook - The Brook - The Gully - Trinny Cove Brook - Trippers Cove Brook - Trout Brook - Wester Brooks - Western Cove Brook - Allen Shoal - Big Sunker Rocks - Burnt Head Sunker - Flat Rock - Harp Bank - Hudson Rock - Little Ridge Rock - Northwest Rock - Red Rocks - Sly Boots - Tom Sheaves Rock - Winging Rock - Winging Rocks - Chance Cove - Chapel Arm - Norman's Cove-Long Cove - Southern Harbour - Bellevue - Bellevue Beach - Broad Cove - Cavendish - Dildo - Dildo - Dildo South - Fair Haven - Fairhaven - Green's Harbour - Harnum Point - Hopeall - La Manche - La Manche Siding - Lead Mines - Little Harbour - Little Harbour East - Lodges - Long Cove - New Harbour - Norman's Cove - Northside - Old Shop - Rantem - Rantem Station - Reids Fishing Room - Reids Room - South Dildo - Southern Harbour Station - Spread Eagle - The Mines - Thornlea - Tickle Harbour - Tickle Harbour Station - Upshall - The North Bottom - Bakeapple Mash - Berry Barrens - Coopers Pond Marsh - Granny Temples Marsh - McCarthys Marsh - Salmon Point Marsh - The Plains - Trout Brook Marsh - Yellow Mash