001N11 Harbour Grace Canada topo map, 1:50,000 scale
001N11 Harbour Grace NRCAN topographic map.
Includes UTM and GPS geographic coordinates (latitude and longitude). This 50k scale map is suitable for hiking, camping, and exploring, or you could frame it as a wall map.
Printed on-demand using high resolution, on heavy weight and acid free paper, or as an upgrade on a variety of synthetic materials.
Topos available on paper, Waterproof, Poly, or Tyvek. Usually shipping rolled, unless combined with other folded maps in one order.
- Product Number: NRCAN-001N11
- Parent Topo: TOPO-001N
- Map ID also known as: 001N11, 01N11, 1N11
- Unfolded Size: Approximately 26" high by 36" wide
- Weight (paper map): ca. 55 grams
- Map Type: POD NRCAN Topographic Map
- Map Scale: 1:50,000
- Geographical region: Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada
Neighboring Maps:
All neighboring Canadian topo maps are available for sale online at 1:50,000 scale.
Purchase the smaller scale map covering this area: Topo-001N
Spatial coverage:
Topo map sheet 001N11 Harbour Grace covers the following places:
- Bachelors Cove - Back Bell Cove - Back Cove - Back Cove - Back Dock - Ballast Cove - Battery Cove - Bay de Grave - Bay Roberts - Bay Roberts Harbour - Beach Cove - Beachy Cove - Beachy Cove - Bears Cove - Bears Cove - Bell Cove - Betsys Cove - Big Cove - Bishops Cove - Bishop's Cove - Black Gulch - Black Hole - Blow Me Down Cove - Bread Cove - Brigus Bay - Brigus Cove - Bristol's Hope Cove - Broad Cove - Broad Cove - Bryants Cove - Buffy Cove - Bull Cove - Burnt Head Cove - Cakes Cove - Cannon Cove - Caplin Cove - Caplin Cove - Carbonear Bay - Cavendish Bay - Chimney Cove - Clapper Cove - Coadys Cove - Colliers Bay - Conception Bay - Connellys Cove - Cook Room - Cookroom Cove - Cranes Cove - Crockers Cove - Crows Gulch - Cupids Cove - Curtains Cove - Dark Hole - Deep Gulch - Docklock Cove - Flat Rock Cove - French Cove - Frenchs Cove - Freshwater Cove - Freshwater Cove - Frog Marsh Cove - Front Bell Cove - Gallows Cove - Garmons Gulch - Georges Cove - Goats Cove - God Almighty Cove - Golden Cup - Gordons Cove - Gradys Cove - Granddaddy Gulch - Grates Cove - Grattons Cove - Great Cove - Great Cove - Grebe Cove - Greenland - Gun Cove - Harbour Grace - Hawks Nest - Hayes Cove - Hibbs Hole - Horseshoe Cove - Husseys Cove - Island Cove - Jugglers Cove - Kelligrews Gut - Lears Cove - Long Harry Cove - Lovers Leap - Lower Back Cove - Lower Cove - Lower Long Cove - Mad Rock Cove - Malones Cove - Martins Cove - Maul Ashes Hole - Mercers Cove - Middle Bight - Mint Cove - Mouse Hole - North Cove - Northern Cove - Parsons Cove - Parsons Cove - Patricks Pier - Patty O'Keefes Cove - Pea Cove - Pick Eyes Cove - Pikes Cove - Pine Cove - Pippys Dock - Quiltys Cove - Red Cliff Cove - Rocky Cove - Rolling Cove - Salmon Cove - Sandy Cove - Sandy Cove - Santlers Cove - Sharks Cove - Ship Cove - Ship Cove - Shoe Cove - Skanes Cove - South West Bay - Spaniard's Bay - Spoon Cove - Stage Cove - Stake Maul Gulch - Taylors Cove - Taylors Gulch - The Bight - Turks Gut - Upper Back Cove - Upper Cove - Upper Island Cove - Upper Long Cove - Whalens Cove - Whiteway Bay - Whiteway Harbour - Woody Island Cove - Courages Beach - Easter Beach - Finky Beach - Flynns Dock - Kings Beach - Little Beach - Little Beach - Long Beach - Long Beach - Long Beach - Long Beach - Pynns Beach - Short Beach - The Backside - The Scrape - Avalon Peninsula - Bartletts Head - Battery Head - Bay Roberts Point - Beachy Cove Point - Bears Cove Point - Bears Point - Bens Head - Big Head - Big Island - Bishops Point - Black Point - Blow Me Down Head - Brigus Head - Bryants Cove Point - Bulls Head - Burgess Point - Burnt Head - Burnt Point - Caplin Cove Point - Coley's Point - Colliers Point - Coopers Head - Cranberry Point - Crockers Point - Cronins Head - Davies Head - Dawe Head - Dawes Head - Deep Water Point - Feather Point - Feather Point - Flag Staff - Foxtrap Head - Gallows Cove Point - Grassey Point - Great Head - Green Head - Green Head - Green Point - Gull Head - Jersey - Jones Head - Jugglers Point - Kelligrews Point - Lassy Point - Mad Point - Moses Point - Mosquito Point - Net Point - Newmans Point - North Head - Norther Point - Old Sow Point - Peters Finger - Point of Beach - Sailing Point - Salmon Cove Point - Seal Head - Sharks Head - Ship Cove Point - Ship Head - Shoal Point - Shoal Point - Solomon Earles Point - Sopers Point - South Point - Souther Point - Spaniards Bay Point - Spare Point - Spectacle Head - Tarrys Point - Taylors Head - The Arch - The Bachelor - The Head - The Point - Turks Head - Western Point - Windy Point - Woody Point - Dully Fare - Souther Fare - Darbys Arm - Darbys Leg - North Head - Snorters Head - The Gates - Sheppards First Grove - Sheppards Second Grove - The Grove - Uncle Dicks Grove - Yetmans Grove - Bakers Island - Bell Island - Bosun Island - Carbonear Island - Coadys Island - Fergus Island - Freshwater Island - Harbour Grace Islands - Hibbs Cove Island - Jugglers Cove Island - Kellys Island - Mollys Island - Pea Island - Port de Grave Island - Round Island - Sculpin Island - Spracklins Island - Andersons Pond - Arnies Pond - Backside Pond - Banky Pond - Bannerman Lake - Bar Pond - Barrys Pond - Bartletts Gully - Bats Pond - Battens Pond - Beaver Pond - Beaver Pond - Beaver Pond - Beaver Pond - Beaver Pond - Bell Pond - Bell Pond - Big Gull Pond - Big Gully - Big Island Pond - Big Pond - Big Pond - Big Round Pond - Big Suttons Pond - Bishops Gully - Bishops Pond - Black Duck Pond - Black Duck Pond - Black Duck Pond - Bog Pond - Bowes Long Pond - Bowes Round Pond - Brazils Pond - Bread and Cheese Cove Pond - Bridges Pond - Brigus Long Pond - Bryants Cove Pond - Bull Pond - Camels Back Pond - Camels Back Pond - Campbells Gully - Carbonear Long Pond - Carbonear Pond - Cat Hill Pond - Cavendish Pond - Chalkers Pond - Circle Pond - Clarke's Beach Pond - Clarke's Pond - Coopers Pond - Cottage Pond - Country Pond - Cow Pond - Crooked Pond - Cross Pond - Cuff Pond - Cupids Big Pond - Cupids Pond - Darby Queen Pond - Deep Hole - Dennys Pond - Dinnys Pond - Drakes Pond - Easter Steady Pond - Eastern Island Pond - Eastern Steady Pond - First Gully - First Pond - First Pond - First Pond - First Pond on the Barrens - Flings Big Pond - Flings Long Pond - Four Corner Pond - Fourth Pond - Fox Pond - Fox Pond - Frog Marsh Pond - Giles Pond - Goose Pond - Grassy Gullies - Grassy Pond - Greens Gully - Gull Pond - Gull Pond - Gull Pond - Gully Garden - Gunners Pond - Harbour Pond - Hat Pond - Hay Bag Pond - Hoskins Pond - Hunts Gully - Inside Island Cove Pond - Island Cove Pond - Island Pond - Island Pond - Island Pond - Island Pond Gully - Jack Lears Gully - James Gully - Jimmy Rowes Pond - John MacLeans Pond - John Williams Pond - Kellys Pond - Kings Pond - Lady Lake - Little Coopers Pond - Little Flings Pond - Little Gull Pond - Little Island Pond - Little Pond - Little Pond - Little Rinders Pond - Little Rocky Pond - London Pond - Long Beach Pond - Long Beach Pond - Long Island Pond - Long Pond - Long Pond - Long Pond - Long Pond - Loo Pond - Lower Valley Pond - Luthers Gullies - Maidens Ponds - Mattys Pond - McCarthys Pond - Mint Cove Pond - Mosquito Pond - Muddy Gully - Muddy Hole - Mussel Bed Pond - Neddie Smiths Pond - Neddie Smith's Pond - Nine Island Pond - Normans Pond - Normans Pond - Northeast Gully - Northern Cove Pond - Ocean Pond - Outside Island Cove Pond - Peddles Pond - Pegs Pond - Pikes Pond - Pitchers Pond - Red Rock Pond - Rinders Pond - Riverhead Long Pond - Rocky Gully - Rocky Gully - Rocky Pond - Rocky Pond - Rocky Pond - Rocky Pond - Rocky Pond - Rossiters Pond - Round Pond - Round Pond - Round Pond - Round Pond - Saltwater Pond - Saltwater Pond - Saw Pit Gully - Scotch Pond - Second Pond - Second Pond - Second Pond - Seymours Gullies - Shanahans Gully - Shearstown Pond - Sheas Gully - Ship Cove Pond - Sloans Gully - Snows Pond - South Pond - Spider Pond - Spruce Pond - Spruce Pond - Suttons Gullies - Suttons Pond - Sweetwater Pond - The Bower - The Coish - The Gullies - The Pond that Feeds the Brook - The Ponds - The Sisters - Third Pond - Third Pond - Third Pond - Three Aunt Kates - Three Corner Pond - Three Corner Pond - Tickle Ponds - Tilt Hill Gully - Tilton Pond - Tuckers Gully - Upper Duck Pond - Upper Rocky Pond - Valley Ponds - Warm Gullies - Webbers Pond - Western Island Pond - White Hill Pond - Whitewood Pond - The Quay - Alderberry Hill - Bald Hill - Biddys Mount - Big Hill - Big Lookout - Black Point Hill - Bob Dawes Hill - Brazils Hill - Brennans Hill - Brigus Highlands - Brigus Lookout - Bulger Rock - Bull Bird Hill - Bull Birds Hill - Camels Back - Cat Hills - Church Hill - Clarkes Hill - Corbetts Hill - Cow Hill - Crow Hill - Crows Nest - Cupids Hill - Dicks Hill - Dinner Hill - Dock Mountain - Flag Staff Hill - Flats - Flour Barrel Hill - Foleys Hill - Foxes Rocks - Frog Marsh Hills - Gibbet Hill - Greens Hill - Hardy Hill - Harrys Hill - Highlands - Jackies Pinch - Jewels Hill - Jimmy Rowes Hill - Little Mash Hill - Long Point Hill - Lower Hawke Hill - Lower Hawks Nest - Markys Hill - Maul Tree Hill - Mountain Jack - Muddy Hole Hill - Nut Tree - Otter Holes - Partridgeberry Hill - Patsy Bryants Hill - Peak of the Reef - Riverhead Hills - Robert Hill - Roberts Lookout - Rocky Hills - Rods Hill - Saddle Hill - Salmon Cove Ridge - Saw Pit Hill - Seal Lookout - Sheppards Hill - Shoal Harbour Hill - Skating Rock - Snows Ridge - Spruce Hill - The Gully Nap - The Indian - The Lookout - The Mountain - The Mountain - The Pond Nap - The Ridge - The Scrape - The Tolts - The Turfy Spot - Thumb Peak - Tilt Hill - Tilts Hill - Twin Peak - Uncle Nats Hill - Upper Hawke Hill - Upper Hawks Nest - Vinegar Hill - Vinegar Hill - Welch Hill - St. John's Metropolitan Area - Backside Pond Provincial Park - Hawthorne Cottage National Historic Site of Canada - Lieu historique national du Canada du Cottage-Hawthorne - Newfoundland T'Railway Provincial Park - The Plain - Andersons Brook - Apses Brook - Bannerman River - Beaver Pond Brook - Bell Pond Brook - Bowes Brook - Brigus North Brook - Cow Pond Brook - Doyles Brook - Dram Cup - East Brook - Fairy Marsh Brook - Goulds Brook - Gull Pond Brook - Horse Brook - Island Pond Brook - Kelligrews River - Lambes Brook - Long Pond Brook - Mill Brook - Mosquito Brook - North River - Pitchers Pond Brook - Powells Brook - Rattling Brook - Rodgers Brook - Running Brook - Ryans Brook - Shearstown Brook - South River - South River - South West Brook - West Brook - The Klondike - Bell Rock - Bettlers Rock - Boil Rocks - Boulder Bank - Bull Rock - Drummers Rock - Drying Rocks - Drying Rocks - Eastern Rock - Haypook - Little Easter Rock - Long Harry Rock - Mad Rocks - Middle Rock - Mugford Rock - My Lord - Northeast Rock - Old Sow Rock - Ragged Rocks - Salmon Rock - Salvage Rock - Sandy Ground - Saucy Joe Rock - Shag Rock - Sisters - Sopers Rock - Southern Rock - Southern Rocks - Stage Cove Rock - Stage Rock - Sunken Rocks - The Bar - The Bell - The Clapper - The Mare and Foal - The Sunker - The Three Sisters - Tuckers Mill - White Rock - White Rock - Bay Roberts - Bishop's Cove - Brigus - Bryant's Cove - Carbonear - Clarke's Beach - Conception Bay South - Conception Harbour - Cupids - Hant's Harbour - Harbour Grace - North River - South River - Spaniard's Bay - Spaniard's Bay-Tilton - Upper Island Cove - Whiteway - Bareneed - Beachy Cove - Birch Hills - Bishops Beach - Black Duck Pond - Blow Me Down - Brigus - Brigus Gullies - Bristol's Hope - Bryants Cove - Burnt Head - Butlerville - Cavendish - Coley's Point - Coley's Point South - Cooperage - Country Road - Crockers Cove - Cupids Crossing - Eastern Corner - Emerald Vale - Frenchs Cove - Freshwater - Frog Marsh - Georgetown - Goddenville - Goulds - Greenland - Green's Harbour - Gullies - Gullies - Halls Town - Harbour Grace (Southside) - Harbour Grace South - Hibbs Cove - Juniper Stump - Kelligrews - Makinson - Makinsons - Mercer's Cove - North Valley - North West Arm - Otterbury - Otterbury - Parsonsville - Parsonville - Pick Eyes - Port de Grave - Riverhead - Riverhead - Roaches Line - Salmon Cove - Sandy Beach - Sharks Cove - Shearstown - Ship Cove - Southside - Spoon Cove - Springfield - Stevensons Village - The Battery - The Broads - The Dock - The Motion - The Thicket - Tilton - Devils Hole - Bakeapple Marsh - Bell Pond Marsh - Black Mash - Fairy Marsh - Frog Marsh - Grandma Gosses Marsh - Hay House Marsh - Highland Marsh - Juniper Marsh - Lowlands - Mains Marsh - Sooleys Marsh - The Pasture - Yellow Marsh - Hibbs Hole